Friend, I've had some thoughts on my mind for a long time about the way WE as pastors are operating Global Ministries. I have been running from penning them for a while, but God wouldn't allow me to do anything this morning until I write PART 1
Be Warned - You are suffering for so many weeks, months, years simply because as Ordained Ministers - We are really called to use offerings and tithes to empower our members and setup assets to deal with the Church's Liablities, but no one is bothering with that. I hate the phrase God's Money - I have never seen any Pastor Western Union it to God after a service. We should say, "Money to support God's Work" God is preparing to clean his house in 2013 and pour down his wrath upon the Ministers of Disobedience because he is saying that in NO RECESSION - his people should suffer. He placed Joseph to tell the Pharoah what to do during that recessional time. He has placed us as ministers to guide his people, but we are not doing it and he is angry and preparing to DESTROY.
As Dare 2 BE Different Interational prepares to host our January 2013 Crusade at Greenlands Park from the 7th - 11th and then let Pastor Kelvin Jones cut the ribbon to continue on in Dr. William Connor's Legacy of Establishing CHurches on Sunday, 13th January, 2013. God has charged The Dare 2 Be Different Victory Centre and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church to set the example to world as what True New Testament Church should be.
Read today's article at:
Moving Forward in January 2013, Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church have partnered to introduce not only preaching and prayer, but much of our efforts will be on MEMBER EMPOWERMENT for OUR SUPPORTING MEMBERS. We will be creating and providing jobs, opening small businesses, helping current small business owners who are our members advertise, debt conselling, free legal advice to deal with debts and get them under control. With a closed government supply unit, we'll be importing basic needs such as flour, milk, rice and starting our own Supply Office.
We will ensure that between Dare 2 Be Different International and The Mount Carmel Baptist church, we have busineses selling nearly everything that our members need to keep money flowing among our members which is therefore empowering and encouraging.
We will be buying our own blocks making machines capable of producing 2000 blocks per day and importing tons of cement, steel, galvanize to help our members finally build houses or renovate.
We are preparing to restore the GLOW that should be on EVERY BELIEVER's FACE.
This is but 0.01% of our ideas for 2013 as Dare 2 Be Different turns 5 and Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones and The Mount Carmel Baptist Church celebrates 50 years of Radical Baptist Witness in St. Kitts - Nevis
Every Child we Christen at Mount Carmel or The Victory Centre, will fall under Sister Yvette Wallace's M.Ed Child Empowerment Ministry. While we do not encourage children out of wedlock, she will work with new mothers and fathers to teach them the proper care, old time mothods and teach them to read from early as she taugh her 4 sons to do from age 3. Mount Carmel & The Victory Centre is all about using all of our members.
We honestly don't care about a big church. What we care about is IMPACTING, EMPOWERING, EVANGELIZING and building the kingdom of God.
We refuse to let our members sit and die in a CRISES when we were placed on this earth to help. Sign up to be a Victory Centre Member at: or send us an email at:
We have partnered with Buses to run the entire St. Kitts Circle - Just ask to attend one of our services and we'll pick you up - even if it's you alone - That's how much we care about starting to help IMMEDIATELY
Don't Say We Never Extended Our Hand To Help - Call Sister Malvy at Mount Carmel for Transportation from the east - 869-762-4906
or Brother Khrystus for transportion from the West to attend either The Victory Centre Service at 8:30am or The Mount Carmel Baptist Service at 10am or both.
869-663-0114 / BB PIN: 2A3CBAA3 / Email:
You now have no excuse to miss church and say it was too early or too late. We'll be on the two sides of the islands, close to the bus route. Once you are apart of any of these two fellowships - you are guaranted Sound Preaching, Constant Prayer and Member Empowerment.
