Friday, July 18, 2014

How Are You So Sure That You Are Not Dating or Married To or Having Sex With Your Cousin or Brother or Sister?

18th July, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Report By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

How Are You So Sure That You Are Not Dating or Married To Your Cousin or Brother or Sister?

Who can we trust now a days in this pagan world where we seem to be forgetting to FOLLOW  GOD  AND  HIS  PRINCIPALS  AND  UPHOLD  HIS  STANDARDS?

With infidelity on the rise globally, relationships are becoming more complex second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, month by month and year by year.

Men think that they can outsmart women and women think that they can outsmart men. Don't you realize? Relationships don't seem to be about LOVE  ANYMORE. It's all a game to see who can OUTSMART one another and come out ON  TOP  FINANCIALLY.

Men try their best to BALANCE and SUPPORT as many women as they can SECRETLY. The sexual fun overwhelms them and they stop using condoms and start impregnating many women and getting many children.

After operating in the subconscious for a long time, they only become CONSCIOUS of their irresponsible behavior when they realize how many children they have to support and how stressing most women are when it comes to getting the money to care for their children.

It's not just males though. Some women have a set mind to get children for several different men so that they can get support coming from many different angles which would be a SECOND  PAY  CHECK as they call it.

Women are very smart too. Several months ago, I was talking to a female friend of mine who said, "Boy Khrystus, I well want a child for ______ you know. He does done look after me so good and we ain't got no child, imagine when I get a child for him. I tired seduce him and he gives in EVERYTIME, but he smart bad you know. He smart, smart bad. Just like you. It gotta be something he using because A  WOULDN'T BREED  FOR  NOTHING  GOOD! And I good in bed you know. I good in bed. But he too smart for me buddy. But A can't wait to get a child for him because he going look after me good and HE  GOT  MONEY!"

Of course her words OPENED  MY  MIND  MORE  AND  MADE  ME  MORE  CONSCIOUS  OF HOW  SOME  LADIES  ARE  THINKING - so I would definitely behave myself and do what is right - GET  MARRIED - STICK  TO  ONE  PARTNER and don't try anything outside, because women may want to have SEX with me JUST  FOR  A  CHILD  BECAUSE  THEY  ASSUME  I  HAVE  MONEY OR  I'LL  REACH  FAR  IN  LIFE  AND  THEY  AND  THEIR  CHILD  WOULD  BE  WELL  TAKEN  CARE  OF.

We are all very aware that SILENCE  IS  DEADLY  THOUGH - VERY  DEADLY. Many men have dozens of SECRET  CHILDREN that they never told their wife or girl friend about. Some men impregnated other women the same time they impregnated their wife or girl friend and so all their children are the same age and yet they haven't told their children about their other siblings just to keep everything on the DOWN LOW with their main LADY. I am not LIE - I speak as a COUNSELOR - I do know a lot of what is HAPPENING  AROUND  THIS  PLACE.

Therefore with so many SECRET  RELATIONSHIPS  AND  SECRET  CHILDREN  AROUND  THIS  PLACE  AND  PROBABLY  AROUND  THE  WORLD, How Are You So Sure That You Are Not Dating or Married To or Having Constant Sex with Your Cousin or Brother or Sister simply because DADDY DIDN'T  TELL  YOU  ABOUT  HIS  OTHER  CHILDREN? 


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