Wednesday, May 15, 2013

LOCAL Senior Doctors Confirm Medical Malpractice Allegations by Radical Reverend Khrystus Wallace - JNF Hospital and Youth Doctors In Trouble

An Open Letter To The Leader of The PAM & The SKN Labour Party - Just Let The Youths Rise in peace - PLEASE - I BEG YOU! I BEG!

15th May, 2013

Today makes 2 months and 15 days since I founded the The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis's most radical Godly Youth Party - The Blazing Star Movement -

Let me be plain and frank, the youth that support me and the many seasoned PAM and Labour elders said that it was a noble ambition but because of they way politics is in St. Kitts - Nevis and across the Caribbean,  they would have to help and support me finally and if it was my dream, I would do what my popular sermon preached at The Charlestown Wesleyan Holiness Church recommends - "Good Soldiers Never Give Up"

As I type, my hands tremble, I am almost at the finished line but I need your help to get over and let the Youths Finally Rise. My emails and my blogs and facebook would have been telling my story before my FACEBOOK account was too powerful so they shut it down.

I will fight to get back my Facebook account even if I have to travel to Silicon Valley or meet Mark Zukerburg for myself. I  WILL  GET  BACK  MY  FACEBOOK. That is years of hard work and POWER and I was victimized again. They tried to take over my BLOGGER.COM  account and since I started on the 1st of March, 2013 - they have tried to take over my Facebook account, but I will show Politicians who rules - WHO  IS  MARKETING  KING -  WHO  IS  CAPABLE  OF  BEING  THE  NEXT  PRIME  MINISTER  of St. Kitts - Nevis because I don't give up, I fight to the very end.

In a previous email, I honestly confessed that I wasn't well and needed to seek overseas medical attention, but you know how things are around this place financially, if not, look at my VIDEO  BELOW - Titled - "If things HARD and you know it CLAP  YOUR  HANDS.'

Yesterday, while driving, one of my good friends from the St. Kitts Customs Department - Rang my phone 869-661-0118 and when I answered, the first thing she said, "Khrystus you don't feel so good." I asked why and she responded, "I can hear it in your voice. This isn't the happy Khrystus." I responded that I really wasn't feeling well and I said to myself, "You know what, let me pray and ask God which seasoned Doctor I can go to and trust because maybe since I spoke out about the Corruption and Malpractice at The JNF HOSPITAL - all of them would want to kill me now."

God answered my prayers and I decided to get another opinion, since I already had the first opinion from my TOP  CLASS  FAMILY  DOCTOR that has been dealing with me since birth.

It was the first time I was going to try that Doctor and I was still scared but I listened music to calm my new stress of visiting another local doctor and waited almost four hours because of a few technicalities with other patients.

When it was my turn, I explained to him my JNF Hospital Victimization Case and my intentions to pursue charges and he pushed and pushed and pushed me not to do it. So, of course, the human side of me was to just ensure that I take no FDA Medication from that doctor because they may be all working with each other.

I don't know if that Doctor usually does that, but just did it because he sees that I am afraid of no one as I prepare to Lead The Federation of St. Kitts - Nevis as a fearless Godman, but having explained to him the situation, the fact that my mother begged YOUTH  DOCTORS not to let me go to Psychiatric Ward because nothing was wrong with me and I was just highly stressed.

I explained to the doctor that I was already under sleeping medications from my TOP  CLASS  FAMILY  DOCTOR and they still decided to inject me twice and place me on drips and happily and wrongfully rush me off to PSYCHIATRIC  WARD to overnight because society branded me as crazy because all in ONE  WEEK ' "a lose me OMAN, a was under alot of financial pressure, how a the Biggest Telecommunications Network in the Caribbean blocked my cell phone 869-661-0118 while I had my two female body guards with me and since I am wise, I checked to see if the network was really down and their cell phone was working and I went to check with others and theirs was working too. I went into the offices of The Biggest Telecommunications Company in the Caribbean that boasts of GREAT SERVICE and who I purchased not BEGGED - but purchased a PRE-PAID service plan for 869-661-0118 and requested to get TWO  NEW  CHIPS and having sat for over 35 minutes, no chip could be registered under Khrystus Wallace - I turned to the Customer Service Rep and said - this is what you call VICTIMIZATION from the Highest People in the Land just because youths want to rise. The rest information is for the COURT  CASE - but the Manager of The Biggest Telecommunications Company in the Caribbean called the Police and allegedly said that I had to be out of my mind with those angry texts I sent him and that is how I ended up on "CRAZY" ward - because of his call.

