30th June, 2016
By: Jesus Is Boss Media Department Staff Reporter - www.daretobedifferentskn.com
The Deane Glasford Primary School/Dare 2 Be Different International Grade 6 Graduating Class Career Day 2016 was awesome. We partnered with businesses and organizations to let the future of our Federation get a first hand experience working in their future dream job.
Thanks businesses and organization for accommodating us today. MUAH. WE LOVE YOU!!!
By: Jesus Is Boss Media Department Staff Reporter - www.daretobedifferentskn.com
The Deane Glasford Primary School/Dare 2 Be Different International Grade 6 Graduating Class Career Day 2016 was awesome. We partnered with businesses and organizations to let the future of our Federation get a first hand experience working in their future dream job.
Thanks businesses and organization for accommodating us today. MUAH. WE LOVE YOU!!!
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