Saturday, June 7, 2014

URGENT: Young People - YOU NEED A SKILL if you are to make it in this tough world!

Saturday, 7th June, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Report By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

Dear Global Following,

Habari yako? That is how you ask - HOW  ARE  YOU? in the National Language of Kenya. All of my KENYAN readers are probably back flipping in JOY  now!

I have friends and readers all across the world. Although they get the translated version of these blog entries, they keep talking to me in their language and giving me the English conversion because they want me to start writing articles and talking to them in their language. We'll see how that goes in the future. Now you've just found out something else about me. I'm training to be a linguist. In the next several years, I would be fluently speaking and writing in several other languages.

When I stepped into my KVK ENTERPRISES - Print Shop for work today and looked around at my Print Shop Setup and how good God has been to me over all my life, I was led in the spirit to encourage the youth all around the world to GET  A  SKILL too.

While I am not discouraging ACADEMIC EDUCATION at all, especially because I am overly educated - TOO  EDUCATED probably for my age, I have am versed in dozens of areas and have lots of skills to survive and fit in anywhere in the world. I want you to be able to FIT  IN too and also be very marketable just like me.

I grew up in an era where my parents did their best and told me what they learned. GET  AN  EDUCATION  OR  YOU  WON'T  MAKE  IT  VERY  FAR  IN  THIS  WORLD. I listened quite attentively and I followed through. You see, for them and many parents globally, they only think or THOUGHT of EDUCATION as ACADEMIC and never SKILLS  BASED. I grew up in an era where parents and teachers seemed to look down on the builders and the farmers and only felt that those who worked in shirt and tie were the accomplished ones.

I have now learned that that is a BIG  LIE. I honestly do not like SHIRTS AND TIES AND JACKETS. When I become Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis shortly, I'm going to dress in AFRICAN CLOTHING. It is more relaxing and plus I have to boldly show to the world that I am proud of my roots - AFRICA!

TIMES  HAVE  NOW  CHANGED  GLOBALLY. I honestly think NOW, more than ever, people need to focus on mostly on SKILLS  BASED  TRAINING. My mother knew very well of my future intention to be a MEDICAL  DOCTOR and encouraged me to go right on when I completed school and did so well. I needed a BREAK from all that SCHOOL though and decided to work for a bit.

Note well, I graduated Valedictorian from The Verchilds High School in 2002. Well qualified, I sent out dozens of letters to seek a job around St. Kitts and Nevis and ALL but ONE returned stating that there were NO  VACANCIES and they would keep me on file. Well, if you didn't know, MOST  BUSINESSES FILES  ARE  IN  THE  GARBAGE! I'm telling you that as a BUSINESS  OWNER who responds like that too. I honestly keep my files though. I can show you applications of EVERYONE over my 11 years in business. All businesses aren't like me though. I'm very thorough with files.

Interestingly enough, I got an interview with CABLE  AND  WIRELESS, now LIME. I thought that since they had given me an award recently in 2002 for returning the BEST  CXC  results that academic year at my alma mater, that I would definitely get the job. I can remember the interview very well. It had one local and two foreigners at LIME's Wellington Road Branch in St. Kitts. The interview went well and I thought I secured the job. I respect the gentleman from overseas a lot up to TODAY. He told me there and then, that they can't award me the job because I am too intelligent and qualified for it, but they would keep me on file in case anything ever comes up. I guess that wasn't true because LIME never called me back again even up to today. I must credit them though for giving me THOUSANDS  UPON  THOUSANDS of dollars in printing business over the years.

You see, IT  WASN'T  MY  ACADEMICS  THAT  MADE  ME  MONEY.  IT  WAS  AND  HAS ALWAYS  BEEN  MY  SKILLS  UP  TO   THIS  DAY. I don't need to show my RESUME with my CXC subjects and DEGREES to get YOU to print shirts at KVK ENTERPRISES -

After that, I started looking at ACADEMIC  EDUCATION  AS  A   BIG  LIE. Apart of the GLOBAL Conspiracy Theory to keep people down and I said to myself that I would push and focus on my KVK  ENTERPRISES - business that I started at age 13 printing shirts with my Mother's Hand Iron, because no place would hire me and I certainly didn't want to be locked down to TEACHING for anyone but MY OWN  INSTITUTION..

Young people - UNDERSTAND  THE  GLOBAL  SYSTEM! It honestly wasn't created for people to RISE. It was setup to keep people DOWN! That's the whole truth.

So, there was I. Age 16, Valedictorian with an overwhelming number of CXC subjects. Overly qualified and couldn't get a job in my own land - my own country St. Kitts - Nevis. (Look at it now - OTHER  COUNTRIES  ARE  BEGGING  FOR  MY  BROTHERS  AND  I while my homeland never wanted to employ us). By now you know me and you know that I  DO  NOT  GIVE  UP!

I prayed and decided that since NO  ONE  WANTED  TO  EMPLOY  ME, I'll employ myself and raise the money to go to study MEDICINE myself. KVK ENTERPRISES will be turning 11 this July, 2014 once God tarries. I've had my good days and bad days and I am trying desperately to RISE  AGAIN after some bad business mistakes and choices. I am sure you get my point - I used my skills to make it this far and I am going to use my SKILLS - SKILLS - SKILLS most of all to RISE  AGAIN.

