From February 26th - April 30th, 2013, those have been the most trying and suffering days of my life just because I stepped out like David to form a Godly Youth Political Party called The Blazing Star Movement - and refuse to give up as Good Soldiers Never Give Up.
During the process, I've been hurt over and over by different folks I thought loved me. Some called me crazy and some have stopped talking to me - but I forgive and I am still here because of God's grace and mercy. - Moving on Up Now! Nothing can stop the youths from rising!
God sacrificed me just to shake up the ladder and create a path for the youth, the poor, the working class, the disabled to RISE - let's just RISE TOGETHER! We must bring down the walls of Jericho Together after we march around 7 times. Let us continue confusing the enemy - but always respond quickly and suddenly at the sound of the trumpet.
If you are for Godly Blazing Star Movement - you're safe automatically like Noah's family was safe! If you are not for God then you are for the illuminati and will be destroyed with Goliath and The Phillistines in the sudden rush and success in the war and take over.
Just like in Bible days - Jesus always spoke in parables. Let him who has an ear - hear what the annointed man of God saith unto him. Get saved - visit - click salvation or just ask me how to - before it is too late.
Love you!
I've been leading people to Christ on my Smartfone for years and keeping you and them encouraged! Is that a lie? These are the last days! Change your ways and repent!
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