Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blazing Star Movement Congratulates Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris and His Team Unity Cabinet - Takes Out Mark Book!

22nd February, 2015

Dr. Timothy Harris,
Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis,
Government Headquarters,
Church Street,
St. Kitts

Dear Sir,

On behalf of The Blazing Star Movement -, the political party that I humbly founded on 1st March, 2013, I would like to extend sincerest congratulations to you and your new and unique Team Unity Coalition Government on your historic swearing in ceremony at Warner Park - St. Kitts that concluded just minutes ago.

Our Blazing Star Movement Party is never too concerned about public fanfare and celebration. We are always primarily concerned about empowering a brother, empowering a sister, helping the youth, the poor, the disabled and seeing the small businessman RISE and RISE and RISE  AND  SHINE.

To be plain and frank, now that all the fanfare and pictures are over, we have opened OUR  MARK BOOK and will definitely be holding you and your team ACCOUNTABLE  with regards to DELIVERING on the many campaign promises that you made on the campaign trail.

While we are fully cognizant of the fact that all your promises will not be fulfilled on day one or day two or maybe not even day thirty or day ninety, we wanted to ensure that you know that we are WATCHING  ON  AND  READING  AND  SCRUTINIZING  EVERY  PIECE  OF INFORMATION that is disseminated from your administration with regards to delivery of your many promises and campaign HYPE.

We must confess that we fully subscribe to your #PROSPERITY AGENDA and we like it.

We must also make public here and now too that we DO  NOT  PLAN to be a political party that spends all of our time in opposition bashing and bashing and tearing down and tearing down. With that said though, we want you to be fully aware that NOTHING  OR  NO  ONE will certainly stop The Blazing Star Movement from being OBJECTIVE  AND  CRITICAL when needs be.

As we prepare to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary on 1st March, 2015, it is there and then we would make public our 2020  VISION  PLAN  AND  PROPOSED  STRUCTURE  for you and the entire local, regional and international public to see that we are a YOUTH  MOVEMENT that intends to not sit and grumble and criticize and grumble and criticize, but we PROMISE to also join hand in hand with any National governing body that holds office until we decide to launch candidates in a future general election to build and empower our nation as we have always noted our country's motto: COUNTRY  ABOVE  SELF.

Again, please do not expect much PAMPERING from our movement, although we do promise to work together as much as we can.

While I know that we may probably disagree many times on some of your administration's strategies and policies, I do believe that there is one thing that we both will agree on. It is found in  2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Congratulations once again Prime Minister Harris, the real work begins TOMORROW and the nation, the region, the world is definitely waiting and watching to see how you and your team will deliver and certainly compare and contrast with that of former Prime Minister Dr. Denzil L. Douglas of The St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party Administration.

Therefore Sir, if you really plan to BE  DIFFERENT - REALLY BE DIFFERENT! We're watching and waiting!


Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Founder and Leader
The Blazing Star Movement

Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118 or 1-869-765-7270

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