Yes - He was listening to YOU as you called me CRAZY instead of trying to help me. YOU were trying to see how best you can keep down a youth from rising - YES  YOU  BECAUSE  YOU ARE  ONLY  UNDERSTANDING  NOW  - AFTER  what God was doing. How Sad!"

The Youth Doctors at the JNF HOSPITAL listened to what SOCIETY was saying instead of what my mother was saying and instead of running their own tests firsts.

One of the reasons they shut down my FACEBOOK  ACCOUNT is because I was reaching the world with the TRUTH about Medical Malpractice at the JNF Hospital and I am just a way too powerful marketer attached to my own firm -

Doc told me, "Sir, pressure can twist you up and kill you and you are most coherent but I can see that you are a very intelligent and wise man. Different people are usually judged in our society as CRAZY and that isn't right."

The Doctor pulled out medical books and explained to me that I was injected with "I am having a hard time remembering the name because the medication slows down the brain too as I had assumed. Yes I have to think very hard to remember alot of things. NOT  FAIR. Excuse me let me ask my mother the name of again ---- OH  YES  - Thanks Mom - "Induced Parkinsons Disease"

Yes - Instead of properly diagnosing me and putting me on medical ward and treating me for stress, they INJECTED  me  with "INDUCED  PARKINSONS  DISEASE." Therefore, that's why as I type, I shake. Therefore, that's why if you take me out for lunch today, which I would appreciate, when I hold the folk and knife at Shiggidy Shack or Circus Grill if you're in Basseterre with a Lobster Dish - My Favourite, I would be shaking.

I showed the doctor the YOUTUBE  VIDEO that twitched my mouth and the professional said that was a common side effect, twisting my mouth and making my tongue heavy. I explained that I had all of these sudden twitches on my body and that what had happened the next day when I went to see the Psychologist and proved that I was COHERENT and DEMANDED that I placed on Private Ward which they quickly did. The Doctor said that the injection that they gave me the day after, should have been given to me FIRST - FIRST  I  SAY and then they WAIT  FIFTEEN  MINUTES  and give me the other TWO  INJECTIONS and then the drips.

Therefore, what they did LAST - they should have done FIRST. So that means I could have died at the JNF  HOSPITAL  because the Doctor explained to me and showed me from medical books what those injections do. They tighten the muscles - especially brain muscles. I could have died but GOD.

The Doctor also explained that the Medication has an ANGER  SIDE  EFFECT and said that because I was intelligent, I was able to let out my anger through WRITING, instead of HARMING  SOCIETY. I am sure since SKNVIBES and other media houses have rarely covered my party because this is a PAM and LABOUR country "WELL  NOT  JUNIE  LIBURD  of Freedom FM - He's fair, so on the RISE - That's where I'm spending my money and he never complained of me using his FACEBOOK  WALL and was always wild to do interviews. So he will have to authorize me to spend my Marketing Dollars anywhere else and plus I run my own media firm. Do you see why you should be FIRST to help, because you really don't know where people would reach in life. When Junie heard that I had launched a Party - He was FIRST to beg to AIR the launched speech still on

But, do you see I am coherent and NOT  CRAZY as you joined others and SAID. I was just highly stressed.

Let me end here and get to the point of this open letter. As I seek other overseas medical attention to go along with the local medication, the doctor wrote up on a paper that I should relax for SEVERAL  MONTHS - YOU HEAR  THAT - MONTHS in order to recover properly. Was it a POLITICAL  PLAN  TO  KILL  ME  but God Favored Me and Resurrected me to prove a point?

