2nd May, 2013
My international and local lawyers, friends and psychologists have asked me to prove that I am slowly recovering well by not using civilian names in my articles anymore. This will help to prove to the world that my actions which I apologized for in an article on www.hopeisahead.com called - UNSHACKLED - Face Yourself and Think - The 1st One was proof that I was away from myself for a time.
So I will be cautious from now on as I write.
*****But remember - - - People with my condition COME AND GO - so don't upset me - LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I visited two Banks this morning to do a single transaction at each of them.
At one bank, I met a teller who attended The Verchild's High School with me and she's always encouraging me - 869-661-0118. She was actually the first one to text me when the rumours started and say, I'm in your corner Khrystus - I know you're always DIFFERENT from School and people hate DIFFERENT PEOPLE just like they hated JESUS - a radical.
Then I went to a BIG INTERNATIONAL Bank and I had to stay cool. I deposited $55 and then my balance was $23.88.
I used my right and asked for a PRINT OUT of MY STATEMENT and the youth customer service rep said, I can do it better and explain to you. I remembered the words of my NEW YORK counsellor - Stay cool even when people upset you.
So I listened like a KINDERGARDENER as the young man explained to me my transactions and spoke my business over the counter. I was angry inside, I didn't want the world to know which USA BASED company I use for my marketing.
Suppose I didn't want people to hear who charged my debit card. Isn't it my RIGHT to ask for a statement? Even if I have to pay for it? I just wanted to see how having deposited $55, my balance was $23.88.
I wasn't accusing anyone. I just wanted to check everything for myself. To date, I left the bank with my little receipt with the Bank's LOGO - if you want to see for yourself, just come visit me during this time or I'll walk around with it in my WALLET to show you, since I can't call the Bank's name here in this allegation. I hate that bank's ONLINE BANKING SYSTEM. It's too complex to use.
The Bank of Nevis - www.thebankofnevis.com Online Banking is SIMPLE - Even a Toddler could use it to bank.
My mind then traveled across the waters to The LOVING AND CARING BANK OF NEVIS - www.thebankofnevis.com.
They are so caring and compassionate. Even though I do most of my business with St. Kitts banks, they always bend the extra mile to help me. WHY ON GOD'S EARTH DIDN'T I TRY TO GET MY BIG LOAN FROM THERE?
When I wanted to get some monies over their, they told me that they had a Corresponding Account with the Royal Bank of Canada and they allowed me to use that. I should have been saving all my monies with them and they would have helped me and guided me every step of the way, because NEVISIAN BANKS and Nevisians seem to care more about Small businesses than St. Kitts - and Kittitians.
Oooops - Made some more enemies now because I am controversial.
Most of my Shop and Ship Customers - www.shopandshipskn.com customers come from Nevis and they stuck with me - Why do you think they will own Shares shortly as Shop and Ship will have its own fleet - Jets and Boats and Youth Businesses around the Caribbean and the World, everywhere we open a Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com.
Do you see why the RICH get RICHER and the poor stay poor - The Rich always understood and supported my BIG MIND - so they always helped in little ways, so when you see the RICH get RICHER - Don't curse them. And then, there were some WISE Small Business Friends who always helped in little ways. Now you see how a Godly Private Government is officially in place and you'll never know who is apart of it. Just give God 12 Months and we'll see who turns INSANE at God's Power.
My Savings account at The Bank of Nevis has on less than EC$20 / US$8 - and I can quickly and easily log on at anytime through www.thebankofnevis.com to see my balances. I can even send an email or call because so many people there know my voice and if I want a statement on the next ferry, they'll send it to me.
If I am travelling and I want my Debit Card Limit increased, all I have to do is call the card centre and talk to one of the lovely ladies there (that's how one of them got their FREE SHOP AND SHIP Account - They helped me out. They'll get shares in Shop and Ship too just because of their deed of kindness. Did you forget that President Obama has something calls the JOBS ACT that allows Small Businesses to raise up to US$1 Million or US$5 Million per year under a special regulation.
Yippee - I do have a USA Business - You forgot? And with so much LEGAL HELP NOW and everyone wanting me to RELAX - I am getting help and guidance. Imagine just sending a text to a local lawyer to deal with an international lawyer and my mother bringing me medicine as I listen music. WOW - Now you see you missed out on the 21st Century Ark.
