Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bishop Dr. Lazarus Rose Recommended That We Study From The AFRICAN American Jubilee Edition King James Version Bible

9th November, 2014

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International - since June 2008

Bishop Dr. Lazarus Rose - Bethesda Healing Centre - Brooklyn - New York

28 year old Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace

We had an awesome 8:30 am Worship Service today at The Dare 2 Be Different International Victory Centre - and we studied again, as we've been doing over the years from The African American Jubilee Edition King James Version of The Bible.

I was ordained by Bishop Dr. Lazarus Rose of The Bethesda Healing Centre in Brooklyn - New York - USA. She is originally from JAMAICA.

I was recommended for ordination by Bishop Dr. Joseph Henville of Faith Tabernacle Ministries in St. Kitts and Pastor Clive Saunders of The Unique Touch Christian Centre in St. Kitts.

So, yes I do have a RADICAL  JAMAICAN and American Godly anointing!

One of the gifts that Dr. Lazarus Rose handed to me was a BIBLE. Not an ordinary Bible, but The African American Jubilee Edition King James Version by The American Bible Society. I am sometimes a very stubborn person and certainly watch what I  READ, LISTEN  TO  AND  WATCH and set my mind on very carefully, in order to protect what and who I let into my spirit.

Having read through the first few pages introducing this new Bible presented by The American Bible Society, I had to confess that that gift was rare - unique - different. 

It's not that I never got a BIBLE as a gift, but this BIBLE was rare and opened my mind a lot more to my RICH  AFRICAN  HISTORY and taught me how to CORRECTLY  INTERPRET  THE TEACHING OF  THE  BIBLE and not accept everything that every "SO  CALLED  PREACHER" says. It made it even easier to study theology and present papers to lecturers.

Since my Ordination Service on Sunday, 26th July, 2009, when I was presented that gift, I now understand the importance of constantly LEARNING about and TEACHING my GLOBAL following about their RICH  AFRICAN  HERITAGE and their struggles and the importance of continuing the good fight - NEVER  TO  GIVE  UP and CONSTANTLY  DARE  TO  BE  DIFFERENT.

I was led to visit YOU TUBE while writing this piece to LISTEN again to my Ordination Service conducted by Bishop Dr. Lazarus Rose. During the FIRST  MINUTE of the video, she said something that caused me to close the video down and go and lay flat on the floor and meditate and pray.

Everything that happened to me recently, was prophesied to happen to me by Bishop Dr. Lazarus Rose of The Bethesda Healing Centre in Brooklyn - New York - USA some FIVE  YEARS  AGO on Sunday, 26th July, 2009.

During the first 60 seconds of the video, she said.

"He was a WARRIOR. . . Moses was a TOUGH  HEAD! Some people gotta go to PRISON to answer the CALL  OF GOD!

No matter how long it takes, GOD  WILL  GET  YOUR  ATTENTION!"

It was only after I went to prison that I answered the CALL to start The Youthful Godly Blazing Star Movement - despite being condemned and marginalized by family, friends, pastors, leaders, government officials, society and YOU on my quest to become Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis in the future.

I went on - pressed on - obeyed the call of GOD and suffered because I  ANSWERED  THE  FRESH CALL  OF GOD  ON  MY LIFE, just like how Moses suffered, Joseph suffered, Paul, Peter, Stephen, Isaiah, Jesus and the many of great people of the BIBLE suffered - I  SUFFERED  IMMENSELY  TOO!

Bishop Dr. Lazarus' ORDINATION  SERVICE  SERMON on Sunday, 26th July, 2009 was just for me.  The MESSAGE  IS  JUST  FOR  YOU  TOO. Watch the service using the video link:





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