Be sure to be there on New Years Morning 2013 as we officially launch The Dr. William Connor Foundation and Ring The Bell To Signal the start of our 50 years of Celebration of Radical Baptist Witness across St. Kitts - Nevis as Dr. Jones and The Mount Carmel Baptist CHurch plan to lead the way and write the next 50 years of Baptist History Across The World
We promise to lead the way in Ministry in St. Kitts - Nevis, The Caribbean and The World from 2013 with a Fresh Vision
Dare 2 Be Different International ( seeks to cover stories that the regular media has left out. It is leading the way covering key news stories that are usually not reported to the world. As you read about the different happenings, always remember to breathe a word of prayer for those being covered. The world stays following the brilliant and talented 30 year old Brother Khrystus and His Team's Fearless - Encouraging - Inspiring and sometimes FUN Articles.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Mount Carmel Baptist & Dare 2 Be Different Partner to turn world upside Down
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas 2012 from all our Dare 2 Be Different International Hubs across the world
On behalf of Dare 2 Be Different International - St. Kitts -, Kenya -, Ghana -, St. Vincent and The Grenadines - and pending centres in the USA, UK, The Philippines, India, Pakistan, The Bahamas, Antigua, Nevis, Tortola, Germany, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and trust that you remember the true meaning of the Season - Jesus The Greatest Gift of All Was sent as a gift to earth the redeem mankind. May you consider trusting Jesus as Lord of your life today. Burdened? Struggling? Depressed? Feeling Forsaken? Then God setup this message to do either two things.
1. To encourage you to hold on to him and stay trusting if you are a believer
2. To cause you to repent and get saved TODAY - Learn more about the Salvation Plan at:
In Christ,
Khrystus Wallace, President & Founder
1. To encourage you to hold on to him and stay trusting if you are a believer
2. To cause you to repent and get saved TODAY - Learn more about the Salvation Plan at:
In Christ,
Khrystus Wallace, President & Founder
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Best 2012 Christmas Program of The Season - Tonight
The Dare 2 Be Different Media Department (Internet TV: and Radio: made a stop at The Mount Carmel Baptist Church just last night to capture clips for this report and the hardwork being put into this concert was amazing.
"Come on! Come On! Let's Go! Tomorrow is the concert and you're still going off key?" Those were the words of Veteran Keyboard Player Brother Frank Claxton as he was practising an individual for The Mount Carmel Baptist Church Christmas Program 2012.

The Christmas Programme will feature Sunday Schools under its wing at Cayon and Keys and Dare to Be Different International -, the ministry that adopted the church in September 2012 and is adding a fresh set of 21st century innovation and enthusiasm to the ministry, especially with regards to impacting the youth.
Don't miss the program tonight!
Venue: Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Borreyeau, St. Kitts
Times: 7:30pm
Hard work, much effort and top class ministry is what God requires of all his Kingdom Builders and nothing less. That is the standard and level of Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones as he scheduled practices every day. The program will see children, youth and adults reciting, singing, dancing and more.
Highlights of the evening include The Cayon High School Steel Orchestra, The Dare 2 Be Different Drama Group featuring Director Joy Codrington from the Popular YouTube Video - My Honey Can't Cook
, The Mount Carmel Baptist Youth Choir that will be releasing its first ever Album in 2013 sponsored by Dare 2 Be Different International and Brother Khrystus Wallace, renowned Caribbean Gospel Master of Ceremonies who knows how to entertain and still creatively spread hopeful, positive messages and carves in the Word of God, will be cheering the program as The Angel Gabriel. The final high-light would be the lighting of Jesus' 2012 Birthday Cake.
Don't Miss It! Since at Mount Carmel, we are more about IMPACTING than COLLECTING and very mindful of the economic times, there is NO CHARGE for the Best 2012 Christmas Concert but a love offering will be collected and Jesus' Birthday Cake Will Be On Sale.
Pictures from the Last Practice along with church members decorating and watching on.
"Come on! Come On! Let's Go! Tomorrow is the concert and you're still going off key?" Those were the words of Veteran Keyboard Player Brother Frank Claxton as he was practising an individual for The Mount Carmel Baptist Church Christmas Program 2012.

The Christmas Programme will feature Sunday Schools under its wing at Cayon and Keys and Dare to Be Different International -, the ministry that adopted the church in September 2012 and is adding a fresh set of 21st century innovation and enthusiasm to the ministry, especially with regards to impacting the youth.
Don't miss the program tonight!
Venue: Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Borreyeau, St. Kitts
Times: 7:30pm
Hard work, much effort and top class ministry is what God requires of all his Kingdom Builders and nothing less. That is the standard and level of Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones as he scheduled practices every day. The program will see children, youth and adults reciting, singing, dancing and more.