And now my Preaching Visits and Motivational Speaking requests are SKY HIGH and I want to leave tomorrow, but doctors are saying to cool out myself.
Anyway, back to how My Bank of Nevis Ladies Girls in the Card Centre or Customer Services would help me. They always gave me a smile on the phone and would put me on to the manager of that department and CHA CHING - Limit temporarily increased.
Oh yes - My Checking account is in overdraft for a couple months. I don't know if the Lawyer for the bank loves me personally. (I hope she isn't married or I get myself in trouble with my International Lawyers and Psychologists here) But please - JOKE. If she isn't married, tell her to text me for a date - 869-661-0118 (Age is just a number) LOL.
But on a serious NOTE - She was placed there by GOD to show mercy. God knew that with the soon to be addition of a Dare 2 Be Different Blazing Star Movement Private Godly Government - with our own financing centre - www.daretobedifferenteasyfinance.org, that we'll let The Bank of Nevis be the Caribbean Hub to hold our monies in the region, that will help our supporters.
I guess this is the Bank that my entire VICTIMIZED Family should head to and sign TOGETHER like what we were trying to do over and over, just to get some help.
To my foreign team leaders that are also launching your Dare 2 Be Different Finance in your countries too, I want to recommend that you open OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS with the Bank of Nevis - IMMEDIATELY. Send me a Facebook Message first - Rev. Stephen - He's a radical too from GHANA - www.daretobedifferentghana.com
To Local Youth Businesses, come by Brother Khrystus and I'll tell you what you need to carry to The Bank of Nevis to open a business account TOMORROW AND THEN GET MONEY FOR YOUR BUSINESS. If they willing to give you $1000 - take it - build your credit and relationship and go back for more. Learn from My Mistakes.
You can start somewhere with a little $500 as a Fixed Deposit and help it grow or ask if they selling shares. SHARES ARE POWER for you now and for your generation.
I'm relaxing and bored and want to help you through - www.kwconsultingskn.com. Of course at a FEE - I won't charge, I'll let you donate something to my ministry for my help. (Don't tell people I didn't set a fee, or they'll call me a FOOL and stop advising me. But I just have a heart to help the poor, the working class, the small businessman, the disabled as things are hard for all of us."
But by the time you come, if I have a FEE in place, just remember that I am controlled by LAYWERS around the world following my every article and every more. So I did say its a donation for my WISDOM, but if by the time you reach, there is a FEE - don't blame me. I can't take them off the list or I lose their help immediately.
To those on my mailing list who already bought a NEVIS PHYSICAL ADDRESS from me through www.kwconsultingskn.com, I know you've been asking about setting up an OFFSHORE ACCOUNT - I guess the Bank of Nevis can email me some more details at: information@kwforchrist.com so I can pass on to you or just visit their website - www.thebankofnevis.com
One of my Financial Advisors and former local bank managers that will be helping to operate - www.daretobedifferenteasyfinance.org can help you setup such an account.
Interesting! While Typing, My Bank of Nevis Online Account automatically logged me out as a SECURITY MEASURE - while I still wait on the STATEMENT I requested from a Foreign International Bank just after 9am this morning.
As part of my healing process, I have to do what makes me happy. Writing and expressing myself freely makes me happy. To my English Teachers, International Lawyers, Psychologists, large local youth following, inquisitive readers, Hon. ____________ Government Advisor (oops was getting out of hand) and others, apart from my grammatical errors and commas, long sentences etc - How much would you grade me out of 10? Waiting for a Response - Honestly.
Am I slowly getting there? Now don't upset me before I call you name or release some of the information I know in a Radical Email Next Time next time. LOLOLOLOLOL.
Remember I have some Muslim Radicalists as friends now and they don't believe in VENGEANCE IS MINE - I WILL REPAY YOU SAITH THE LORD.
They believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
When your children are going through a CRISIS - SPEND TIME WITH THEM. Keep them away from FACEBOOK and the internet. Take time off from WORK. A word from the PREACHER - who can control himself to you is ENOUGH) The Internet is a POWERFUL TOOL - MIND YOU.
Which side of Brother Khrystus do you like? The Radical or the cool?
Brother Khrystus
Imagine they don't want me to do ANYTHING. I hate being treated like a KING and a BABY - "But I gotta get accustomed - LOL. You never know what's next!"
