Reverend Khrystus V. K. Wallace - |
So, someone just whatsapped me (1-869-661-0118) and asked WHICH CHURCH I BELONG TO?
1. The entertainment church?
2. The containment church?
3. The liberal church?
I said, this is why God called me to start Dare 2 Be Different International - and if we were promoting something other than the TRUTH and doing something WRONG, God wouldn't have let us reach 8 years and be celebrating in GRAND STYLE.
We have stepped away from RELIGION and all its different SEGREGATIONS and BELIEFS that have kept people divided over the years and we promote LOVE FOR ALL.
We believe
1. There is a GOD
2. This GOD sent his son Jesus to earth, through the virgin Mary to redeem mankind from the old harsh law and introduce love, grace and mercy
3. Once you Believe in GOD and choose to accept JESUS as Lord of your life, recognizing that's why he died on the CROSS and then choose to do right and good and serve OTHERS, you're on your way to HEAVEN.
We stay away from all the different church and religious beliefs that keep people DIVIDED and away from GOD.
We promote SPIRITUALITY which is developing a PERSONAL relationship with GOD and not with one's CHURCH and its MAN MADE RULES and REGULATIONS that vary every where you go.
I ended by saying that I AM AT FULL PEACE WITH EVERYTHING I DO THROUGH MY MINISTRY AND BUSINESSES and when more folks begin to FOLLOW GOD and not live their life by man made church and religious rules, then SUCCESS will come their way.
Brother Khrystus
Founder and President since June 2008
Dare 2 Be Different International
Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Dare 2 Be Different International -
Founder & President - Since June 2008
Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118
Other Tel: 1-869-765-7270
SKYPE: kvkent
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