Monday, April 21, 2014

Khrystus Wallace's USA Legal Team Comments on Seditious Publication Charge

5 pm

21st April, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Khrystus Wallace's USA Legal Team that is working along with one of his local representatives, Lawyer Nassibou Butler of Butler, Butler and Butler -, has issued a statement over the Easter Weekend on the current Seditious Publication charge brought against him by the Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis that has been currently hanging over his head since Monday, 27th May, 2013.

The statement reads as follows:

"Our legal firm is deeply shocked and saddened with the entire Khrystus Wallace fiasco over the last eleven (11) months. In the international eye, it certainly doesn't market The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis well, when a politician and freelance journalist is still being arrested in the 21st century for writing, thrown in jail for six months after bail was constantly denied and no trial being called. It is also sad that all requests for the Police Disclosure bearing all the evidence against our client has been withheld, which is certainly not ethical.

It is also quite saddening that having then been released on an EC$5000 / US$1873 Bail five months ago, no date for a case has been given, all his travel documents are seized as a businessman and all his tools of trade are still in police custody. Is this the very same thing that can happen to a visitor or alien-resident living in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis who says or writes the wrong thing about the local government?

It is also quite disheartening to learn of the entire humiliating happening at Mr. Wallace's house. We have learnt that it was raided by the St. Christoper and Nevis Police Force and Army without a search warrant and court order and ALL his family's computerized items and phones along with all his business' tools of trade were seized and taken away since 27th March, 2013.We have learnt that all of his local lawyer's letters requesting the  return of the units along with his personal letters of request to return ALL items in working order have been neglected.

It is imperative that we share a paragraph from a book titled THE  ENLIGHTENMENT - 1687 - 1776 (Volume II of A HISTORY OF MODERN CULTURE by CRANE BRINTON) that addresses Seditious Publications.

The practice of the British American colonies varied. On the whole liberty of speech enlarged its bounds in all the colonies. The chief battle was fought in New York, when John Peter Zenger founded the New York Weekly Journal in 1733 and filled the early numbers with articles censuring the government. Arrested and sent to prison for these on a warrant of the governor and council (1734), he was tried by a jury that boldly asserted its right to judge both the law and the facts, that repudiated the old maxim "the greater the truth, the greater the libel." and that triumphantly acquitted Zenger of the charge of SEDITIOUS LIBEL. This meant complete liberty of the press thereafter in NEW YORK. It was rightly hailed as "THE  DAWN  OF  THAT  LIBERTY  WHICH  AFTERWARDS  REVOLUTIONIZED  AMERICA." END

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