The enemy TRIED to mess with my mind because the Constitution says that MENTALLY UNFIT PERSONS CAN'T RUN! I didn't want to run, I just wanted to setup a Godly Government after 2 Months and I didn't start to stop and jump on to jump off just like what the Radical Pastor and Founder of The Antioch Baptist Church once said - So the devil and his imps failed!
I did get to the SET DATE - 1st May, 2013 and because I have hundreds of registered Youths and unregistered folks who would have voted for The Blazing Star Movement - www.theblazingstarmovement.com - My Folks want jobs if you want their X - Things are TIGHT! TIGHT BAD! BAD! BAD!
The people rejected a GODLY GOVERNMENT CONCEPT - so we really don't care which UNGODLY GOVERNMENT IS ELECTED.
Our marketing services are open to THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Text: 869-661-0118 / Email: information@kwforchrist.com - NO FACE TO FACE MEETINGS. BID FIRST AND THEN WE TALK.
I will publicly endorse and support the HIGHEST BIDDER and encourage my LARGE following that I know is supporting me to VOTE THAT WAY. After all, we really don't care who is ELECTED - My People will be well looked after - When Joseph was promoted from the PRISON TO THE PALACE - HOPE CAME IMMEDIATELY - RIGHT?
Have you perused the concept well? - www.daretobedifferenteasyfinance.org.
And The Bank of Nevis will be the Strongest Bank in the Caribbean very soon as soon as it is launched, because they didn't TROUBLE AND ABUSE God's Anointed.
Psalm 105:15 - Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."
1 Chronicles 16:22 - Do not touch my chosen people, and do not hurt my prophets."
And if you want to know who is the KINDEST - YET MOST STRICT LAWYER IN THE WORLD - Ask me privately, the person doesn't like PUBLICITY. YES THEY ARE FROM NEVIS - and they will handle ALL GLOBAL CONTRACTS for www.openakvkfranchise.com - Remember I'm too soft hearted - So you have to PASS THEM TO GET TO ME - So I wonder if I should still be so easily accessible or play big? Or just stay humble like JESUS.
I'll stay humble, that's why when you see me, I still wear my short pants, draggers and a shirt. Doc told me that JESUS moved RELAXED - no shirt and tie - Radical's have no time to button up shirts and tie shoe laces. LOLOLOLOLOL.
Remember - I take nothing for the JOURNEY - If you love me - you look after the Annointed. But then again, you missed the 21st Century Ark that God sent to help you by staying outside and calling the PREACHER _ _ _ _ _.
Aren't you watching everything that is happening with me? The Signs of the Times - Interesting or Frightening? No matter how much Godly government I setup though - God can come as a THIEF in the Night and if you aren't READY - . . . . Get Saved - Visit my website - www.kwforchrist.com
Remember they thought NOAH WAS CRAZY TOO. The Local and Global Earthquakes, Accidents, they are no joke - Guess What's Next?
God said that the entire world MUST hear the Gospel first then he returns - Dozens of people across the world are using SOCIAL MEDIA TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL FAST - so God's return is NIGH. Are you ready?
I sit and type and wonder because I have nothing else to do - so forgive the LENGTH - I'm getting there - LOLOLOLOL.
If Dare 2 Be Different International's Godly Power will finally help Premier Vance Amory. (OOOOPS - I called a Name) Is that bad?
I wonder if our Power, as we make The Bank of Nevis the strongest Caribbean Bank Shortly will help NEVIS FINALLY SECEDE and then we see The Bank of Nevis everywhere a Dare 2 Be Different International is.
Will small businesses soon start working together around the Caribbean and then probably buy shares in The Nevis Development Bank shortly as we are being listed on the Berlin Stock Exchange Soon - www.thesupplyshopinc.com - Then later the NASDAQ.
It was my old head teacher Mrs. McKoy from The Dr. William Connor Primary School who came to visit me said, that MARCUS GARVEY recommended that the key to survive is when SMALL BUSINESSES WORK TOGETHER.
Did I mention a NAME in a good way here?
Would Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com help NEVIS FINANALLY SECEDE - since St. Kitts - messed with God's Annointed - The Radical Godman? Will Khrystus City be built in Nevis instead of Constituency 4?
Time will Tell!
