Thursday, February 25, 2016

St. Kitts' Differently-Abled Graduate In Grand Style (25/2/2016)

25th February, 2016

By: Jesus Is Boss Media Department Staff Reporter -

St. Kitts' 2016 Differently- Abled Graduating Class dressed in Polo Shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES - 

Under the distinguished patronage of Team Unity Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris, differently-abled citizens from The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis graduated in grand style today Thursday, 25th February, 2016 at The McKnight Community Center at a 2pm graduation ceremony.

The group SUCCESSFULLY completed months long training in graphics design, craft, life skills and other skills which would enable them to fall into the world of work and earn a living INDEPENDENTLY.

Mr. Vincent Fough introduced Chairperson Mr. Terry Morris who did a splendid job hosting the event.

After Pastor Kieth Warner prayed, a rendition was given by Koby Wilkerson and President of The St. Kitts - Nevis Association of Persons with Disabilities, Mr. Anthony Mills delivered his annual report.

Brief comments were delivered by Mr. Osbert Desuza, Permanent Secretary in the Office of The Prime Minister, Honourable Marcella Liburd, Constituency # 2 representative and Mr. Rockliffe Bowen.

Prime Minister Harris then addressed and highly commended the graduates and encouraged the gathering and private sector to show their support to the differently abled. After his address, the audience was favoured by a rendition in song by the graduates.

Ms. Diana Pemberton introduced guest speaker and crown counsel 32 year old Ms. Jihan Williams who was down to earth, short and did a splendid job motivating and inspiring not just the graduates, but ALL.

Graduates were then presented with awards by Chairman of The TDC Group of Companies, a platinum sponsor of the association, Honourable Marcella Liburd and Dr. Timothy Harris.

The Class of 2016 differently-abled graduates are:

Sharon Frederick-Dasent

Elton Hart

Jamal Herbert

Sean Mills

Letitia Murray

Cheniqua M. Pemberton

Juneve Pringle

Antonia Richardson

Erica Rouse

Shodella Taylor

Vincentia Wilkerson

Team Unity Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris

President of The St. Kitts - Nevis Association  of Persons With Disabilities Mr. Anthony Mills

Featured Speaker Ms. Jihan Williams

Mr. Terry Morris - Chairperson of the Graduation

Mr. Osbert Desuza, Permanent Secretary in The Office of The Prime Minister

Hon. Marcella Liburd, St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party Representative for Constituency # 2

Mr. Rockliffe Bowen

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

Graduates dressed in polo shirts embroidered by KVK ENTERPRISES -

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