Thursday, May 2, 2013

DANGEROUS: The INSANE continue to call the SANE - INSANE - Here's Why

I am really over-stressed with the cares of the world and now I'm in my situation, I only have a handful of people there for me after I've helped so many around the world.

To tell the honest truth, I know as a Counselor, all we do is sit and listen people's stories and help them de-stress to get better and offer advice here or there or use reverse psychology when they ask us questions just to avoid getting into their lives. (EXAMPLE: What would you do?)

One of the first things the nation was to do when rumours started, was to PRAY for the REVEREND AND COUNSELOR, because if I started talking, people will pay big monies to come hear me talk everyone's business. You'll be surprised with how much I know from the little child right up to Ministers of Government and Business Managers.

So you still have to PRAY - because the enemy is always after the MIND of God's Anointed. Imagine people decided to gather together to come to the hospital and some even came to see what the REVEREND  was saying.....LOL (This is the age of technolgy, I have your voicenotes, pictures, etc - Remember they that are for me are more than they that are against me. Always remember that)

Here's my mistake. Although I write on to de-tress and let out my cases in a creative way, I deal with so many people around the world via telephone, email, WhatsApp, Blackberry meetings because of my confidentiality and I just know way too much. Way too much!

Do you know even in this trying time, so many people are messaging me still for help - so I sometimes just lock my phone away and I haven't checked my emails since I got out the hospital just to stay away. Everyone who reaches out to me around the world don't know what I've been through, so I forgive them but just can't deal with them right now.

It's sad and scary though. VERY SCARY - The INSANE continue to call the SANE - INSANE 

Let's look at just a few cases and when I jog your mind a bit, you'll catch where I am going.

21st Century Mothers dress their children like HOOKERS / PROSTITUTES and hold their hands and display them to the world and NOBODY  CALLS  THEM  INSANE - am I wrong? Why do you think that I had to find a way to talk to two pre-school children who were busy making out on the grass in my yard during a Dare 2 Be Different Event - What do you say to them friend? They are just doing what they see? What should I really say but other than take them for a little walk up the road. PRE-SCHOOL EH.

Many women dress so provocatively and then wonder why their teenage daughters grow up dressing the same way and then want to half kill them when they start having sex in Grade 6. NOBODY  CALLS  THEM  INSANE - am I wrong?

Some 21st Century Fathers hold their BABIES in their hands and smoke weed and mothers think that's COOL - NOBODY  CALLS  THEM  INSANE - am I wrong?

Children confess to me that their parents have SEXUAL  INTERCOURSE in the halls of their houses - STALK  NAKED - HIGH  DAY - WITH  THEIR  NOISES  -  SCREAMS - NOBODY  CALLS  THEM  INSANE - am I wrong?

Guess which Big Shot Government Official couldn't take it anymore after reading my mails over the years, creatively called me in to give me a printing job at just to confess an extra-marital affair and get it off  HIS/HER (won't tell you) chest and although the person could be my parent, I helped and now their partner is busy trying to bring me down and I saved their marriage as a youth. Imagine that. Who's Insane? Should I call the name of the couple here?

I know what's happening in your home when you're living a SHOW and I can walk into the welfare in the next few minutes and have them RADICALLY take your child / children away.  NOBODY  CALLS  YOU  INSANE  FOR  GOING  WITH  YOUR  DAUGHTER  AND  TELLING  HER  IF  SHE  TELLS  HER  MOTHER - YOU'LL  KILL  HER  AND  HER  MOTHER - and you've been doing that for years. Yes  - She told me - yes she did, but doesn't want me to say anything. . . .so I hurt for her DAILY.

Honestly friend, I stopped answering questions publicly on months ago because of the sensitive nature. St. Kitts - Nevis and the Caribbean needs CONFIDENTIAL  COUNSELLING  CENTRES  because we honestly have MORE  INSANE  PEOPLE  WALKING  AROUND  THAN  SANE  PEOPLE.

In the Schools, in the Banks, in the businesses, on the streets. They seem WELL - but they aren't. They smile like all is WELL - and they are paining FINANCIALLY - Are you one too? That's why you should have joined the NEW  THING   that God was doing - but instead you BASHED IT and now missed the ARK.

