Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mrs. Vernice Rogers Taught Me In Grade 6! After Her Social Studies Class On Politics, I Vowed I'd Be Prime Minister One Day!

10th January, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, Aspiring Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis under a Blazing Star Movement Administration

Mrs. Vernice Rogers

28 Year Old Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, Aspiring Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis

Mrs. Vernice Rogers Taught Me In Grade 6 at The Dr. William Connor Primary School. After Her Social Studies Class On Politics, I Vowed I'd Be Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis One Day!

Henry Adams once said, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops."

At the very beginning of this literary piece, I want to publicly commend ALL  TEACHERS locally, regionally and internationally. You are doing a more than AWESOME  WORK! Don't stop now! A SUPER  BIG  THANK YOU  ON  BEHALF  OF  THE  WORLD!!!!!!

As you are fully aware, once you've affected my life in some positive way and NEGATIVE  WAY  TOO, sooner or later the world will certainly hear about you SUDDENLY. We do live in the information age and getting a picture of you is just like WINKING and I do like to share my personal life stories globally to INSPIRE  OTHERS. I would NEVER  STOP  DOING  IT, so be very careful when you come into contact with me or choose me as a FRIEND or ENEMY.

A few weeks back, I passed my Grade 6 teacher at The Dr. William Connor Primary School walking in Basseterre - St. Kitts. I took the time out to tell her that it was because of her great teaching on the subject of POLITICS during Social Studies class as a little boy why I do have The Blazing Star Movement today. All the overly humble Mrs. Rogers did was smile and shake her head.

It was because of her great CREATIVE  WRITING  TEACHING and other subject teaching TOO, and the teaching of my other primary school teachers including Mrs. Mavis Armstrong in Grades 5 and 4, Ms. Diana Cotton in Grade 3, Mrs. Joycelyn Hazel in Grade 2, Mrs. Rhona Stanley-Thompson in Grade 1 and Mrs. Yvette Wallace, my mother in Kindergarten why I am where I am today. They gave me the GOOD  OLD  TIME  FOUNDATION  TEACHING   AND  LOVE THAT  DOES  SEEM  TO  BE  LACKING  in some 21st century teachers today. LORD  BRING  BACK  TEACHERS  LIKE  THOSE  GEMS.

Do you notice something though? ONLY  FEMALE  TEACHERS  TAUGHT  ME. Therefore, we can conclude that WOMEN  ARE  THE  REASON  WHY  MEN  ARE  REACHING  SO  FAR  IN  LIFE. They are not only being AWESOME  MOTHERS - THEY  ARE  SPECTACULAR  TRAINERS  AND  LEADERS  TOO.  A big thank you to ALL  MY  PRIMARY  SCHOOL  TEACHERS  AT  THE  Dr.  WILLIAM  CONNOR  PRIMARY  SCHOOL. I am not sure if they are on my email list, or follow me on social media, so if you do have their emails or the emails of their children, I beg you to forward this literary piece on to them. I   WANT  TO  TELL  THEM  THANKS  BEFORE  THEY  PASS  ON. I've now developed a HABIT of doing that.

Many persons think that the idea of The Blazing Star Movement just sprang up just like that. That is far from the truth. I have a way of letting people talk and talk and talk and talk until I am ready to share my side of the story and SHOCK  THEM! I  LOVE  DOING THAT. Keeping people IGNORANT and letting them talk and speculate until the TRUTH comes forward. Political science and marketing!

During Mrs. Rogers' Social Studies class on Politics in Grade 6, she encouraged students to form political parties which would culminate the end of her syllabus lesson on politics and then we would have a general election to see who would be elected Class Prime Minister.

I can remember it just like yesterday. I started The Blazing Star Movement and Jared Keino Cotton was my campaign manager. Samal Duggins started a political party too, I don't remember the name of it, but I do remember that he had Cherepha Pemberton working along with him.

Keino and I planned and prepared really, really, really hard for the grand Election Day. Over the days of campaigning and even on election day, I had raided my fruit trees in my yard as campaign incentives to encourage class students to vote for us. They got gooseberries, sometimes guavas and mangoes and after my mother started questioning as to why I was taking so many fruits to school like that and I told her what we were doing, she baked a cake for my campaign manager and I to also share out to win the hearts of the voters.

I honestly wouldn't have WON though without my best primary school friend Keino Cotton rallying for me. He was just good. He was just persuasive. He didn't want to be leader, he just was great at SERVICE  AND  PERSUADING.

I am certainly sure that Samal had already conceded defeat even before election day when he saw the energy and creativity of his rivals. On election day, Mrs. Rogers was the returning officer and the supervisor of elections and also the counter. After she started writing the first few votes on the board, both myself and Keino knew that we had BECOME  CLASS  LEADERS.

The Blazing Star Movement had won! From that day, I said you know what, one day, I am going to really start THE  BLAZING  STAR  MOVEMENT  AND  BECOME  PRIME  MINISTER  OF  THE  FEDERATION OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS  someday. 

From that day in Grade 6, I started putting together ideas, begging my parents to buy The Democrat and The Labour Spokesman for me to read and I followed by reading and watching the triumphs and demises of local, regional and international politicians. I was addicted to POLITICS. Then I started constantly taking courses and researching on political and military science and reading a lot, a lot, a lot of AFRICAN  HISTORY and its leaders. I particularly loved to ensure that I read the history of great black leaders, those who were RADICAL and FEARLESS and . . . . I  STILL  LOVE  DOING  THAT  EVEN  UP  TO  TODAY. I  DO  KNOW  MY  HISTORY.

Since Mrs. Vernice Rogers' Social Studies Grade 6 Class at the Dr. William Connor Primary School, I got the inspiration that somewhere in my future life - someday - I  WILL  BE  COMMANDER  IN  CHIEF  OF  THE  FEDERATION  OF  ST. KITTS  AND NEVIS.

Teachers, you rarely get international attention like this, but I want you to know and be encouraged THAT  YOU  ARE  MAKING  DIFFERENCE  IN  THE  LIVES  OF  THE  STUDENTS  YOU  TEACH AROUND  THE WORLD  EVEN THOUGH  IT  DOESN'T  SEEM  SO  AT  ALL  MANY  TIMES.

I pray that God would allow Mrs. Vernice Rogers to live to see me taking the OATH  OF  OFFICE  and be sworn in as Prime Minister someday in the future. 

I pray that God would allow Mrs. Vernice Rogers to be one of the first people to sit with me, the 1st lady of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, Mrs. Khrystus and my son Khrystus Jr. and daughter, in The Office of The Prime Minister, she and her entire family and enjoy a glass of RED WINE and eat CHEESE  CAKE  and shrimp and lobster kebabs.


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Blazing Star Movement T-shirts screen printed by KVK ENTERPRISES -

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