My international and local lawyers, friends and psychologists have asked me to prove that I am slowly recovering well by not using civilian names in my articles anymore. This will help to prove to the world that my actions which I apologized for in an article on www.hopeisahead.com called - UNSHACKLED - Face Yourself and Think - The 1st One was proof that I was away from myself for a time.
So I will be cautious from now on as I write.
*****But remember - - - People with my condition COME AND GO - so don't upset me - LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I visited two Banks this morning to do a single transaction at each of them.
At one bank, I met a teller who attended The Verchild's High School with me and she's always encouraging me - 869-661-0118. She was actually the first one to text me when the rumours started and say, I'm in your corner Khrystus - I know you're always DIFFERENT from School and people hate DIFFERENT PEOPLE just like they hated JESUS - a radical.
Then I went to a BIG INTERNATIONAL Bank and I had to stay cool. I deposited $55 and then my balance was $23.88.
I used my right and asked for a PRINT OUT of MY STATEMENT and the youth customer service rep said, I can do it better and explain to you. I remembered the words of my NEW YORK counsellor - Stay cool even when people upset you.
So I listened like a KINDERGARDENER as the young man explained to me my transactions and spoke my business over the counter. I was angry inside, I didn't want the world to know which USA BASED company I use for my marketing.
Suppose I didn't want people to hear who charged my debit card. Isn't it my RIGHT to ask for a statement? Even if I have to pay for it? I just wanted to see how having deposited $55, my balance was $23.88.
I wasn't accusing anyone. I just wanted to check everything for myself. To date, I left the bank with my little receipt with the Bank's LOGO - if you want to see for yourself, just come visit me during this time or I'll walk around with it in my WALLET to show you, since I can't call the Bank's name here in this allegation. I hate that bank's ONLINE BANKING SYSTEM. It's too complex to use.
The Bank of Nevis - www.thebankofnevis.com Online Banking is SIMPLE - Even a Toddler could use it to bank.
My mind then traveled across the waters to The LOVING AND CARING BANK OF NEVIS - www.thebankofnevis.com.
They are so caring and compassionate. Even though I do most of my business with St. Kitts banks, they always bend the extra mile to help me. WHY ON GOD'S EARTH DIDN'T I TRY TO GET MY BIG LOAN FROM THERE?
When I wanted to get some monies over their, they told me that they had a Corresponding Account with the Royal Bank of Canada and they allowed me to use that. I should have been saving all my monies with them and they would have helped me and guided me every step of the way, because NEVISIAN BANKS and Nevisians seem to care more about Small businesses than St. Kitts - and Kittitians.
Oooops - Made some more enemies now because I am controversial.
Most of my Shop and Ship Customers - www.shopandshipskn.com customers come from Nevis and they stuck with me - Why do you think they will own Shares shortly as Shop and Ship will have its own fleet - Jets and Boats and Youth Businesses around the Caribbean and the World, everywhere we open a Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com.
Do you see why the RICH get RICHER and the poor stay poor - The Rich always understood and supported my BIG MIND - so they always helped in little ways, so when you see the RICH get RICHER - Don't curse them. And then, there were some WISE Small Business Friends who always helped in little ways. Now you see how a Godly Private Government is officially in place and you'll never know who is apart of it. Just give God 12 Months and we'll see who turns INSANE at God's Power.
My Savings account at The Bank of Nevis has on less than EC$20 / US$8 - and I can quickly and easily log on at anytime through www.thebankofnevis.com to see my balances. I can even send an email or call because so many people there know my voice and if I want a statement on the next ferry, they'll send it to me.
If I am travelling and I want my Debit Card Limit increased, all I have to do is call the card centre and talk to one of the lovely ladies there (that's how one of them got their FREE SHOP AND SHIP Account - They helped me out. They'll get shares in Shop and Ship too just because of their deed of kindness. Did you forget that President Obama has something calls the JOBS ACT that allows Small Businesses to raise up to US$1 Million or US$5 Million per year under a special regulation.
Yippee - I do have a USA Business - You forgot? And with so much LEGAL HELP NOW and everyone wanting me to RELAX - I am getting help and guidance. Imagine just sending a text to a local lawyer to deal with an international lawyer and my mother bringing me medicine as I listen music. WOW - Now you see you missed out on the 21st Century Ark.
And now my Preaching Visits and Motivational Speaking requests are SKY HIGH and I want to leave tomorrow, but doctors are saying to cool out myself.
