Tuesday, December 9, 2014

She Got Me! INTELLIGENCE and TACT matter when you want to MARRY the Next Prime Minister!

9th November, 2014

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis

INTELLIGENCE  AND  TACT matter when you want to MARRY the Next Prime Minister.

I won't tell you any lie. Tonight was the first time we had a DATE. I honestly don't even WRITE about dates, but she got my FULL  AND  COMPLETE  ATTENTION!

She wasn't dressed in a SEDUCTIVE manner at all. She was COVERED from head to toe and she didn't DRESS UP to impress me. She was just her plain old self. (It was like - TAKE  ME  OR  LEAVE  ME and she didn't CANCEL because she caught a cold and was a bit SNUFFY. I believe that was all in her plan to TEST  ME to see how I deal with women when they're down and ill. Whether I'm scornful or not!)

She wore A hoodie that covered her entire top and her pant was down to her ankle. The only SKIN that I saw was her hands and feet. No exposed breasts AT ALL!

At no point in time she endeavoured to get too close to me and cross any lines but she GOT  MY  ATTENTION and she's honestly still on my mind.

How? You're probably asking around the world! It was her WORDS! It was ONLY her WORDS! She wasn't shy and fearful of me. She was BOLD and CONFIDENT and wasn't afraid to ask what she wanted to know.

I won't get into detail in this article about everything, because she didn't beg me not to. SHE  WARNED ME ABOUT  MY  ARTICLE  TO  COME and what was allowed for YOU to read and after ONE  NIGHT, I have that much respect for her.

TWO things happened that would forever stick with me.

1. During our walk, because I believe she wanted to see how I would respond walking with a FEMALE in public in my community as a POPULAR  GUY. Since I am well known, I was always interrupted by calls of my name or someone reaching out to shake my hand or children hugging me. Sometimes I have a bad habit of answering, "HI  HUN" when some females call out to me in public. I'll shout it out LOUDLY subconsciously.

She said, "Excuse me. I'm HERE!"

It was the first time we were on a date. She's not even my girl friend much less wife, BUT  SHE  WAS DEMANDING  RESPECT! I like that!

After APOLOGIZING, she said, "I was just testing you. I want you to know that I understand that you're extremely popular. You're a hot preacher, businessman and politician and for any woman who wants TO  BE  WITH  YOU, THEY  MUST  UNDERSTAND  THAT  AND  CAN'T  BE  JEALOUS. They would just have to be strong and always KNOW  WHERE  THEY  STAND.

As we continued walking, I heard her saying, Khrystus, Khrystus, Khrystus. I then answered and apologized. I told her that her BOLD  AND  CONFIDENT  AND  INTELLIGENT  WORDS had honestly AMAZED me and sent me into a TRANS.

Before I get carried away and go into too much details, let me just say the SECOND  most important thing that moved me tonight. After the night was OVER and we got to HER  PLACE, I said, "Goodnight! I appreciated your time."

Her response, "Are you going already? Come on in and SPEND  A  LITTLE  TIME  WITH  MY  FAMILY!" WHOAAAA - IN  ONE  NIGHT? I thought to myself! This lady is AWESOME and CONFIDENT and seemingly knows what she wants!

I'm a people person and you know that I'm not fearful so mixing and mingling quickly and easily is no problem for me. PLUS, which MOTHER isn't overly happy to see her DAUGHTER  BRING  HOME  A GOOD  MAN - much less The Next Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis? lol.

She sat me down in a very comfortable living room chair and asked, "Would you like something to drink?" I responded YES  PLEASE.

She brought me a glass of WATER. (Water? I thought in my mind - this girl must be MAD - SOOOOOOOODAAAAAAAAAAAA!) lololololol.

But then she followed up, you're getting too fat! Don't you feel so? HOW  DARE  SHE  TELL  THE  NEXT  PRIME  MINISTER  THAT?  OFF  WITH  HER  HEAD! lol.

She said in the presence of everyone in the living room (to HUMILIATE  ME) that SHE  was going to ensure that she TRIMS  ME  RIGHT  BACK  DOWN to the size I was on the picture on one of my books as she spent some time looking through the books I wrote, my business and ministry office at Boyds - St. Kitts.

I have to conclude and share with ALL  WOMEN  GLOBALLY, many times REAL  MEN are NEVER impressed by all the glamour and overdo. Sometimes if you stay down to earth, keep it natural and real on a first SIMPLE  TALK  AND  DATE, without the glamour, you'd do a much better job at capturing a real man's heart.

