20th June, 2015
By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace. President of The United Villages of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point Community Group
PHOTOS, VIDEOS and ARCHIVING by Media Department Director, Mrs. Dawn Dias-Warner
Vice President of St. Kitts based United Villages of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point Community Group Mr. Bernell "IAN" Richards |
The St. Kitts based community group that is now being called the most active, radical, creative, energetic and idea filled group in the twin island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, The United Villages of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point Community Group
Rumours have it that Director Azilla Clarke of the Social and Community Services Department in The Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis LEAPS FOR JOY each time she hears of the WONDERS the Trinity Team is doing.
Ms. Clarke was the key figure in ensuring that a 4 Month Long Capacity Strengthening Community Group Training Workshop sponsored by The Caribbean Development Bank, The Basic Needs Trust Fund and The Local Government, came to the Trinity Community and pre-ambled the launch of this radical group that turns ONE YEAR OLD IN OCTOBER, 2015.
It was through Ms. Clarke's instrumentality, that The United Villages of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point Community Group got access to over $12,000 to get its first community project ideas off the ground
Tonight, Saturday, 20th June, 2015, Vice President and Director of Social Activities and Trinity Historian Mr. Bernell "IAN" Richards led yet another one of his well planned and overly exciting activities. The always on time VP got the event rolling on the stroke of 5:30 pm and didn't hold back.
He led the way in lighting the Community Bond Fire at Garvey's Bay in Trinity, which was one of the most popular bays around in years gone and a bay that Trinity Inn Owner Mr. Walters once held festive community activities such as GREASY POLL and more.
As the fire caught itself, VP Richards conducted Youth Fishing Training and I am not ashamed to say, I personally looked on as I have NEVER - EVER - EVER - EVER - EVER caught a fish in my life. I guess, NERDS DON'T FISH?
As a hobby fisherman and one of The Federation's Best Chefs with over 25 years experience as a well sort after caterer in St. Kitts and Nevis, Richards demonstrated how to connect bait to hooks and how to throw the line perfectly into the sea.
The youths LOVED THE FACT, that The United Villages of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point Community Group, was not only continuing to provide love and support to them, but they were happy, by the smiles on their faces and the energy they displayed, that there was finally a NEW GROUP giving them the CRITICAL SOCIAL AND LIFE SKILLS ATTENTION that so many youth locally, regionally and internationally lack today.
It was quite interesting though, because of extra rough waters, those who attempted to catch FISHES, only caught EELS.
VP Richards took the whopping gathering back some 50 - 80 years ago and roasted BREADFRUIT, CORN and EELS for those gathered, to sample and eat.
Was he trying to be JESUS and feed a multitude of people with EEL? Whoa!
Many took a little piece of what they could get to sample just to ensure that they go down in HISTORY.
Vice President Richards ensured that he pampered former Head Teacher of The Bronte Welsh Primary School, Mrs. Yvette Wallace, M.Ed with Roasted Breadfruit. Mrs. Wallace too, has seemingly caught THE FRESH TRINITY FIRE that continues to blow throughout the community and the nation, and decided to join tonight's event..
When we all thought that that would have been the night, Vice President Richards gathered the WHOPPING CROWD TOGETHER and told them of OLD TIME DAYS LIFE AND GROWING UP with his Trinity Friends.
Richards, who was joined by other older Trinity Community Adults, intrigued the younger folks of "LONG TIME DAYS. They highlighted:
- days of catching the LOCKER 17 ENGINE to come home
- going to the 8 O'CLOCK CINEMA in Basseterre every Friday and Saturday and having to walk home because buses then, stopped running at 7 pm and there were no street lights as there are today, therefore causing them to FEAR GREATLY
- The showing of THE BURNING HELL in the Old Gospel Hall and how the ENTIRE COMMUNITY BECAME CHRISTIANS OUT OF FEAR after the visiting missionary showed the movie.
- The Lepers Home in Sandy Point and their days of going to sing and minister to the folks who resided there and we can go on and on.
If I continue typing anymore about the AWESOME TIME EVERYONE had tonight, I'd get carried away and also get a couple global emails, whatsapp and calls about my articles BEING TOO LONG.
Therefore - PEACE OUT!
Brother Khrystus LOVES YOU!
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