, The Mount Carmel Baptist Youth Choir that will be releasing its first ever Album in 2013 sponsored by Dare 2 Be Different International and Brother Khrystus Wallace, renowned Caribbean Gospel Master of Ceremonies who knows how to entertain and still creatively spread hopeful, positive messages and carves in the Word of God, will be cheering the program as The Angel Gabriel. The final high-light would be the lighting of Jesus' 2012 Birthday Cake.
Don't Miss It! Since at Mount Carmel, we are more about IMPACTING than COLLECTING and very mindful of the economic times, there is NO CHARGE for the Best 2012 Christmas Concert but a love offering will be collected and Jesus' Birthday Cake Will Be On Sale.
Pictures from the Last Practice along with church members decorating and watching on.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Prime Minister Denzil Douglas of St. Kitts - Nevis Calls On Godman - Hope For 2013
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Prime Minister of St. Kitts - Nevis Dr. Denzil L. Douglas requested an urgent meeting this afternoon December 18th 2012 with President and Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International - Mr. Khrystus "Never Give Up - Hope Is Ahead" Wallace today, having received a letter from him on 30th November, 2012 stating that his ministry was ordained by God for such a time as this to help turn the country around.
Wallace in his letter to the Country's Top Gun said that it was imperative that youths get empowerment IMMEDIATELY as they were hurting and ready to give up during such a trying time globally and God wanted to make St. Kitts - Nevis an example to the world as just what could happen when God's People Get Involved.
Prime Minister Douglas asked Wallace to share in detail much of his ideas and Wallace spent well over three hours pouring out his heart to the Leader of The Country who, recognizing Wallace's Passion to help young people, quickly called others to listen and ask the 26 year old visionary any questions about his ideas to which they began shooting like crazy and got immediate responses from the young man.
Wallace specially outlined his Dare 2 Be Different Multi-Million Dollar Project along with other ideas. Wallace stated, "God's people have the ideas and the power to turn this country around and many jobs and new businesses would be guaranteed if his team got involved. Construction jobs, agro-processing, new small businesses etc .
"Later on, once wel finalize all approvals, our Mission Centre Project will create construction jobs for hundreds of individuals for up to five years and our Architectural Firm GWH Architects was ardently working on the drawings recognizing the urgency for such a Mega Mission Centre"
Wallace continued, "As much as I want our Main Ministry Project to get started, I am more interested in empowering youths who are hurting, depressed and suicidal
The team that Douglas called to his chambers all stood amazed at the thinking of a this 26 year old called young man. Douglas asked Wallace if he didn't have a consultancy firm to share his ideas and get business from around the world, to which Wallace quickly responded YES and gave the website -
Wallace said, "God has uniquely prepared and equipped me over the years to not just be a good speaker, writer and thinker, but I am fully equipped to provide an all in one service and print t-shirts, banners, mugs, pens, pencils, use social media and other up to date marketing tools to reach the world." Wallace stated that he knows what it is to have it all, then lose it all like Job and was fully aware of where the country was lacking and needed the help most.
Douglas was amazed and made a unilateral decision on the spot to use Wallace's Consulting Services with his Labour Party and get more of Wallace's God sent 21st Century ideas. Douglas told Wallace that his thinking was deep and he would recommend him to other parties and businesses as he travels the world.
Wallace accepted under the condition of a CONSULTING WORK-ONLY policy and no payment would ever sensor him from speaking out and advocating for the youth and the Prime Minister agreed.
Khrystus Wallace, has been speaking out and advocating on behalf of the youths around the Caribbean and The World for the past 4 years of his ministry. He commented, "God doesn't sleep or slumber. Nothing happens before its time. God suffered me in business and caused me to struggle to get my attention so that I can do his work and fight for youth and the people without entering the political arena. See - I'm not running for elections but working for people and putting COUNTRY ABOVE SELF all privately JUST TO EMPOWER?
It is interesting to see how God looks after his hard vineyard workers. Here am I struggling in business and staying Hopeful and optimistic as my website recommends and God sends Dare 2 Be Diffeent's 5th Anniversary and Christmas Gift - Support from The St. Kitts - Nevis Sugar and Industry Diversification Fund - SIDF that has been set up to work for the people along with an Independent and Private Consulting Job for my
"That's just how God works - Delivers and provides in the midst of storms - We can't ever give up folks," commented Wallace.
