Sunday, November 1, 2015

Elder Carl Caines Says Brethren Must Guard The Truth

1st November, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Gospel of Jesus Matters Most Journalist -

Elder Carl Caines of The Elim Chapel Gospel Hall and Superintedent at The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force responsible for the traffic department

"Guard the truth! Stand up for the truth! God's Word is the truth!" Those were some of the humbly delivered words of Elder Carl Caines of the Elim Chapel Gospel Hall in Cayon, who delivered the Word of God at the Sunday morning service today, 1st November, 2015 at The Good Tidings Gospel Hall.

Elder Caines who is also a Superintendent at The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, responsible for The Traffic Department, warned his listeners that FALSE  TEACHERS were on the rise now around The Federation and world. The elder suggested that it is the duty of the CHURCH to defend the truth and continue to win souls and youth for Christ, and keep them positively occupied and learning about the one true and living GOD.

"Aim to go after the souls of men! Exercise yourself unto Godliness! Be on guard of false teachers and do not be afraid to rebuke them! Times have changed though. We cannot be like the elders of the past who would publicly rebuke folks, even if they were preaching from the pulpit. We must learn to rebuke and correct people in LOVE. CORRECT  PEOPLE  IN LOVE" exclaimed Elder Caines.

Having used Paul's words to Timothy in 1st Timothy 1:1-7 as a guide to his sermon today, Elder Caines said that one must study and know their Bible so that they would be able to decipher truth from fables as there were many fable tellers on the rise around the Federation and world.

"Deal with those who teach false doctrine! Deal with them! Deal with them in LOVE!"postulated Elder Caines. "Let us all remember that we are believers bearing the name of Christ and so if we offend a brother or sister, we must be QUICK to ask them forgiveness. That is Bible!"

Elder Caines suggested that with regards to many issues of life, the Bible admonishes us not to do something if it offends a brother or sister. "If you're around Brother Martin and he says, "boy main like smell that meat you know." Go home and eat the meat in the privacy of your home so as not to offend the brother. We must learn to work together and let our CONSCIENCE  BE  OUR  GUIDE."

In closing, Elder Caines stressed and stressed and stressed to his listeners that with regards to the issues of life, it was critically important to know the Word of God for oneself and not let individuals force people into what they want them to be or to do, but rather, "LET  THEIR  CONSCIENCE  BE THEIR  GUIDE."

Elder Caines was sure to publicly congratulate the Good Tidings Gospel Hall gathering at Boyds - Trinity Parish - St. Kitts for the new changes he had seen in the ministry since his last visit and commended the boost in the music ministry and the new active involvement of the youths in worship and the media division.

Birthday Lady at Good Tidings Gospel Hall - Sister Yvonne Cotton

Birthday Lady at Good Tidings Gospel Hall - Sister Yvonne Cotton

Birthday Lady at Good Tidings Gospel Hall - Sister Yvonne Cotton

Elder Carl Caines of The Elim Chapel Gospel Hall and Superintedent at The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force responsible for the traffic department

International Article Sponsored By:

Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Dare 2 Be Different International - 
President & Founder - Since June 2008 

Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118
Other Tel: 1-869-765-7270

 SKYPE: kvkent

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