Will Dr. Douglas quickly call elections tomorrow just because he heard that a New Seasoned Doctor said I needed to rest for several months in order to recover properly when I went to JNF a perfect man just under alot of STRESS because the Manager of The Biggest Telecommunications Network in the Caribbean and United Kingdom called police and said that some messages I sent to him were ANGRY and that wasn't like me.

For the world to know, the Manager of the Biggest Telecommunications Network is / was one of my BIGSHOT  BEST  FRIENDS who ensured that  rose FAST by giving us alot of printing jobs before they decided to cut their budgets when the global economy changed and outsource certain jobs.

This manager would text me periodically and commend my articles and give me ideas for my business. Ask him! Then instead of calling me into his office, he called the police for HIS  BEST  FRIEND causing him to end up at the JNF Hospital, being injected improperly with PARKINSONS  DISEASE and having now to rest for months and not properly lead my Godly Youth Party to Victory unless doctors push extra fast to help me recover.

Was it also a political move since that Manager signed a motion of No Confidence to remove the Prime Minister and noticed that my party was too powerful and would win at the Next Elections so therefore allegedly joined in increasing my stress from The St. Kitts - Nevis Development Bank Victimization Cases that they are clearly WRONG with but just refuse to compensate me but want to stress the ANOINTED  MAN  OF  GOD  with a lengthy TRIAL even though it has been judged in the court of public opinion.

The Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas, as Erasmus Williams his Press Secretary likes to say as he introduces him on ASK  THE  PM, I'm sure has been hearing about my cases. As he communicated with me on my hospital bed and saw that I was coherent as a MEDICAL  DOCTOR. He actually said that he was happy I was OK and in a confirmed text commended my BRILLIANCE. That is what you call an endorsement from "The Top Prime Minister in The Caricom" - He did say that yesterday on Ask the PM - I listened well.

Therefore, if the TOP  PRIME  MINISTER has endorsed The Blazing Star Movement - leader, do you know what he meant to say as we know he always talks in codes as he pulls himself from the Dr. Timothy Harris comments. What Dr. Douglas meant to say is that "I don't want PAM in government, anything to keep them out, so support the Next Prime Minister - Khrystus Wallace with his Brilliant Ideas and let the youths RISE with ALL 8."

I do have your text sir!

Anyway, I know this is a long article, I'm happy this new Impartial doctor that I never even saw in my entire life face to face gave me a fair report and clearly and concisely documented it. You know the politics of the place though, because the doctor commented, "Nobody does bother with those cases against Doctors, only in the USA. So they might pay for the individual to take a vacation or burn down their office. So I must get other medical reports and different international opinions before a case since JNF doesn't want to settle.

To PAM and LABOUR heads, no healthy, ambitious youth like me should end up with INDUCED  PARKINSONS  DISEASE just because he started a Youth Political Party three (3) days after he was jailed for printing shirts for Dr. Timothy Harris on his way out of the country to preach a Crusade in Ghana - and Kenya  -

No healthy, ongoing youth like me should have to be taking out his ANGER on the world and even his peaceful mother and brothers and workers and customers because that is a side effect of INDUCED  PARKINSONS  DISEASE.

Therefore, if I was acting abnormal after I left the hospital and you were afraid of me, I'm sorry, the new Doctor is reversing it but the healing process takes a while.

All I wanted to do is rise. I know strong headed politicians that are after their own selfish agendas and not interested in looking after the YOUTH, the POOR, the WORKING CLASS,  the Disabled, the Small Businessman won't want to take this recommendation, but may I recommend that Politicians that had a chance to RUN for elections and serve already, step back and present 24 new candidates for the next election.

8 from The Pam

8 from the Labour

8 from the BSM

It is here that we can get Mr. Geoffery Hanley, (I  FORGIVE  HIM), Ms. Jihan Williams and others who have just practiced with SKYNPA over and over and over, would get to work and place the 24 candidates to run a clean, fair, non vindictive political campaign.