Anyway, back to how My Bank of Nevis Ladies Girls in the Card Centre or Customer Services would help me. They always gave me a smile on the phone and would put me on to the manager of that department and CHA CHING - Limit temporarily increased.
Oh yes - My Checking account is in overdraft for a couple months. I don't know if the Lawyer for the bank loves me personally. (I hope she isn't married or I get myself in trouble with my International Lawyers and Psychologists here) But please - JOKE. If she isn't married, tell her to text me for a date - 869-661-0118 (Age is just a number) LOL.
But on a serious NOTE - She was placed there by GOD to show mercy. God knew that with the soon to be addition of a Dare 2 Be Different Blazing Star Movement Private Godly Government - with our own financing centre - www.daretobedifferenteasyfinance.org, that we'll let The Bank of Nevis be the Caribbean Hub to hold our monies in the region, that will help our supporters.
I guess this is the Bank that my entire VICTIMIZED Family should head to and sign TOGETHER like what we were trying to do over and over, just to get some help.
To my foreign team leaders that are also launching your Dare 2 Be Different Finance in your countries too, I want to recommend that you open OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS with the Bank of Nevis - IMMEDIATELY. Send me a Facebook Message first - Rev. Stephen - He's a radical too from GHANA - www.daretobedifferentghana.com
To Local Youth Businesses, come by Brother Khrystus and I'll tell you what you need to carry to The Bank of Nevis to open a business account TOMORROW AND THEN GET MONEY FOR YOUR BUSINESS. If they willing to give you $1000 - take it - build your credit and relationship and go back for more. Learn from My Mistakes.
You can start somewhere with a little $500 as a Fixed Deposit and help it grow or ask if they selling shares. SHARES ARE POWER for you now and for your generation.
I'm relaxing and bored and want to help you through - www.kwconsultingskn.com. Of course at a FEE - I won't charge, I'll let you donate something to my ministry for my help. (Don't tell people I didn't set a fee, or they'll call me a FOOL and stop advising me. But I just have a heart to help the poor, the working class, the small businessman, the disabled as things are hard for all of us."
But by the time you come, if I have a FEE in place, just remember that I am controlled by LAYWERS around the world following my every article and every more. So I did say its a donation for my WISDOM, but if by the time you reach, there is a FEE - don't blame me. I can't take them off the list or I lose their help immediately.
To those on my mailing list who already bought a NEVIS PHYSICAL ADDRESS from me through www.kwconsultingskn.com, I know you've been asking about setting up an OFFSHORE ACCOUNT - I guess the Bank of Nevis can email me some more details at: information@kwforchrist.com so I can pass on to you or just visit their website - www.thebankofnevis.com
One of my Financial Advisors and former local bank managers that will be helping to operate - www.daretobedifferenteasyfinance.org can help you setup such an account.
Interesting! While Typing, My Bank of Nevis Online Account automatically logged me out as a SECURITY MEASURE - while I still wait on the STATEMENT I requested from a Foreign International Bank just after 9am this morning.
As part of my healing process, I have to do what makes me happy. Writing and expressing myself freely makes me happy. To my English Teachers, International Lawyers, Psychologists, large local youth following, inquisitive readers, Hon. ____________ Government Advisor (oops was getting out of hand) and others, apart from my grammatical errors and commas, long sentences etc - How much would you grade me out of 10? Waiting for a Response - Honestly.
Am I slowly getting there? Now don't upset me before I call you name or release some of the information I know in a Radical Email Next Time next time. LOLOLOLOLOL.
Remember I have some Muslim Radicalists as friends now and they don't believe in VENGEANCE IS MINE - I WILL REPAY YOU SAITH THE LORD.
They believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
When your children are going through a CRISIS - SPEND TIME WITH THEM. Keep them away from FACEBOOK and the internet. Take time off from WORK. A word from the PREACHER - who can control himself to you is ENOUGH) The Internet is a POWERFUL TOOL - MIND YOU.
Which side of Brother Khrystus do you like? The Radical or the cool?
Brother Khrystus
Imagine they don't want me to do ANYTHING. I hate being treated like a KING and a BABY - "But I gotta get accustomed - LOL. You never know what's next!"