Prime Minister Douglas ended by saying, "I care about the nation. I really do and My Government will work along with the Fresh Vision of Dare 2 Be Different International -
Those were the very same words uttered by Pastor Kelvin Jones of The Mount Carmel Baptist Church - St. Kitts -
In Wallace's Letter to Prime Minister Douglas, he had warned of the importance of listening to God's Servants who were really called and had a vision to not just HELP THEMSELVES AND RAPE MEMBERS OF THEIR EVERYTHING, but who had a fresh vision to empower. Wallace shared 1% of the unique and innovative empowerment activities for his members and Prime Minister Douglas opened his eyes and commented that he had never seen or heard of any Minister of the Gospel around the world going to that extreme to look after their members with such mavellous plans.
Wallace told the St. Kitts - Nevis Prime Minister that on one of the websites his team will build, it will provide an immediate access to him from the people to hear their concerns which is usually a problem with nearly ALL Politicians after they are elected and that was very dangerous.
The end of the Wallace's Letter to the Prime Minister of St. Kitts - Nevis on 30th November, 2012 stated:
"Do you remember what happened to the Pharoah in Joseph’s the Dreamer’s Day because he listened to the interpretation of the dream by Joseph - A man after God's own heart? His nation prevailed and Joseph was promoted to work very close to him and carry out his ideas. I can see that happening to you sir, once you work with this God-Sent Project and our ideas at such a time as this. The world will stand amazed to see how St. Kitts - Nevis turned around simply because you gave the approval."
Wallace assured his Youth Following and Adult Supporters that Hope was Ahead in 2013 and after such good news direct from God, his ministry had NO CHOICE but to open theNew Year with a Mega Crusade at Green Lands Park from the 7th - 11th January, 2013 with a grand Gospel Concert on the 12th where we would welcome in the New Year giving God thanks, empowering the people and begin registering Youths and Adults For His Dare 2 Be Different S.I.D.F Supported Ministry Programs that will begin to help them to put money in their pockets IMMEDIATELY.
St. Kitts - Nevis is invited to the Green Lands Park from 7th - 11th January, 2013 and the world can watch and listen live via the internet. Without even asking, The Prime Minister who has called on a Godman to help empower the country, will be sponsoring media coverage of the crusade so that it reaches all.
The ministry had its official opening in August 2008 at that same spot and will host its Fifth Anniversary Launch Celebrations there which is quite historic.
Wallace is expected to officially launch 2 of his 7 books to the world during that week and allow individuals to buy there or online around the world as they listen.
Wallace made it clear that his Consulting Job with the St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party Government still keeps him independent and had the People's Action Movement reached out to him, he would have helped too, because God didn't give him his ideas for HIM - but to HELP A NATION as he believes firstly in COUNTRY ABOVE SELF.
Hope is Definitely Ahead in 2013 with the God-Planted Dare 2 Be Different International - a 4 year old ministry turning 5 that God has finally approved for help to EMPOWER THE NATION.
Wallace also took the opportunity to tell the world
, would continue to grow and offer Consulting help globally to political parties from a youth perspective, new and struggling businesses, ministries, along with motivational speeches for all sorts of events. His firm helps individuals publish books and market them online and provides marketing services especially through The Caribbean Auction Site -
Wallace is expected to officially launch 2 of his 7 books to the world during that week and allow individuals to buy there or online around the world as they listen.
Wallace made it clear that his Consulting Job with the St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party Government still keeps him independent and had the People's Action Movement reached out to him, he would have helped too, because God didn't give him his ideas for HIM - but to HELP A NATION as he believes firstly in COUNTRY ABOVE SELF.
Hope is Definitely Ahead in 2013 with the God-Planted Dare 2 Be Different International - a 4 year old ministry turning 5 that God has finally approved for help to EMPOWER THE NATION.
Wallace also took the opportunity to tell the world that
Wallace markets his servies across North America through:
Dare 2 Be Different Media Department
Internet TV
Dare 2 Be Different Media Department
Internet TV -
Internet Radio -
Monday, December 17, 2012
Travel to St. Kitts for US$750 - Act Now - Ticket, Accommodation, Food, Transportation
Dare 2 Be Different International - is turning 5 in 2013 and we are constantly asking for gifts, and prizes for individuals and favour is coming our way. We already have branches in St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Kenya, Ghana and we are opening in Florida, New York, Germany, Antigua, Tortola, The Philippines etc very soon. God is indeed working.
