Saturday, November 29, 2014

8 Year Old: "Brother Khrystus YAIN FAIR TARL!"

29th November, 2014

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International - since June 2008.

Several weeks back, a mother from The Washington Archibald High School filled our Dare 2 Be Different International Registration Form so that her two children can be registered members of my ministry.

Both youths and adults can sign up to be a REGISTERED members, or they can always come along without being registered but there are more BENEFITS when WE  KNOW just where someone stands and when they have agreed to follow what we teach our following GLOBALLY.

The two new young ladies were different ages. One in third form and the other in kindergarten. The Washington Archibald High School 3rd Former instantly won my heart. Without asking, she started helping a great deal around my Ministry - Dare 2 Be Different International - and Business - KVK ENTERPRISES -

Even when nothing is going on, because she just moved very close to my headquarters in Trinity Parish and her mother is like my ALMOST  NEIGHBOUR, she's always around me and I've already started teaching her graphics design and I'll soon teach her in 3rd Form how to operate my embroidery machine and when we have work to do, she'll be a PAID part time employee in the very near future when she takes in what we teach. There are many, many things that my young people learn from being around my ministry and business and political party, ESPECIALLY  WHEN  THEY  ARE   REGISTERED because they get more benefits.

A few Sundays ago, during our Dare 2 Be Different International  Sunshine Corner Session, (It's like SUNDAY SCHOOL), I said, "we want to give a special round of applause to SISTER ___________ (Our New Washington Archibald High 3rd Form Member) for being one of our NEWEST members and for helping us around the place to willingly, especially in the kitchen. Let's give her a round of applause!"

Then, there was an ABRUPT  HALT! One of my 8 year old twin members stopped me and everyone from CLAPPING and he said, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Brother Khrystus! YOU  AIN'T  FAIR  TARL! You tink because we small we can't help in the kitchen and share out food and wash up dishes and serve others. WE  HERE  BEFORE  HER and you never tell us THANKS  LIKE  THAT! We could help to, but you don't pick us. You tink we want to play computer one and eat ice cream and hot dogs all de time?"


Now as a leader, you have to know how to deal with PUBLIC  CHALLENGES  LIKE  THAT and try to be fair and not make ANYONE feel HURT.

1. You don't want to not make the opposing person feel bad and SHUT  THEM  UP, especially as a growing CHILD or even ADULT

2. To ensure that you are NOT  PUBLICLY  HUMILIATED  in front of an audience who expects you to showcase your AUTHORITY when you made a decision to publicly honour another.

At our Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry though, we're more UNORTHODOX and free minded. I ensure that that precedence was established in our Code of Ethics when I started the ministry in June, 2008. People must be FREE to express themselves without retribution. It helps our youth to develop SELF  CONFIDENCE and that's one of the main things we teach at my MINISTRY. It helps our students SHINE  IN  SCHOOL  and in sports and in the world of work.

As a trained and certified PSYCHOLOGIST who teaches my following to RESPECT  EVERYONE - BUT FEAR  NO  ONE  BUT  GOD, I was very proud of his stance and his public challenge to me as an 8 year old.

This little 8 year old TWIN had come a very, very, very long way. His twin Brother is more reserved than he is. I was really happy for him, WHY? Simply because when his mother allowed him to join Dare 2 Be Different International - about three years ago at age 5 or there about, he was very, very, very SHY and always stayed around me because if anyone told him anything BAD, he was start crying. So that particular TWIN stayed around me for strength.

When we used to travel and visit Dr. Kelvin Jones' Mount Carmel Baptist Church, he clung to me, because traveling so far from Trinity to Bouryeau without his parents, he was always very fearful.

I guess he looks up to me as a MENTOR too and he really listens to me when I talk and tell ALL  MY YOTH NEVER BE  AFRAID  TO  EXPRESS  THEMSELVES.

You know, in some other audiences, another PASTOR or CHURCH  ELDER would have shut up a boy or girl or an adult for resisting authority like that in PUBLIC.

I took it as CONSTRUCTIVE  CRITICISM. If an 8 year old boy was able to SINGLE  OUT  MY  ACTIONS  AS  UNFAIR in someway, that meant I had to look WITHIN - be introspective and ensure that I am very CAUTIOUS to get everyone actively involved and ensure that I stay honouring ALL at different times because EVERYONE  IS  WATCHING  MY ACTIONS and JUDGING.

I started allowing that little 8 year old boy to be in charge of how long other youth members (younger and older than him) and attendees can stay on the computer during our Ministry's FUN FRIDAYS and SPECTACULAR  SATURDAYS and you know what?

At 8 years old, he is able to command the place and I can sit in my office and print shirts and do other things. Sometimes I would hear him SHOUT and say, "YOU  10 MINUTES  UP!"  or   "DON'T  LET  ME  GO  EIIIN  TO  BROTHER  KHRYSTUS  FOR  YOU  -  YOU  KNOW"

I would just SMILE in my office at his words, and to enforce his AUTHORITY, in a SERIOUS  VOICE, I'd shout out and say, "YA'LL  BEHAVE  YA'LL  SELF  OUT  THERE!"

If I say I'm going out for a while, he now shouts, "Brother Khrystus, I can be in charge?" I sometimes hear him BRAGGING to the other youth that he's going to be the NEXT   PASTOR  OF  OUR  CHURCH. I ALWAYS  stay listening to what is being said around me to stay abreast of everyone's thinking.

Therefore, since that's his ambition, without him knowing, I've started to AGGRESSIVELY train him to be a SERVANT and help more around me, lest he thinks that being a PASTOR is some EASY job and falls up short when he's called to MINISTRY in the future.

This little 8 year old boy and his twin brother plays on Trinity's Bronte Welsh Primary School Football Team along with several others who are REGISTERED football members of my ministry.

WE  TEACH  FULL CONFIDENCE at Dare 2 Be Different International. That means, WHAT  EVER OR  WHO  EVER YOU  WANT  IN  LIFE, you can have it or them once you develop the CONFIDENCE and the COURAGE to PURSUE, OVERTAKE and CONQUER!

Whatever you want to be in life and where ever you want to go, you can REACH or GO once you develop the CONFIDENCE and the COURAGE to PURSUE, OVERTAKE and CONQUER!

Sometimes, like this 8 year old boy, YOU  HAVE  TO  STAND  UP  TO  AUTHORITY  IN ORDER TO  GET  THE  FULL  RESPECT  YOU  DESERVE - even if it means suffering and being thrown in PRISON for 6 months by The Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis with bail being DENIED all that time and ALL my tools of trade WILLFULLY taken away in an effort to CRIPPLE me and my family and CHASE us out of the FEDERATION and prevent us from making a DOLLAR to pay our debt obligations, get back on track and RISE  AGAIN since May, 27th 2013.

I constantly remind my gathering of the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Our LIVES  BEGIN TO  END  WHEN  WE   REMAIN   SILENT   ABOUT   THE   THINGS  THAT  MATTER MOST!"

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