Honestly friend, we know FDA approved drugs carry many more side effects than what we are told. So, if I die hours after this email automatically goes out, I  LOVE  YOU and all I was doing was TRYING  TO  RISE. I meant no HURT  to anyone. I'm sorry - PRESSURE  causes us to do and say certain things.

* I lost the love of my life of 11 years

* They wanted me jailed over and over again

* They kept coming up with all sorts of things

* Then YOU started calling me crazy because I was reaching out

* Then my Good Friend, the St. Kitts - Nevis Manager of the Biggest Telecommunications Provider in St. Kitts - Nevis, the may who helped to bring KVK - to where it is now by constantly giving me printing jobs turned against me and called the police who having questioned me in front of a ton of policemen, took me to the hospital where YOUTH  DOCTORS  moved on HEARSAY and injected PARKINSONS  DISEASE  INTO  ME  TO  SLOW  DOWN  MY  BRAINS,  MUSCLES  AND  FUNCTIONING  and now I have to get other treatment.

Learning this just yesterday, stressed me more. Learning that I am FORCED to leave my country during a heightened political season and may not be able to run for this elections and make my Dream of Khrystus City in Constituency 4 come to pass hurts,

As I end this email, I cry. The tears flow because no youth should have to go through this just to rise. Therefore, I take this opportunity to request help from SKYNPA to take my Godly Youth Political Party Forward.

I started with NO POLITICAL  CASH - but just FAITH in GOD and if it is God's will, his will be done.

I  PAUSE -  I  REST  and I now wait to see if the FULL  CONFIDENCE  PRIME  MINISTER  DR.  DENZIL  DOUGLAS  will not comment on my cases and seek to offer the man of God his due recompense without a case.

1. St. Kitts - Nevis Development Bank

2. JNF  Hospital

Shall we let the youths rise in PEACE and play POLITICS  FAIRLY.  Let's end the fight down between PAM and LABOUR and victimization because PAM didn't give your father a job in 1984 and Labour Fired your mother and said not to buy from a PAM  BUSINESS.

To me alone, the Politicians that we are supposed to be looking up to, sound like a set of TODDLERS and I sometimes believe that some Kindergarteners form the Dare 2 Be Different Adopted Tyrell Williams Primary School will do a much better job running the country than current politicians.

I'll look and see if this message will just stay in emails and on my blog and since it can't be posted on my facebook, I'll just look and see how my story will end.

I'll wait and see.

Goodbye St. Kitts - Nevis

Yet Still I Rise! If you want me to stay, if you want to continue receiving these emails, your public show of support is required and then I'll make my final decision from there. Let us stop being so afraid and intimidated just because we are FEARFUL  of being victimized. BUT  THEN  AGAIN - I understand, you don't want to be in perfect health and end up BEING  INJECTED  AT  THE  JNF  HOSPITAL  by Youth Doctors who wouldn't listen and feel they know it all and end up like the ONCE  HAPPY - BROTHER  KHRYSTUS  with INDUCED  PARKINSONS  DISEASE.

Are we really free? Or are we a set of UNIFORMED  SLAVES walking to and fro daily, still living under the WHIP of our SLAVE  MASTERS.

Maybe YOU - NOT  ME  FOR  SURE -  If you don't want me and my GODLY  BLAZING  STAR  MOVEMENT - the world is a big place. If FULL  CONFIDENCE  Dr. Denzil Douglas doesn't want to compensate and stress me with a FULL  TRIAL - remind him that I am only 26 years old and even if it takes 4 years, what is due to the man of GOD - MUST  BE  PAID  EITHER   TODAY  OR  WHEN  EVER or God will destroy EVERYONE  INVOLVED  in the Probe to keep me down and while I forgive them, I keep their names LISTED as a reminder of the key people who always try to prevent the YOUTHS  FROM  RISING - maybe one day, their names will be published on a LARGE  PLAQUE  in Basseterre as a reminder to never MESS  WITH  A  YOUTH  when he/she is trying to rise.

Khrystus Wallace

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