NOBODY  CALLS  YOU  INSANE - when you are partially INSANE from the stresses of LIFE.  am I wrong?

I shouldn't be afraid to walk because I have always made friends with the GHETTO  YOUTH  and now they are the ones coming to look me up and offering me help in return instead of the SO-CALLED CHRISTIANS and saying, I hearing everybody calling up you name and if you want us . . . 


I honestly worked and worked and worked and wanted to see a radical turn over of my business concepts FAST - FAST - FAST just to build The Dare 2 Be Different International Mission Centre to help others - Read about it here -

I am honestly wondering now - I have a lot of voices talking - MOST  ARE  SAYING "DO  YOU! Look after YOU! Nobody Cares About You! Can't You See? They throw situations back in my face. For example - how you are treating me now. Relationships past. Etc and they laugh at me

Is that the voice of the enemy? Can Everyone be wrong like that?  Is the healing and time away making me better or worse? Then I hear - Do what makes YOU  HAPPY -  Looking after people and helping OTHERS - makes me happy.  What about the hymn?  "OTHERS - LORD YES OTHERS, LET THIS MY. . . ."

Then I hear - I have a soft heart  - What should I really do friend?

 I just need to get away for a while - SO  I  CAN  LISTEN  TO  ONE  VOICE -  GOD'S  VOICE -  AND  THEN  DO  HIS  WILL.

Don't forgive me for this statement: I prefer to HELP someone else and get HURT again than not to HELP at all. I prefer to LOVE and get HURT again than not to LOVE at all.

I guess this will make some of the GAY  GROUPS -  MUSLIM  RADICALISTS -  AND  OTHERS on my Global Mailing List who reached out to encourage me and BASH  CHRISTIANITY  as  FAKE  RELIGION  - this will make them delete me  - But that's why God made me a STRONG  WILLED  PERSON.

I now understand why you see YOUTHS  gunning down in schools and bombing places so fast.

I now understand why and youths suddenly turning GAY and confessing it publicly. During times of CRISES - Those they expect to reach out and HELP - turn their backs and those that they don't expect - REACH  OUT  AND  HELP.

I do have some BEST  FRIENDS  NOW  in  MUSLIMS - GAYS -  ETC - While I remain firm on my beliefs in CHRIST and won't change - I UNDERSTAND  THEM.  I want the world to know that I have some STRONG  AETHIEST  Psychologists who reached out and they are powerful as to why the BIBLE  IS  WRITTEN  BY  HUMANS  etc. . . .etc. . . .but you know Brother Khrystus is a Fighter and knows how to defend his GOD and BELIEFS.

When they don't get me to change - WE  LAUGH  AND  WE  CLOSE - I'm avoiding taking a TICKET  AWAY   BY  THEM - they are the ones who care. They are the ones offering the help. Money is Power. So let me suffer as I rise for Christ. Muslim Money - Means Radicalist Muslim Khrystus and they know I'm already a RADICALIST - so it won't be hard to brain wash me and get me to do something STUPID.

Suppose I wasn't strong-willed - Do you see where you children go for help in times of TRIALS? Facebook and other social media pages and the PREDATORS read their comments, reach out and make them PREY - that's why your child suddenly is an ALCHOLIC - a SEX ADDICT - A Radicalist - A Shot up everyone - You were busy minding other people's business and rejecting the garden in your back yard.

Why should I take a ticket to get away to go by an AETHIEST  PSYCHOLOGIST?  So that when they are done with me, I start using my TECHNOLOGICAL  POWER  FOR  THE  ENEMY? NO  WAY

Thanks for reaching out to me though - THOSE  THAT  DID! I value you!

This is how I counsel myself at 4:35am - right after an AETHIEST  PSYCHOLOGIST  FEEDS  ME  SOME  MIND  BOGGLING  INFORMATION  and tells me think about that - while MY  FELLOW  PASTORS  DON'T  EVEN  TEXT  OR  CALL  and those who claim to be RADICAL  PRAYER  WARRIORS  joined the world in calling me _ _ _ _ _    

DANGEROUS: The INSANE continue to call the SANE - INSANE

Brother Khrystus,

Dare 2 Be Different International 

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