Tuesday, September 15, 2015


1st April, 2015

By: Jefferson  J. E. Wallace, Past Student of The Combermere All Age School - Nevis, Retired Class Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, T.V/Radio Broadcaster, Community Educator, National AIDS Coordinator, National Disabled Chairman, National Drug Advisory Council Chairman, CARICOM Drug Education Advisor, Health Educator and Director of Youth and Community Affairs

Mr. Jefferson Wallace - 1-869-665-5349


Settle it now -
Pray settle it now,
HIV is being spread all around.
Now don't take it light,
By day or by night,
ANYONE can get AIDS, in country or town.

ANYONE, yes. I say ANYONE -
ANYONE can be affected.
ANYONE can get the virus -
ANYONE can be infected.

So do take it in,
Stop this idle joking.
HIV can be an enemy.
Watch out for its tricks,
It can be caught really QUICK,
And make any life a mockery.

If one has the HIV,
It may never apparent be,
Til' the person gets ill, in short or long time.
For many have lived,
Five to ten years or give,
Before life eventually resigns.

ANYONE can get AIDS,
Don't just be afraid.
Take PRECAUTIONS and try to prevent it.
Do all you can,
To preserve life in this land,
And form a support group to CONTROL  IT.

By: J.J.E Wallace

Mr. Jefferson Wallace is a retired St. Kitts Nevis Government Employee - Class Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, T.V/Radio Broadcaster, Community Educator, National AIDS Coordinator, National Disabled Chairman, National Drug Advisory Council Chairman, CARICOM Drug Education Advisor, Health Educator and Director of Youth and Community Affairs

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