Right now, you are only seeing the RESULT of my DEGREES when I write. If I never WROTE  and TOLD you, you'd never KNOW I'm qualified too - en tit? Why? Because you only see my SKILLS  working for me - not my Academic EDUCATION because I'm not locked down to an office like you.


If I didn't run The Dare 2 Be Different Academy previously known as The KVK LEARNING  INSTITUTE and The CompuDoctors, I would never really have been using ANY  OF  THE  CXC  SUBJECTS  that I have to my credit.

Note well, I am NOT against Tertiary Level Education because I have my degrees. So don't say that I am discouraging you. What I am proposing is that YOU  GET   A  SKILL  TOO.

You know friend, to this DATE, I never put any of my degrees on my resume and I don't put my skills on there. I just put on the several CXC  SUBJECTS  that I have. If NO  COMPANY  OR  ORGANIZATION in St. Kitts and Nevis wanted to HIRE  ME  when I only had CXC  SUBJECTS - what will they do with me now?

In closing, I am blessed to have been raised by an Educator, Mrs. Yvette Wallace, M.Ed. She has been a superb example. She not only has her EDUCATION, but she has A LOT - A LOT - A LOT of SKILLS AND  TALENT - A  VIRTUOUS  WOMAN  INDEED!. She knows how to do too much. Therefore, since she's my ROLE  MODEL, I guess I've followed her too.

Doesn't it hurt young people, having borrowed a LOAN to go to study, and when you return you can't get a job or a job of STATUS? You end up as a Cashier or Secretary or. . . or . . .or. . . and then you start looking around and wishing you didn't go or start wishing you had a SKILL?

Do you get my point? Get AN  EDUCATION  AND  GET  A  SKILL  TOO.  YOU  NEED  A  SKILL if you are to make it in this tough world!

Here a few of my talents and skills that I  AM  150% good at. I encourage you to read through them and probably get trained in one or two or several which would make you more MARKETABLE WORLDWIDE. 

Remember, we are quickly moving towards a ONE  WORLD  ECONOMY. The internet has made the WORLD very small now. Technology continues to increase. It is more than easy to community for FREE. Call around the world with SKYPE for FREE or with VIBER for FREE or chat on WHATSAPP for FREE.

The SYSTEM hates the common man getting access to so much power and information and technology, so it has manipulated the WORLD  AGAIN. The SYSTEM  BELIEVES  THAT  MONEY  IS  KING  EH!

Don't be fooled! THE  SO  CALLED  GLOBAL  RECESSION  IS  A  CONTROLLED  ACT  BY  THE WORLD'S  SUPERPOWERS. (Oooops - am I talking too much?)  If they want things to be better, they can IMMEDIATELY  use the MEDIA to say the recession is OVER and let people start spending again and pour more monies into the economies.




The WORLD'S  SUPER  POWERS  ALONE  have enough money and resources to ensure that EVERYONE  ON  PLANET  EARTH  LIVES  A  REASONABLE  LIFE  BUT  THEY  ARE GREEDY!

WE  FOLLOW  THEM  AND  START  BEING  GREEDY  TOO and want EVERYTHING  IN  LIFE  and then end up in DEBT - END  UP  AS  THEIR  SLAVES  -  END  UP  TO  THE  BOTTOM! I've learned from my mistakes and I'm wiser now! I'm going to use my SKILLS to become DEBT  FREE -  STAY  DEBT  FREE  AND  STRESS  FREE  TOO.


It is possible that after a company or organization reads this blog around the world, they may HIRE  one of my skills or even want me to come and work with them - SOMEWHERE around the world. I want you to get GLOBAL  WORKING  OPPORTUNITIES  TOO -  GET  A  SKILL!

As the NEXT  PRIME  MINISTER  OF  THE  FEDERATION  OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS, I HONESTLY want the very same opportunities that are afforded to me, to be afforded to YOU  TOO.

While an EDUCATION  IS  GOOD, May I suggest from the HEART that a SKILL or SKILLS are much BETTER  TO  HAVE in this CHANGING  GLOBAL  ECONOMY!

My Skills THAT I am 150% GOOD  AT and want YOU to be good at too are:

* Screen Printing  

*  Banners and Signs  

*  Embroidery   

* Printing / Production of Pens, pencils, awards, promotional items, key chains etc

* Desktop Publishing: Programs, Invitations, Business Cards, Letterheads, etc etc

* Website Design

* Graphic Arts

* Online Auctioning - EBAY and more

* Blogging / Writing

* Business / Organization and Event Marketing

* Real Estate Marketing

* Farming (Animals and Plants)

*Bicycle Repair

* Architecture

* Book Publishing

* USA  Company Formation and USA Bank Accounts

* Computer Repair and Consulting

* Business Consulting

* Counseling

* Drama

* Video Production & Commercials

* Audio Production and Commercials

* Playing the Guitar and Piano

* Speaking (Motivational Speeches)

* Floral Arranging

* Photographer

* Butcher

* Cooking / Baking

* Basic Sewing

* Website Optimization

* Social Media Expert

*****This is what I could remember off the TOP  OF  MY  HEAD. So I am not just ACADEMICALLY  INCLINED - I  AM  SKILLS  ORIENTED!

Young People - YOU  NEED  A  SKILL if you are to make it in this tough world!

To Contact me Globally for Motivational Speeches or to get access or quotes for any of my services

Khrystus V. K. Wallace

Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118 or 1-869-765-7270

SKYPE: kvkent

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