Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tortola's Bishop John Cline Installed Pastors Ronald Taylor and Dr. Bassey Udo - SKN's Newest Church Leaders

11th January, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International - since June 2008

Under the distinguished patronage of former Governor General of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis Dr. Cuthburt Sebastian, newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of the largest and most powerful bank in the Eastern Caribbean, The St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank, Ms. Dawn Williams and Island Purified Water Powell Family, Pastors Ronald Taylor and Medical Doctor Bassey Udo were installed as the newest church leaders in the christian based twin island Federation.

Tortola's HOTTTTTT and popular pastor, businessman and government official, Bishop John Cline from mega church New Life Baptist flew into the federation to conduct the grand service that was attended by pastors, officials and dozens upon dozens of people from every denomination and every walk of life, filling the building beyond its capacity.

The service was filled with singing, poetry, dance and other vocal expressions. The two highlights for the afternoon-evening service were the installation of Brother Ronald Taylor as Senior Pastor and Dr. Bassey Udo as Assistant Pastor and the POWER  PACKED,  DROP  HOT,   DOWN  TO  EARTH,  TELL  IT   AS  IT  IS,  UNCOMPROMISING  SERMON  DELIVERY by Bishop John Cline.

All in all, the anointed event was a splendid success and I am certainly sure that when ALL  KITTITIANS AND  NEVISIANS get that opportunity someday to stand before God in heaven, even before checking to see if their names are written in the lambs book of life, He'll probably say, "MR OR  MS  KITTITIAN  OR  NEVISIAN, you had NO  EXCUSE for your name to not be written down in this Lamb's Book of Life I'm holding here in my hand because St. Kitts and Nevis is filled with churches galore and if you condemn all of them that were there before, you had a chance to hear the word of God and accept me a LORD  AND  SAVIOUR  OF  YOUR  LIFE  from the newest church in The Federation, The Holy City Worship Center with Pastors Ronald and Dr. Bassey, SO  YOU  HAVE NO  EXCUSE for rejecting me!"

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