Whop! Whap! Whop! Whap! I could feel them for Brother Allen and honestly, I got one or two of them. I am a little embroiderer and screen printer from www.thecaribbeanprintshop.com and therefore not accustomed to the rough life, so I stepped away and supported Former Officer Allen in my spirit.
I know it was something bad to step back, but I'm sure you would have done it too with those blows that were throwing. I just let him handle himself. After all, he was the Former Police Officer who should have received training to handle such fierce battles. Just like John Cena always makes a comeback when ever his competitors seem to be winning, Officer Allen did just that too - Whop! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! and more WHAPS. He through punches left, right and centre and I had to declare him a WINNER - he represented well.
What has this world come too - Such Serious Fighting on Church Land? Fighting on the historic Mount Carmel Baptist Church Property established by The Late Dr. William Connor? A former Police officer, a long serving christian member coming up against a regular unsaved man? What has this world come too? Should I report it? Was Dr. Connor turning in his grave? What would the Commissioner of Police say? Would this give Bishop Dr. Jones a heart attack when he heard?
Settle down friend - It wasn't any fist to fist fight - It was a little word to word battle and Brother David Allen - Like the Prophet Elijah came up against the servants of Baal, WAS TOTALLY READY - more than ready to defend his faith. He didn't have to use Police Training Tactics to take down his opponent. He pulled from the word of God that he had knitted to his heart. Although we were doing some construction work, he was equipped with his Bible on his blackberry and pulled from the King James version several times to show his Christ Opponent that he wasn't just quoting, there was the proof.
After the gentleman had aggressively stated his beliefs etc and soaked them in, along with bashing Christians and outlining so many Christians who weren't living right by their names, it was like I heard Brother Allen say Like Elijah, before returning dozens of Scriptural punches, "1 Kings 18:21 How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word."
Whop! Whap! Scriptures Galore! Whop! Whap! Scriptures Galore! I thought I was now in a dream with how fast Brother Allen was quoting scriptures and hushing his opponent. Honestly friend, I say to the world, Brother Allen knows way more scriptures than me as an ordained minister and if I see him on TV trying to enter the Guiness Book of World Records to see who can quote the Bible Backwards - I'll be right there cheering him on in a short skirt and pom poms (oops that wasn't to come out). (Note: Just a little humour and use of literature to express how well Brother A knows the Bible)
The gentleman had a point though and got very agressive and both myself and Brother Allen told him publicly that we agreed with him. He said, "Ya'll say ya'll have the truth and ya'll Christians don't go out to teach and witness. I don't see ya'll in Mansion and Keys and so forth walking up and down like the Jehovah Witnesses. Ya'll always in somebody else house and by girl friend and boy friend and doing all sorts of things instead of witnessing like the JWs"
Friend - No Lie - I'm guilty as charged too. I'm not a house to house person except for ministry but I'm always busy with business and ministry like Martha and don't spend enough time on the road - You too? Or are you Mr. or Ms. Perfect and evangelizing just as much as the JWs or even more? If you answered YES - is that your first lie for the New Year?
He went on to start sharing a bit about the beliefs of the JWs to which Brother Allen carefully listened and aggressively responded with a scripture. "Revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
The gentleman said, "So you saying I cursed?" The Contractor who was silent all this time butted in, "Ya'll Stop The Fighting! Stop the fighting! Hell is here on earth." Brother Allen paused, looked at me and said, "Brother Wallace, you have some serious work to do with that man you brought see. Deal with him! Mine You! Talk to him."
He continued dealing with his opposition, "Once you don't believe the whole truth of the word and take away or add to it, YES YOU ARE CURSED." He quickly challenged him to make a shift unto the JESUS TRACK right there on the Mount Carmel Baptist Pasture as we were completing our first 50th Anniversary of Establishing The 1st Baptist Mission Project today - Many more to come."
Brother Allen did it like we Mount Carmel Preachers preach it. "He didn't water it down, he didn't make it sensitive, he declared the whole truth about JESUS and gave the man an ultimatum. Accept Christ's Plan of die and go to hell.
Interestingly enough, this must go down in Mount Carmel Baptist History. This was the 21st Century Prophet Elijah in the person of Brother Allen, who came up against the adversary, the exact place where Elijah told everyone to go in 1st Kings 18 - That was Mount Carmel. Like Elijah won the battle - so too did our Brother David "Elijah" Allen do.
The rain came down and Brother Allen's Wife - Sister Earla, had robbed him of the family vehicle to supposedly go on a Lady's Run. I won't criticize her here because she sent a Vita Malt and some Black Fruit Cake for me and my colleague to snack on, so I'll leave her alone this time.