The enemy TRIED to mess with my mind because the Constitution says that MENTALLY UNFIT PERSONS CAN'T RUN! I didn't want to run, I just wanted to setup a Godly Government after 2 Months and I didn't start to stop and jump on to jump off just like what the Radical Pastor and Founder of The Antioch Baptist Church once said - So the devil and his imps failed!
I did get to the SET DATE - 1st May, 2013 and because I have hundreds of registered Youths and unregistered folks who would have voted for The Blazing Star Movement - www.theblazingstarmovement.com - My Folks want jobs if you want their X - Things are TIGHT! TIGHT BAD! BAD! BAD!
The people rejected a GODLY GOVERNMENT CONCEPT - so we really don't care which UNGODLY GOVERNMENT IS ELECTED.
Our marketing services are open to THE HIGHEST BIDDER. Text: 869-661-0118 / Email: information@kwforchrist.com - NO FACE TO FACE MEETINGS. BID FIRST AND THEN WE TALK.
I will publicly endorse and support the HIGHEST BIDDER and encourage my LARGE following that I know is supporting me to VOTE THAT WAY. After all, we really don't care who is ELECTED - My People will be well looked after - When Joseph was promoted from the PRISON TO THE PALACE - HOPE CAME IMMEDIATELY - RIGHT?
Have you perused the concept well? - www.daretobedifferenteasyfinance.org.
And The Bank of Nevis will be the Strongest Bank in the Caribbean very soon as soon as it is launched, because they didn't TROUBLE AND ABUSE God's Anointed.
Psalm 105:15 - Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."
1 Chronicles 16:22 - Do not touch my chosen people, and do not hurt my prophets."
And if you want to know who is the KINDEST - YET MOST STRICT LAWYER IN THE WORLD - Ask me privately, the person doesn't like PUBLICITY. YES THEY ARE FROM NEVIS - and they will handle ALL GLOBAL CONTRACTS for www.openakvkfranchise.com - Remember I'm too soft hearted - So you have to PASS THEM TO GET TO ME - So I wonder if I should still be so easily accessible or play big? Or just stay humble like JESUS.
I'll stay humble, that's why when you see me, I still wear my short pants, draggers and a shirt. Doc told me that JESUS moved RELAXED - no shirt and tie - Radical's have no time to button up shirts and tie shoe laces. LOLOLOLOLOL.
Remember - I take nothing for the JOURNEY - If you love me - you look after the Annointed. But then again, you missed the 21st Century Ark that God sent to help you by staying outside and calling the PREACHER _ _ _ _ _.
Aren't you watching everything that is happening with me? The Signs of the Times - Interesting or Frightening? No matter how much Godly government I setup though - God can come as a THIEF in the Night and if you aren't READY - . . . . Get Saved - Visit my website - www.kwforchrist.com
Remember they thought NOAH WAS CRAZY TOO. The Local and Global Earthquakes, Accidents, they are no joke - Guess What's Next?
God said that the entire world MUST hear the Gospel first then he returns - Dozens of people across the world are using SOCIAL MEDIA TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL FAST - so God's return is NIGH. Are you ready?
I sit and type and wonder because I have nothing else to do - so forgive the LENGTH - I'm getting there - LOLOLOLOL.
If Dare 2 Be Different International's Godly Power will finally help Premier Vance Amory. (OOOOPS - I called a Name) Is that bad?
I wonder if our Power, as we make The Bank of Nevis the strongest Caribbean Bank Shortly will help NEVIS FINALLY SECEDE and then we see The Bank of Nevis everywhere a Dare 2 Be Different International is.
Will small businesses soon start working together around the Caribbean and then probably buy shares in The Nevis Development Bank shortly as we are being listed on the Berlin Stock Exchange Soon - www.thesupplyshopinc.com - Then later the NASDAQ.
It was my old head teacher Mrs. McKoy from The Dr. William Connor Primary School who came to visit me said, that MARCUS GARVEY recommended that the key to survive is when SMALL BUSINESSES WORK TOGETHER.
Did I mention a NAME in a good way here?
Would Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com help NEVIS FINANALLY SECEDE - since St. Kitts - messed with God's Annointed - The Radical Godman? Will Khrystus City be built in Nevis instead of Constituency 4?
Time will Tell!
OPEN TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER WITH ENDORSEMENT - There are many quotes in the Bible about Wisdom Politicians - Act Now - Here's ONE - Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting, get understanding
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