We have an opportunity for 15 people to travel to St. Kitts to see what we are doing for only US750 between April - Dec, 2013. (We'll buy your Ticket,Accommodation, Tour You, etc) Act now. Email: for more information or call the President: 869-663-0114
Offer expires as soon as all 15 spots are gone. Any monies paid after the 15 will be returned.
Pay via paypal email now:
Via our Website with debit or credit card:
Email: to request wire information.
We have an opportunity for 15 people to travel to St. Kitts to see what we are doing for only US750 between April - Dec, 2013. (We'll buy your Ticket,Accommodation, Tour You, etc) Act now. Email: for more information or call the President: 869-663-0114
Offer expires as soon as all 15 spots are gone. Any monies paid after the 15 will be returned.
Pay via paypal email now:
Via our Website with debit or credit card:
Email: to request wire information.
This would make a great FAMILY TRIP if a FAMILY ACTS FAST!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Early Christmas Gift: Khrystus Wallace Rated 2nd Top Motivational Speaker in Miramar - Florida
Khrystus Wallace, who is a member of, a business that researches and recommends Service Providers in particular areas has been rated as the 2nd Top Speaker in the Miramar - Florida - USA area.
His other ratings are:
2nd Most Reviewed Motivational Speaker
2nd Most Vetted Motivational Speaker
3rd Most Affordable Motivational Speaker
3rd Most Popular Motivational Speaker
Wallace registered this particular speaking service under his Supply Shop Inc Business in Florida in 2010 when he started it. It took 2 years of continuous writings, videos, inspirational pieces, constant social media updates before rising to that level.
Khrystus commented, "This is an early God Sent Christmas Gift For Me! If I don't receive anything else, this rating covers it all as I plan to go all out and global from 2013 with my Dare To Be Different Motivational Programs, Speeches, Youth and Adult Events and Global Crusades too. 2013 is a big year for me personally and for us as a ministry because we turn 5. We plan to celebrate it from 1st January, 2013 - December, 31st 2013 and many of our team members will get to travel the Caribbean and The World with us to do ministry, crusades, and help me host empowerment and training sessions etc. We are most excited and have no doubt in our minds that God will provide."
The public endorsement online lists and and The Caribbean's Auction Site - among Wallace's Most Inspirational Websites.
The website features Wallace's July 2012 Featured Graduation Address at The Beach Allen Primary School - St. Kitts titled: Choice Not Chance Determines Your Destiny. It links back to Wallace's YouTube TV with other motivational addresses, Sermons, Dramas etc. also follows and monitors all of its clients Social Media Accounts to see their updates and contributions to society before it publicly recognizes them or rates them.
Wallace is also DOJ Smart Search verified. This means he has passed all of the below tests and scrutiny.
Wallace concluded by saying, "I believe one of the keys to becoming a great speaker is to be as open about one's personal life as possible. It helps people to relate to you, see you as a real person with challenges and struggles too and not some big perfect SUPERSTAR. It is also nice to have gone through a challenge, or challenges and show how you overcame or are overcoming. So, like Job, Like Daniel, Like Peter, Like Paul, Like Joseph, God has allowed me to pass through many challenges in my life as preparation for a great future speaking Career. The Greatest Speakers always have a personal story.
Wallace particularly likes sharing about being taken before a church board and ridiculed for accepting many invitations to preach and spread the gospel and having to resign from Children's Director at age 21 at a former church and start Dare 2 Be Different International -, a ministry that has grown to impact the world in 4 short years using the technology. He said he is MOST GRATEFUL for this happening, because had he not been ridiculed, he would have just probably been a regular church goer impacting a few individuals. Wallace publicly thanked those involved for their promotion assistance and helping him with a testimony by their actions."
Wallace is available to speak for gospel, business and other events as well as youth rallies, revivals, crusades etc around the GLOBE. He is superb in Conducting His Dare 2 Be Different Mission Mobilization Business Labs Workshops. Unlike regular business labs workshops, Wallace ensures that each participant leaves with a workable idea that is ready to implement, a WEBSITE, A FEW PRINTED SHIRTS, BUSINESS CARDS and FREE MARKETING CAPABILITIES via his ministry.
