Sunday, February 23, 2014

Helper of The Helpless

O Lord. . . you are known as the helper of the helpless. (Psalm 10:14 TLB)

Have you ever reached the point in your life when it seems like there is no where else to turn? You would have tried everything seemingly possible to jump over the hurdle, but yet you never got over. It is there and then you turn to Jesus - the helper of the helpless.

We should always turn to God FIRST, but this is usually not the case. We try everyone and everything before turning to him. Probably, that's human nature.

The woman with the issue of blood also tried all other alternatives before trying The Master. The bible recounts that she spent ALL she had (Luke 8:43) before setting her mind to even touch the hem of Jesus' garment.

She pushes through the crowd until she reaches the HELPER of the helpless. Jesus feels the virtue leave his body and proclaims that the woman's faith made her whole. If we, like this once sick lady develop the faith and determination that the solution to our problems will come from the HELPER of the helpless when we seek him - Oh what a peace we would have as Jesus steps in and takes care.

Depressed? Forsaken? Doubtful? Suicidal? Hurting? Sick? Shocked? Financially Stressed?

There's Hope! Talk with Jesus NOW - He is the HELPER of the helpless.

Brother Khrystus Wallace, President and Founder
Dare 2 Be Different International


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