Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Honourable Marcia Jeffers Still Means The World To Me!

13th November, 2014

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis under a Blazing Star Movement Administration -

The Honourable Marcia Jeffers still means the world to me!

I first came to know Sister Marcia, as we’ll call her throughout this literary piece, during my tenure at The Dr. William Connor Primary School, the BEST primary school in the entire world. Even after she left, the Jeffers from “DE VILLAGE” have always played an integral role in the life of that institution.

We got much, much closer as we both were members of The Antioch Baptist Church and quite actively involved. We were both apart of The Young Baptist Fellowship TOGETHER, The Bell Choir TOGETHER, The Sunday School TOGETHER and always stayed busy helping around the church.

At age fifteen, Pastor Lincoln Connor, newly ordained leader of The Antioch Baptist Church – approached me and asked me to serve as the new President of the largest and most active children’s group at his Church – The Training Union. He sat me down and told me that he had carefully monitored my service and dedication to the Lord over the years and he knew that the Lord wanted me to serve in that capacity. Since he was the former leader of that group, he shared a lot of his experience and recommendations and carefully helped me along the way until I could manage it on my own. At such a young age, I had to be leading children, youth and adults younger and older than me. That group was the BIGGEST in the church and buses and parent’s vehicles brought children from EVERYWHERE each Thursday afternoon at 5pm.

Now where did the charming, exotic, delightful, enchanting, charismatic, attractive, appealing, amiable, polite Marcia Jeffers come in? She was never an executive member of my Training Union Board, but I invited her to most of my executive meetings over the years. I just loved her humble, meek spirit, yet forthright, energetic and always willing attitude. When ever I called on her to help, even though she wasn’t a member of The Training Union, she was PRESENT  AND  ALWAYS  READY TO HELP. She ALWAYS went OVERBOAD too.

The Training Union, over the years was practically responsible for planning and hosting over 75% of the Church’s Programmes and Events and Sister Marcia was always by my side, of course along with my other team members.

She was always ready and willing to assist with practicing the children, keeping them in order and stayed overly busy on the nights of our events, in the BACKGROUND making sure that everything flowed PERFECTLY.

I honestly don’t know what I would have done WITHOUT Sister Marcia when we were hosting our Annual Vacation Bible School Pageants and had to train so many boys and girls within a little 3 day period to put off a Spectacular Show on the Thursday night of Vacation Bible School. As I write and recollect now, I think each year, GOD caused a miracle to happen as the shows were always AWESOME and drew unbelievable crowds.

Honourable Sister Marcia was there with me every step of the way – practicing – preparing and executing. She’s just AMAZING!

She was like my wife – HONESTLY. Always around me and behind me with regards to ensuring that events came off GREAT!

As I type, I am now wondering why I didn’t make a MOVE (sweeteye) OVER  ALL  THOSE  YEARS. God sometimes puts princesses, who he knows would not just want LOVE, but would also be a great HELPMEAT right in front our eyes, (because they are very rare in this generation), and we men turn and look the OTHER  WAY and end up HURT. A lie men?
As I type, I could hear her voice in my ears coming up to some of the events, because we know that women are moreso emotional and sensational individuals – its in their genes, so we have to forgive them when they keep talking and hegging and talking and hegging.

“Khrystus you got that? . . . .Khrystus you remember that? Khrystus . . . .Khrystus . . .Khrystus. . . sometimes I just felt like catching a plane and FLYING  AWAY  FROM  SISTER  MARCIA – but I always remained cool – cool - cool!”

I remember one year she said to me, “I really don’t understand how you could just stay so cool you know.” I responded, “We practiced and practiced and practiced and tonight’s the show and I know the children will remember and put out their best.” And I usually left it there. When I’m apart of something, I try my best to remain FULLY  CONFIDENT that everything will turn out well and in my organization’s favour as I keep my faith HIGH  IN  GOD.

I honestly did need her hegging and bugging too, along with her help. It kept me right on par and SHE  MADE  THINGS  HAPPEN! You see, honestly speaking, many times we as LEADERS of groups and organizations and even countries, we get all of the public praise, and those in the background often go unrecognized and unappreciated and they practically do all the work. This article and my nice literary piece would go global with my name, but you never see and get to thank the people in the background making it happen. That’s just life at times, but that’s why I always take time out periodically to TELL  THE  WORLD  ABOUT  THE  PEOPLE  THAT  MEAN  THE  WORLD  TO  ME.

Let’s continue!

Pastor Lincoln Connor started Camp Praise while he was President of The Antioch Baptist Church Training Union. Biannually, the group chartered LIAT or Caribbean Star Airlines and travelled to a neighboring Caribbean Country for a two week camp.  IT  WAS  ALWAYS  AWESOME!

When I took over the Presidency, I continued carrying out his vision. I used to honestly pray that Sister Marcia would stay healthy and not make any other plans during Camp Praise time every two years. WHY? Camp Praise would have never been the same if she wasn’t there and she made sure that EVERY  ISLAND  we travelled too, she was RIGHT  BY  MY  SIDE  TO  HELP  ME. WHAT  A  GEM  OF  A  LADY!

Since we don’t serve in the same ministries anymore, we don’t interact that much anymore, BUT – SHE  STILL  MEANS  THE  WORLD  TO  ME.

As I close, I do remember that I told YOU, my international audience, that whenever I pause from my BUSY SCHEDULE to write an article or promote someone like this ALL ACROSS  THE  UNIVERSE, it has to be that I’ve carved out a special place in my heart for them. Sister Marcia does live in one of the corners of my heart. I continue to appreciate her spirit and energy – SHE  STILL MEANS  THE  WORLD  TO  ME.

Surely, the exquisite Honourable Marcia Jeffers stays on my mind daily – weekly – monthly – yearly and what ever I can do for her to help her onward and forward in life – I  WILL now or as The Future Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
I wish her ONLY the very best in her current and future endeavours as SHE  CONTINUES  TO  DO  WHAT  SHE  LOVES  BEST – DANCE  AND  SHINE!

Sister Marcia, I want to say to you again, but this time PUBLICLY. THANK  YOU FOR  ALL  THE HELP  YOU’VE  GIVEN  TO  ME  OVER  THE  YEARS. I sincerely appreciate it. It’s the background people like you, that always make those who are always in the FOREFRONT – like me always look good in the eyes of the world! Cheers – I  LOVE  YOU!

NB: As The Next Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, I HIGHLY recommend Sister Marcia Jeffers for service around the world in the areas of Ministry, Education, Dance and Business.

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