As a youth advocate, he is passionate about taking this program around the world, along with many other of his Dare 2 Be Different Ministry Projects, and is always willing to accept invitations especially to conduct this type of Business Empowerment Workshop.
Khrystus 'NEVER GIVE UP" Wallace's story of starting his first business selling gooseberries in Primary School to charging 50 cents to air a bicycle wheel to ordering a pack of 12 heat press papers on EBAY.COM and printing for his friends at age 13 and growing his business into by age 26 is always a lot of inspiration to his audiences and he usually leaves each speaking session with new clients who draw close to him wanting more after session empowerment and a closer relationship.
Quite different to most speakers, after speaking events or during the day while invited to preach overseas crusades, he is available and willing to help write business plans, teach online marketing, business skills, share ideas, teach website design, graphics design, screen printing, embroidery, heat press, banners and signs, trophies and awards, promotional item printing, help individuals, church members, pastors, ministers publish their books and cds Online, sell and market them online, teach businesses and ministries how to effectively use the internet to boost their organization, where to shop online for deals, equipment etc and so much more that he knows. Wallace is always willing to use his 9 years of customer discounts and relationships to help new businesses get started when he is invited around the globe.
Wallace said that the Federation individuals and organizations had 26 years to use him and only a few tapped in for help while so many others stayed away from God-Sent Help.. He said he considers those that came as ministry partners and will continue to help them because they jumped on board as partners. He will only be conducting his ministry empowerment events and taking overseas invitations as he believes that it is now time to help his current outside ministries, establish more ministries and empower other global followers who haven't had access to him.
Youth artistes, preachers and ministry folks form around the world are registering with Dare 2 Be Different International to be their manager, event planner, promoter. This new partnership will allow them opportunities to travel with Wallace around the world to minister and market their talents. As partners, Dare 2 Be Different International gives each artiste a free webpage, plans global concerts for them, sends them across its global ministries to minister at concerts, plans open airs, youth crusades for its youth preachers that are usually kept back in different countries, helps each youth artiste bring out their own line of clothes and memorabilia which include keyrings, mugs, pens, mousepads, etc and shows them how they can actually make a living from their talents
Youth artistes from Florida, New York, The Bahamas and St. Kitts have already taken on this offer.
Truly, booking Khrystus Wallace to travel to your island around the world, would not be a waste. You would definitely get more than a motivational speech, you'll get a package that Universities would charge you thousands in Tuition from The Multi-Talented Man of God that was lent to earth for such a time as this.
Email: to book Khrystus Wallace and/or his Dare 2 Be Different Team.
His other ratings are:
2nd Most Reviewed Motivational Speaker
2nd Most Vetted Motivational Speaker
3rd Most Affordable Motivational Speaker
3rd Most Popular Motivational Speaker
Wallace registered this particular speaking service under his Supply Shop Inc Business in Florida in 2010 when he started it. It took 2 years of continuous writings, videos, inspirational pieces, constant social media updates before rising to that level.
Khrystus commented, "This is an early God Sent Christmas Gift For Me! If I don't receive anything else, this rating covers it all as I plan to go all out and global from 2013 with my Dare To Be Different Motivational Programs, Speeches, Youth and Adult Events and Global Crusades too. 2013 is a big year for me personally and for us as a ministry because we turn 5. We plan to celebrate it from 1st January, 2013 - December, 31st 2013 and many of our team members will get to travel the Caribbean and The World with us to do ministry, crusades, and help me host empowerment and training sessions etc. We are most excited and have no doubt in our minds that God will provide."
The public endorsement online lists and and The Caribbean's Auction Site - among Wallace's Most Inspirational Websites.
The website features Wallace's July 2012 Featured Graduation Address at The Beach Allen Primary School - St. Kitts titled: Choice Not Chance Determines Your Destiny. It links back to Wallace's YouTube TV with other motivational addresses, Sermons, Dramas etc. also follows and monitors all of its clients Social Media Accounts to see their updates and contributions to society before it publicly recognizes them or rates them.
Wallace is also DOJ Smart Search verified. This means he has passed all of the below tests and scrutiny.
