Monday, November 24, 2014

Still No Tools of Trade: PLEASE PRAY - Brother Khrystus NEEDS YOUR URGENT GLOBAL HELP!


Historic 1st Mugshot of 27 Year Old Khrystus Wallace from The Federation of St. Kitts - Nevis. Arrested and thrown in jail for 6 months without a trial for writing an article on his blog that offended and scared Prime Minister Denzil Douglas and his Labour Party Administration

Dear Reader,

I need your prayers and URGENT help. Matthew 7:7 says Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

On Monday, 27th May, 2013, I was arrested by The Dr. Denzil L. Douglas Labour Party Administration for writing and publishing an article on my blog that offended and scared the learned Prime Minister of St. Kitts - Nevis.

On the date mentioned above, the Dr. Denzil Douglas local police force and army entered my family's home and my personal business and ministry space without a search warrant and court order. The large contingent of soldiers had fully loaded M16 Guns and K9 Dogs. They handcuffed me in front of my family, seemingly afraid that I would get fierce and oppose them which of course I didn't so that an obstruction charge wouldn't be laid, and they walked me through the house as they searched our property for drugs, guns and ammunition, embarrassingly finding nothing.

To try and hurt me further, and cause undue stress on my parents (retired civil servants) and brothers,  Mr. Jefferson Wallace, Mrs. Yvette Wallace, M.Ed, Lemercius Wallace, Stanacius Wallace and Stascius Wallace along with other global close family, friends and supporters, they removed ALL of the family, business and ministry desktop computers, laptops, external hard drives, cellular phones, pen drives and dongle keys to ensure that my printing machines would not work and my family has nothing to make bread and live on - But God has been good.

While thrown in Jail for six months to allow Prime Minister Denzil Douglas to catch his breath and relax from the anxiety, my family and local lawyers tried numerous times to get these items back to no avail. 

The local St. Kitts - Nevis lawyer heading my team of lawyers from the Caribbean, United Kingdom and the USA is Sir Nassibou Butler of Butler, Butler and Butler, former Director of Public Prosecution under The Dr. Kennedy Simmonds Administration. His calls and requests to the Dr. Denzil Douglas Administration since May, 27th 2013, to return all the items in proper working order, continue to be ignored along with constant calls, visits, letters and emails from The Wallace Family.

Friend, while I know these things are vanity according to  Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. I am also realistic about the need to get my TOOLS  OF  TRADE BACK so that I can make a living, help my family, meet my obligations, move on and live.

While laying flat on my belly in my business place and reading the Psalms as I usually do daily, I was inspired to reach out to those who really love me and to the Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry that I started in June 2008 and have been serving and ask for your prayers and help.

When the Dr. Denzil Douglas Administration forcibly took away my tools of trade and all my computers, they also took away HOPE from the dozens of students and children that we've been ministering to, helping with homework, SBAs and keeping off the streets with our regular Youth Events and Activities for the past five (5) years. We always use our technological equipment - but sadly, they have been out of our hands for the past ten (10) months.

It honestly hurts my heart each time I get a text or call from a parent or a child, or if a youth passes by my home or business to ask if we started back as yet fully, to tell them that the POLICE and ARMY haven't returned the items we need to help them, so wait on until WHENEVER they decide to if they do. 

I hate to turn them away, or entertain them with NO EQUIPMENT. How Sad! How Sad!

While my team and I were cleaning and rearranging my ministry office just yesterday, God led me back to a message that I preached at several churches across the Caribbean. The two focus verses were:

Deuteronomy 1:6 The LORD our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount:

Deuteronomy 1:7 Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, and in the south, and by the sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Euphrates.

God said to me, "Khrystus, stop waiting and waiting and waiting and do something." Therefore, I decided to put pen to paper and explain my current predicament to you - the WORLD and ask for your help - any little or BIG help.

If you have any NEW or USED Computers / System Units, LCD Monitors so that I can at least start training folks to use the computer again, help students with homework and SBA sessions and re-start my Dare 2 Be Different Fun Fridays and Spectacular Saturdays event that Joy "Lady Smilez" Codrington, my Best, Best Friend and Event Director has been pushing me to do. My team and I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Kindly email: or call me personally at: 1-869-661-0118 or 1-869-765-7270 or 1-869-663-0114.

Forgiveness is always key. I have already forgiven Dr. Denzil Douglas personally and his Labour Party Administration. I honestly text him, and members of his Labour Party team, along with Police Commissioner Dr. C. G Walwyn, almost daily to encourage them in the Lord.

Yes! We All Need The Lord!


You know friend, it all boils down to COUNTRY  ABOVE  SELF. I honestly hold NO ANIMOSITY in my heart towards Dr. Denzil Douglas and his Labour Party team for what they have done to my family and I. I. I love them still.

As a politician, I am at liberty to freely express myself and advocate in political articles and platforms which I will continue to do, and while talking, I may say things OPENLY when I do not support the agenda of a particular politician or party, because I FEAR  NO  ONE - BUT  GOD!

You know friend. I have high hopes that I'll be the Prime Minister of the Federation of St. Kitts - Nevis some time in the future under a Blazing Star Movement Led Administration. While I have carefully studied the DIVIDE and CONQUER approach, I believe if we are to really HEAL  THE  WORLD as Michael Jackson sang, we must use a LOVE  FOR  ALL approach as Jesus has always taught by example.

I love and forgive Dr. Denzil Douglas. I honestly have. This doesn't mean that I love all his approaches, actions, policies and leadership style, but I am following 1 John 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

If Dr. Douglas calls me today to do something that will benefit the country and its people, rest assured, I'll lay politics on the back burner and HELP. After all, as a Child of God, FAMILY, Ministry and Service to God and OTHERS will always take PRIORITY in my life.

Politics, Business and everything else comes after.

Thank you in advance for not just reading and wondering, but rallying your PRAYER  WARRIOR  AND ACTION  SPIRIT and DOING  SOMETHING  TO  HELP  ME  START  HELPING  OTHERS AGAIN.

Keeping my faith and hopes HIGH! This is indeed the year for ALL  OF  US  TO  RISE   AND  SHINE  AND  SOAR! 

Always remember, in life, you can be ANYTHING you want to be! You can go anywhere you want to go! You can do ANYTHING legal that you want to do!

Do not let ANYONE stop you! People will always talk about everything you say and do, but they key to RISING  AND  SOARING, is to keep your head straight, your body firm and STAY  FOCUSED!

Please Pray and Act! I need your URGENT help!


Brother Khrystus Wallace


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