Tuesday, November 4, 2014


And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. (Luke 2:40 KJV)

Ensure that you let every situation - every circumstance DEVELOP you.

Anytime I face a challenging trial or circumstance, my mother would say, "If your grandfather was around, he would say Khrystus DEVELOP - DEVELOP - DEVELOP."

I wasn't fortunate enough to meet him though, but when ever my mother says those words, I believe I understand well what he would have meant then.

You see, it is a truth that each of us is bound to face challenging situations in our lives. We can't stop that. Daniel came up against haters who got him thrown in the lion's den. Moses had to deal with an ungrateful people who he had led out of bondage. Even Jesus came up against a jealous set of people called Scribes and Pharisees.

So too, we will have our times of trial too. My grandpa's words suggest that we should never be bent or affected by our current situation, but rather hold on to God, who is a firm foundation then learn and grow.

In the book of Luke 2, we have a great example of how we should DEVELOP. Nothing much is really mentioned of Jesus' childhood life, except a few statements here and there. One statement in Luke 2:40 states that Jesus DEVELOPED a strong spirit. As He DEVELOPED, He was thus filled with wisdom. As he DEVELOPED, the grace of God was upon him.

He had to be connected to His Father for this to happen.

So too, let's learn from His example, stay connected and under the will of GOD and let circumstances DEVELOP us into better people and not break us at all.

Remember, despite what ever you are going through,  Psalms 107:1 says, O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

God will be right there for you. So simply ENDURE  and  DEVELOP.


Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Dare 2 Be Different International
President & Founder - Since June 2008 

Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118
Other Tel: 1-869-765-7270

 SKYPE: kvkent

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