Professional License
We verify service pro's license with the state's licensing authority's database if he/she provides that information to Thumbtack.DOJ Smart Screen
We check to ensure each service provider is not a sexual offender using the Department of Justice's comprehensive, nationwide registry.National Criminal Check
We screen service pros through Acxiom Information Security Services' national criminal database of more than 600 million criminal record files if the service pro requests a background check.Thumbtack Review
We carefully review each service profile to ensure that it meets our community standards.Identity Verification
We verify the following identity details when they are provided by service pros:Email
Phone number
Social security number
Physical address
Social media accounts
Community verification
Thumbtack asks former clients to evaluate a service professionals quality of work, timeliness and professionalism.
Wallace concluded by saying, "I believe one of the keys to becoming a great speaker is to be as open about one's personal life as possible. It helps people to relate to you, see you as a real person with challenges and struggles too and not some big perfect SUPERSTAR. It is also nice to have gone through a challenge, or challenges and show how you overcame or are overcoming. So, like Job, Like Daniel, Like Peter, Like Paul, Like Joseph, God has allowed me to pass through many challenges in my life as preparation for a great future speaking Career. The Greatest Speakers always have a personal story.
Wallace particularly likes sharing about being taken before a church board and ridiculed for accepting many invitations to preach and spread the gospel and having to resign from Children's Director at age 21 at a former church and start Dare 2 Be Different International -, a ministry that has grown to impact the world in 4 short years using the technology. He said he is MOST GRATEFUL for this happening, because had he not been ridiculed, he would have just probably been a regular church goer impacting a few individuals. Wallace publicly thanked those involved for their promotion assistance and helping him with a testimony by their actions."
Wallace is available to speak for gospel, business and other events as well as youth rallies, revivals, crusades etc around the GLOBE. He is superb in Conducting His Dare 2 Be Different Mission Mobilization Business Labs Workshops. Unlike regular business labs workshops, Wallace ensures that each participant leaves with a workable idea that is ready to implement, a WEBSITE, A FEW PRINTED SHIRTS, BUSINESS CARDS and FREE MARKETING CAPABILITIES via his ministry.
As a youth advocate, he is passionate about taking this program around the world, along with many other of his Dare 2 Be Different Ministry Projects, and is always willing to accept invitations especially to conduct this type of Business Empowerment Workshop.
Khrystus 'NEVER GIVE UP" Wallace's story of starting his first business selling gooseberries in Primary School to charging 50 cents to air a bicycle wheel to ordering a pack of 12 heat press papers on EBAY.COM and printing for his friends at age 13 and growing his business into by age 26 is always a lot of inspiration to his audiences and he usually leaves each speaking session with new clients who draw close to him wanting more after session empowerment and a closer relationship.
Quite different to most speakers, after speaking events or during the day while invited to preach overseas crusades, he is available and willing to help write business plans, teach online marketing, business skills, share ideas, teach website design, graphics design, screen printing, embroidery, heat press, banners and signs, trophies and awards, promotional item printing, help individuals, church members, pastors, ministers publish their books and cds Online, sell and market them online, teach businesses and ministries how to effectively use the internet to boost their organization, where to shop online for deals, equipment etc and so much more that he knows. Wallace is always willing to use his 9 years of customer discounts and relationships to help new businesses get started when he is invited around the globe.
Wallace said that the Federation individuals and organizations had 26 years to use him and only a few tapped in for help while so many others stayed away from God-Sent Help.. He said he considers those that came as ministry partners and will continue to help them because they jumped on board as partners. He will only be conducting his ministry empowerment events and taking overseas invitations as he believes that it is now time to help his current outside ministries, establish more ministries and empower other global followers who haven't had access to him.
Youth artistes, preachers and ministry folks form around the world are registering with Dare 2 Be Different International to be their manager, event planner, promoter. This new partnership will allow them opportunities to travel with Wallace around the world to minister and market their talents. As partners, Dare 2 Be Different International gives each artiste a free webpage, plans global concerts for them, sends them across its global ministries to minister at concerts, plans open airs, youth crusades for its youth preachers that are usually kept back in different countries, helps each youth artiste bring out their own line of clothes and memorabilia which include keyrings, mugs, pens, mousepads, etc and shows them how they can actually make a living from their talents
Youth artistes from Florida, New York, The Bahamas and St. Kitts have already taken on this offer.
Truly, booking Khrystus Wallace to travel to your island around the world, would not be a waste. You would definitely get more than a motivational speech, you'll get a package that Universities would charge you thousands in Tuition from The Multi-Talented Man of God that was lent to earth for such a time as this.