INTELLIGENCE  AND  TACT matter when you want to MARRY the Next Prime Minister.

This girl is on the ball and know what she's about. She's not my girl friend, well at least not yet. I don't know what God has planned, but it seemed like she TIMED me and just as I sat down at home, "BLING" - my Whatsapp on my smartphone went off - "ARE  YOU  HOME?" It was like she was ALREADY  GUARDING  HER  MAN!

INTELLIGENCE  AND  TACT matter when you want to MARRY the Next Prime Minister and not be intimidated by his POWER or POPULARITY and still remain in total control of YOUR  MAN no matter how big he feels he is.

I'm a trained psychologist and I noticed what she did throughout the entire night. She didn't make me feel any BIGGER than I was to BLOW  UP  MY  HEAD  ANY  BIGGER. She didn't worship me and she certainly didn't make me feel that SHE  HAS  TO END  UP  WITH  ME  AND  I  WAS  THE  ONLY  MAN  IN  THE  WORLD. It was like QUE SERA SERA (whatever will be, will be).

She, like YOU follows me and to her none of my degrees and accomplishments meant anything to her when it comes to TRUE  LOVE. She was happy for me and stated explicitly that she wasn't someone to battle to see who's the brightest and most brilliant in any LOVE relationship. She's just going to be HERSELF and who ever can just take her or leave her.

Brilliant - I thought! Brilliant!

INTELLIGENCE  AND  TACT matter when you want to MARRY the Next Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.

In closing, she said something to me that really HUMBLED  ME. She said something to THE  NEXT PRIME  MINISTER  OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS that really humbled me. She said, "From following you, You're just an INTERNATIONAL  PRACTICAL  JOKER  WHO  DOESN'T  EVEN  KNOW WHAT  HE  WANTS  IN  LIFE."

That is definitely a LEAD  ON  STATEMENT - A  CHALLENGE - You have to know how to read the road map that would probably lead you to your destiny! Have a great night! Do you think she deserves a second date? Or even maybe a CHANCE?

She doesn't CARE one bit about all my fancy articles all over the world suggesting who I may marry. She is FULLY  CONFIDENT  that if she WANTS  ME - SHE  CAN  GET  ME  AT  ANYTIME, so I shouldn't flatter myself!

This is definitely a very COMPETITIVE  WORLD and WOMEN  KNOW  WHAT  AND  WHO  THEY  WANT, they're no longer waiting on us SHY  MEN  TO  MAKE  THE  FIRST  MOVE.

Note well, sometimes when WOMEN think that their MAN made the first move on another lady, sometimes it's THE  LADY that made the first move. In a future article, I am going to tell you about a 50+ year old man from around the world who asked me to share his story. The long and short of it is this. His mother used to leave him while he was YOUNG by another SISTER  IN  THE  LORD when she went to work.  THAT  SISTER  IN  THE  LORD, at age 13 introduced him to SEX and he said DAMAGED  HIS  FUTURE  FOR  EVER and caused him NEVER to have ANY  TYPE  OF  RESPECT  FOR  WOMEN as he grew older. SO  YES - WOMEN  DO  RAPE  little  boys and BIG  MEN  TOO! Welcome to the real world. As a COUNSELOR, I  KNOW  AND  HELP  BOYS  AND  MEN  RECOVER  TOO. They just feel too HUMILIATED  TO  REPORT  SUCH  TO  THE  POLICE  BECAUSE  OF  THE  STIGMA and what society would say about a MALE  REPORTING  THAT  A  FEMALE  RAPED  HIM or pressured him into having SEX. IT  IS  HAPPENING!

LOVE  IS  A  SERIOUS  THING  EH!  A  HEART  THING! You have to be FULLY  CONVINCED  that you want SOMEONE  TO  HAVE  YOUR  HEART  FOR  LIFE or it would never work. I have LIVED and LEARNED! You know that right?

INTELLIGENCE  AND  TACT matter when you want to MARRY the Next Prime Minister. The PRINCESS tonight certainly GOT  MY  ATTENTION! Don't you dare TIE  ME  DOWN - I'm still FREE - SINGLE - DISENGAGED!

When we see a boy with a girl or a girl with a boy, we SHOULD  STOP  MARRYING  THEM OFF  AND  PASSING  ALL  SORTS  OF  COMMENTS  when we don't know what is going on! YOU  HEAR?

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