The Victory Centre Historic Record - 26th May, 2013 -
Attendance - 14 (3 adults)
Tithes and Offering Collected: $16.04 - TO GOD BE THE GLORY
Psalm 118:22 - The stone which the builders rejected has become the head stone of the corner.
The trumpets sounded. The people gave a great shout. "David is being crowned king of Israel. Long live King David!"
The days as an outlaw were over. But that was not the end of David's troubles. The followers of the old king - SAUL - fought against him. The Philistines and other old enemies were always waiting to return. And at the heart of his kingdom the fortress of Jerusalem was still held by a Canaanite tribe.
It was a great day when David stormed the stronghold and made the city of Jerusalem his new capital.
There was peace at last. Now David could do something that he wanted to do for a long time. He gave ORDERS for the sacred box which held God's law to be brought to Jerusalem.
What a day of singing and dancing and feasting that was! And King David outldanced them all - he was so full of joy. Now Jerusalem was more than his own capital city. It was the city of God!
David was a good king - a great SOLDIER and statesman; a born leader. He had many sons and daughters. All his people loved him. He did not grow proud and disobedient as KING SAUL had done. He remained loyal to God all his life. But there were times, even so, when things went badly wrong, but since he had already conquered Goliath - overthrown Saul, God was always gracious and merciful to him because of his repentant spirit.
The End!
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