I found myself now in a strange position. I had a choice to do two things.
1. Carry Brother Allen, his tools and our Dare 2 Be Different Maintanence man home or
2. Let Brother Allen's opponent take him home since he was driving and my collegue and I head West to our destination.
I wasn't afraid that the gentleman would throw any more punches because Former Police Officer David Allen and Veteran Soldier in God's Army already had the gentleman in a CONVICTION LOCK and no where to run. Although being heavily indoctrinated by the JWs for years, Brother Allen changed this adult's mind with his Evangelistic Street Ministry and I assume the rest is history and Brother Allen will update me when we talk again.
Friend, through the discussion, I was so happy that as the ordained minister, Brother Allen didn't give me a chance to say a word, but he represented CHRIST WELL and also The Mount Carmel Baptist Church with Distinction.
God has truly blessed Mount Carmel with just the right team. 52 years in Ministry Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones along with several radical preachers who we'll be sending around the world from now on in the persons of Brother Valston Johnson, Brother Melvin James, Brother David Allen and Brother Fahie. (If I forgot anyone, please forgive me as I am pretty new at the church)
With a radical team like this, I can feel the devil running back to his drawing board beause he certainly doesn't know what to do with such unity and strength of God Men ready to root up and pull down the enemy's strong holds and build the Kingdom of God all across the world and re-ignite the fire of the late Brother William Connor and the Wycliff Crusaders that Bishop Jones always talks about.
All in all - in just about 2 1/2 hours, Brother Allen, Our Young Abled Constractor and Myself had cleaned up and demolished the rotten roof structures and we are now prepared on Thursday, 3rd January, 2013 to start placing new roofs. It's amazing what a small team, following a fresh vision can do in such a short time just because we care about our Youth and have decided that under NO CIRCUMSTANCE - the devil will have anyone of them from 2013 onwards - We will empower, teach and develop Christian Principles from small as we launch our Boyz 2 Men and Girls to Pearls Club Houses right after they are completed.
Do continue to pray for Brother David Allen as we launch him as head of our Evangelistic Ministry at Mount Carmel and establish The Evangelism Institute, a 50th Anniversary Project which will offer free classes taught by Brother Allen to those from Mount Carmel, our sister churches or any christian that follows our doctrine as we prepare to get radical about evangelism in 2013. (look out for his website soon)
In Christ,
Khrystus Wallace, Ordained Servant
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
President and Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International
I know it was something bad to step back, but I'm sure you would have done it too with those blows that were throwing. I just let him handle himself. After all, he was the Former Police Officer who should have received training to handle such fierce battles. Just like John Cena always makes a comeback when ever his competitors seem to be winning, Officer Allen did just that too - Whop! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! and more WHAPS. He through punches left, right and centre and I had to declare him a WINNER - he represented well.
What has this world come too - Such Serious Fighting on Church Land? Fighting on the historic Mount Carmel Baptist Church Property established by The Late Dr. William Connor? A former Police officer, a long serving christian member coming up against a regular unsaved man? What has this world come too? Should I report it? Was Dr. Connor turning in his grave? What would the Commissioner of Police say? Would this give Bishop Dr. Jones a heart attack when he heard?
Settle down friend - It wasn't any fist to fist fight - It was a little word to word battle and Brother David Allen - Like the Prophet Elijah came up against the servants of Baal, WAS TOTALLY READY - more than ready to defend his faith. He didn't have to use Police Training Tactics to take down his opponent. He pulled from the word of God that he had knitted to his heart. Although we were doing some construction work, he was equipped with his Bible on his blackberry and pulled from the King James version several times to show his Christ Opponent that he wasn't just quoting, there was the proof.
After the gentleman had aggressively stated his beliefs etc and soaked them in, along with bashing Christians and outlining so many Christians who weren't living right by their names, it was like I heard Brother Allen say Like Elijah, before returning dozens of Scriptural punches, "1 Kings 18:21 How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word."
Whop! Whap! Scriptures Galore! Whop! Whap! Scriptures Galore! I thought I was now in a dream with how fast Brother Allen was quoting scriptures and hushing his opponent. Honestly friend, I say to the world, Brother Allen knows way more scriptures than me as an ordained minister and if I see him on TV trying to enter the Guiness Book of World Records to see who can quote the Bible Backwards - I'll be right there cheering him on in a short skirt and pom poms (oops that wasn't to come out). (Note: Just a little humour and use of literature to express how well Brother A knows the Bible)
The gentleman had a point though and got very agressive and both myself and Brother Allen told him publicly that we agreed with him. He said, "Ya'll say ya'll have the truth and ya'll Christians don't go out to teach and witness. I don't see ya'll in Mansion and Keys and so forth walking up and down like the Jehovah Witnesses. Ya'll always in somebody else house and by girl friend and boy friend and doing all sorts of things instead of witnessing like the JWs"
Friend - No Lie - I'm guilty as charged too. I'm not a house to house person except for ministry but I'm always busy with business and ministry like Martha and don't spend enough time on the road - You too? Or are you Mr. or Ms. Perfect and evangelizing just as much as the JWs or even more? If you answered YES - is that your first lie for the New Year?
