Wednesday, January 21, 2015

. . . and the JEHOVAH WITNESSES just keep coming and coming and coming! Should I Convert?

21st January, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International - since June, 2008

. . . and the JEHOVAH  WITNESSES just keep coming and coming and coming.

By now you've learned Brother Khrystus well, well, well, well. He is not afraid to write or talk about anything or anyone privately or publicly and send it around the world. Whether it's the beggar on the side of the road or The Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. He does what he has to do.

A few minutes ago, a foreign Caucasian Jehovah Witness stepped into my business place. I'll tell you the truth, the local Jehovah Witnesses over the years have never done that. They try to hand me a magazine, but never engage me much. I guess they probably know that I'm a tough head and very hard to convince.

Now when you come around me or I am in your presence, I am usually very observant and probably intuitive. I'm a writer and a reporter, so I am always looking for a story to write about and share with the world. What I noticed is that he had a KVK ENTERPRISES - business card in his pocket and I wondered to myself, where on earth did he get that from and then he started talking.

He said that I had handed one of his colleagues from Canada a business card some months back and had a brief talk with him and he was just here to followup.

I had remembered very well the individual and I had remembered telling him that I'm aspiring to be The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis under a Blazing Star Movement Administration - someday. I also remembered him telling me that The Jehovah Witnesses do not get involved in Politics, they stay with Kingdom Business and they do not even vote.

I wondered to myself, then WHY  ON  EARTH  DID  HE  SEND  SOMEONE  BACK  TO  COME AND  LOOK  FOR  ME  A  POLITICIAN, probably with hopes of turning me into a JEHOVAH WITNESS.

I remembered also telling him that I had my own ministry, Dare 2 Be Different International - since June, 2008 and that was doing pretty well and he said that probably all my talents would fit very well with the JEHOVAH  WITNESSES because the network is an entire GLOBAL  NETWORK and they do not carry titles, but rather LOVE  and SHARE and BLESS the world.

The gentleman from Canada begged me to lend him 15 minutes of my time and I agreed. He took out his iPAD and showed me videos of much of the work the witnesses were doing around the world and how my talent would fit in. I didn't show an interest and I know that he left the land.

So, a few minutes ago I was awed! He had sent someone to FOLLOWUP!

As EVANGELICALS. . . .many times we are very QUICK to criticize the witnesses for the MESSAGE that they are spreading around the world and condemn their thinking and messages.

I am not going to get into the debate of whether the teachings of the JEHOVAH  WITNESSES are right or wrong.

In talking with The Jehovah Witness from Canada though and sharing with him some of our CORE BELIEFS and our Global Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry Thinking, he was very quick to say, "YOUNG  MAN, your ministry seems to be THINKING  LIKE  JEHOVAH  WITNESSES" and you haven't been exposed to our teachings."

Today, I got Jehovah Witness package from a new foreign witness who again asked me to make an appointment for him to sit and share with me some new happenings and information and do a Bible Study.

They know very well that Brother Khrystus is an ordained minister of the gospel, with a ministry of six years turning seven this year. One of the witnesses months back asked me a question that caused me to THINK.

She asked, "you're a brilliant young man, with many ideas and a lot of ambition. Everyone follows you. Do the other churches love you and support what you're doing?"

I'm not going to tell you what I answered but it did cause me to think and ask myself. "Who SUPPORTS me MORE. The people of the WORLD? or the people of the SO  CALLED  CHURCH who say that we LOVE  EACH  OTHER  AND  CARE?" Hm! Hm! Hm!

The female Jehovah Witnesses'  response was, "JEHOVAH  WITNESSES  WORK  TOGETHER as we believe that we are simply all global brothers and sisters and we LOVE  AND  CARE  AND  SUPPORT EACH OTHER. No one is better than anyone."

While many of us EVANGELICALS are pretty GUILTY of condemning the witnesses, we must learn to GIVE  JACK  HIS  JACKET. They are constantly doing what many of us EVANGELICALS are failing to do daily. They are ON  THE  ROAD  WITNESSING and ENCOURAGING and TELLING  OTHERS  ABOUT  JESUS. (I'm not going to get into the DEBATE about some of their beliefs. I am just trying to PROVE  A  POINT!)

Who am I to judge whether their teaching is WRONG  OR  RIGHT?

It is said that if you KEEP  HITTING  A  ROCK, one day it will BREAK?

Brother Khrystus - The Jehovah Witness?????

There is A LOT that we GLOBAL  EVANGELICALS  could get from this literary piece! The WISE will draw from it and LEARN. The common reader will just READ and not be bothered one bit.

I look forward to sharing with The Jehovah Witness next week once GOD  TARRIES. For as long as I can remember, they are the ONLY  RELIGION that has ever approached me, much less come to my door and offered to share materials, resources and even talk with THE  28 YEAR  OLD  PREACHER.

Are WE  AS  GLOBALevangelical churches doing ENOUGH? Or are we just busy with activities and competing with each other to SEE  WHO  CAN  BUILD  THE  LARGEST  MINISTRIES - THE LARGEST  BUILDINGS  AND  MAKE  THE  MOST  MONEY  AND  DRIVE  THE  BIGGEST  RIDE?

Just wondering?

I really didn't read over this piece. I have to get back to KVK ENTERPRISES - The Top T-shirt Printing Company in The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis - to continue working. 

I wrote directly from my heart quickly, to let you know what was on my mind. Kindly forgive my typographical errors in my articles. I don't have my own PERSONAL  EDITOR  AS  YET.

This Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department  Article is Sponsored By:

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