Email: to book Khrystus Wallace and/or his Dare 2 Be Different Team.
Dear Dare 2 Be Different International Global Follower,
The fact that you either opened this email, read this blog or opened this CNN iReport, means that you have some interest in the current political situation in the small 68 square mile island of St. Kitts - Nevis.
I would not use this forum to get into any details and publicly support any political party. Simply search the internet to find out what is going on in one of the smallest islands in the world.
My spirit led me to stop my business doings call upon my local team and global team and following around the world to PRAY.
There are no two ways about it. I smell DANGER, CONFUSION, AND BOWELS OF ANGER AND HATE around this Christmas Season 2012. Unless those who fully believe that GOD IS STILL WELL ABLE - begin to make a DIFFERENCE and PRAY, we cannot be certain what to expect.
Dare 2 Be Different International refuses to sit back idly as God's Global 21st Century Mouthpiece when we are at such a critical time in our Nation's History. We will pray and continue to call for PEACE among our Politicians and Peoples.
Sis Patricia Sampson - Dare 2 Be Different's Global Prayer and Intercessory Director will function in her capacity tonight at 8pm at our Dare 2 Be Different International Hub at Boyds - St. Kitts.
Church Leaders and Christians are invited to be apart. If you can't join us, we will again lead the way with technology in ministry. We will be using a conference line to connect the world and keep folks praying. This conference line dial-in number: (559) 726-1200 and can only accomodate 1000 persons at any given time.
For callers joining the conference call using Skype, first add 'freeconferencing.5597261200' At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, Skype callers will select the contact and click Call. Next, they will locate the key pad and enter the access code when prompted.
We are rallying our established Dare 2 Be Different International Branch Directors to gather your teams and pray for the Political Situation in St. Kitts - Nevis and around the Caribbean. For our incoming directors in 2013 in THE USA, UK, GERMANY, The Philippines, Bahamas, Antigua, India and Pakistan, we kindly ask you to pray too and if you can, join us at 8pm EST on Tuesday, 11th December, 2012 online at:
The fact that you either opened this email, read this blog or opened this CNN iReport, means that you have some interest in the current political situation in the small 68 square mile island of St. Kitts - Nevis.
I would not use this forum to get into any details and publicly support any political party. Simply search the internet to find out what is going on in one of the smallest islands in the world.
My spirit led me to stop my business doings call upon my local team and global team and following around the world to PRAY.
President and Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International - 26 year old Khrystus Wallace |
There are no two ways about it. I smell DANGER, CONFUSION, AND BOWELS OF ANGER AND HATE around this Christmas Season 2012. Unless those who fully believe that GOD IS STILL WELL ABLE - begin to make a DIFFERENCE and PRAY, we cannot be certain what to expect.
Dare 2 Be Different International refuses to sit back idly as God's Global 21st Century Mouthpiece when we are at such a critical time in our Nation's History. We will pray and continue to call for PEACE among our Politicians and Peoples.
Sis Patricia Sampson - Dare 2 Be Different's Global Prayer and Intercessory Director will function in her capacity tonight at 8pm at our Dare 2 Be Different International Hub at Boyds - St. Kitts.
Church Leaders and Christians are invited to be apart. If you can't join us, we will again lead the way with technology in ministry. We will be using a conference line to connect the world and keep folks praying. This conference line dial-in number: (559) 726-1200 and can only accomodate 1000 persons at any given time.
For callers joining the conference call using Skype, first add 'freeconferencing.5597261200' At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, Skype callers will select the contact and click Call. Next, they will locate the key pad and enter the access code when prompted.
We are rallying our established Dare 2 Be Different International Branch Directors to gather your teams and pray for the Political Situation in St. Kitts - Nevis and around the Caribbean. For our incoming directors in 2013 in THE USA, UK, GERMANY, The Philippines, Bahamas, Antigua, India and Pakistan, we kindly ask you to pray too and if you can, join us at 8pm EST on Tuesday, 11th December, 2012 online at:
WE ARE CALLING UPON EVERY BORN AGAIN BELIEVER - Let's put barriers of DENOMINATIONS ASIDE AND CALL UPON OUR GOD - We refuse to have a similar EGYPT uprising in one of the small nations on earth
James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
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