He went on to start sharing a bit about the beliefs of the JWs to which Brother Allen carefully listened and aggressively responded with a scripture. "Revelation 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."
The gentleman said, "So you saying I cursed?" The Contractor who was silent all this time butted in, "Ya'll Stop The Fighting! Stop the fighting! Hell is here on earth." Brother Allen paused, looked at me and said, "Brother Wallace, you have some serious work to do with that man you brought see. Deal with him! Mine You! Talk to him."
He continued dealing with his opposition, "Once you don't believe the whole truth of the word and take away or add to it, YES YOU ARE CURSED." He quickly challenged him to make a shift unto the JESUS TRACK right there on the Mount Carmel Baptist Pasture as we were completing our first 50th Anniversary of Establishing The 1st Baptist Mission Project today - Many more to come."
Brother Allen did it like we Mount Carmel Preachers preach it. "He didn't water it down, he didn't make it sensitive, he declared the whole truth about JESUS and gave the man an ultimatum. Accept Christ's Plan of die and go to hell.
Interestingly enough, this must go down in Mount Carmel Baptist History. This was the 21st Century Prophet Elijah in the person of Brother Allen, who came up against the adversary, the exact place where Elijah told everyone to go in 1st Kings 18 - That was Mount Carmel. Like Elijah won the battle - so too did our Brother David "Elijah" Allen do.
The rain came down and Brother Allen's Wife - Sister Earla, had robbed him of the family vehicle to supposedly go on a Lady's Run. I won't criticize her here because she sent a Vita Malt and some Black Fruit Cake for me and my colleague to snack on, so I'll leave her alone this time.
I found myself now in a strange position. I had a choice to do two things.
1. Carry Brother Allen, his tools and our Dare 2 Be Different Maintanence man home or
2. Let Brother Allen's opponent take him home since he was driving and my collegue and I head West to our destination.
I wasn't afraid that the gentleman would throw any more punches because Former Police Officer David Allen and Veteran Soldier in God's Army already had the gentleman in a CONVICTION LOCK and no where to run. Although being heavily indoctrinated by the JWs for years, Brother Allen changed this adult's mind with his Evangelistic Street Ministry and I assume the rest is history and Brother Allen will update me when we talk again.
Friend, through the discussion, I was so happy that as the ordained minister, Brother Allen didn't give me a chance to say a word, but he represented CHRIST WELL and also The Mount Carmel Baptist Church with Distinction.
God has truly blessed Mount Carmel with just the right team. 52 years in Ministry Bishop Dr. Kelvin Jones along with several radical preachers who we'll be sending around the world from now on in the persons of Brother Valston Johnson, Brother Melvin James, Brother David Allen and Brother Fahie. (If I forgot anyone, please forgive me as I am pretty new at the church)
With a radical team like this, I can feel the devil running back to his drawing board beause he certainly doesn't know what to do with such unity and strength of God Men ready to root up and pull down the enemy's strong holds and build the Kingdom of God all across the world and re-ignite the fire of the late Brother William Connor and the Wycliff Crusaders that Bishop Jones always talks about.
All in all - in just about 2 1/2 hours, Brother Allen, Our Young Abled Constractor and Myself had cleaned up and demolished the rotten roof structures and we are now prepared on Thursday, 3rd January, 2013 to start placing new roofs. It's amazing what a small team, following a fresh vision can do in such a short time just because we care about our Youth and have decided that under NO CIRCUMSTANCE - the devil will have anyone of them from 2013 onwards - We will empower, teach and develop Christian Principles from small as we launch our Boyz 2 Men and Girls to Pearls Club Houses right after they are completed.
Do continue to pray for Brother David Allen as we launch him as head of our Evangelistic Ministry at Mount Carmel and establish The Evangelism Institute, a 50th Anniversary Project which will offer free classes taught by Brother Allen to those from Mount Carmel, our sister churches or any christian that follows our doctrine as we prepare to get radical about evangelism in 2013. (look out for his website soon)
In Christ,
Khrystus Wallace, Ordained Servant
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
President and Founder of Dare 2 Be Different International
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Street Evangelist David Allen conquers Jesus Opponent with Bible Verse Punches |
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