Saturday, July 19, 2014

11 Year Old Last Night: "That's Not A Very Good Idea Brother Khrystus!"

19th July, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Report By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, Senior Shepherd, Dare 2 Be Different International Victory Centre -

I am training all my children and youth, no matter how young how to be BOLD, OUTSPOKEN AND FEARLESS just like me.

I love when I see them in action. If they tend to want to get out of hand though, I know perfectly how to bring them right back around IN  LOVE without shouting or hitting them or calling them degrading names.

I am no dumb! I know when to have CHURCH and I know perfectly WELL  WHEN  TO  PLAY  POLITICS. I am also teaching them from SMALL that THEY  ALL  CAN  BE  ANYTHING  THEY  WANT  TO  BE  IN  LIFE  AND  NEVER  LET  TALKERS  AND  GOSSIPERS  STOP  THEM as they DO  NOT  MOVE  ME  ONE  INCH. HATERS are my MOTIVATION! Without them, I honestly wouldn't be so far on in business, in ministry and in POLITICS.  I LOVE  HATERS!

I think that the most brilliant children and youth debaters in The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis happen to hang around me. Sheep usually follow they Shepherd - RIGHT? A LOT of them want to be PRIME  MINISTER  TOO - LOL! Since many of them are very assertive and outspoken like me or quiet and DEEP  THINKERS like me, I can see that all the future Prime Ministers of St. Kitts and Nevis under a Blazing Star Movement Administration - would come out of  Dare 2 Be Different International  Ministries-

I honestly don't teach them politics though. Some of their parents tell them that they are going by The Next Prime Minister so some call me Brother Khrystus and others call me NEXT  PRIME  MINISTER. With children, they like to follow each other so you already know that those are my two names. My little children said that they won't let the POLICE  take me again. I always answer OK but I am sometimes get scared as to what they would do, because a few weeks ago, we did hear about a 14 year old getting arrested on a TERRORIST  CHARGE  FOR  THROWING  A   HOMEMADE  BOMB  IN  THE  NEVIS  POLICE  STATION.

Dear Lord, Please help my children not to do that if The Duggie Sends The Police for me again and to always DO  RIGHT  NO MATTER  THE  CIRCUMSTANCES as we know that, because of the internet and technology, CHILDREN  AND  YOUTHS  are learning way too fast about EVERYTHING and therefore becoming INDEPENDENT  THINKERS  at a very early age.

I train my youth to be AMBITIOUS - OVERLY  AMBITIOUS and we do A LOT OF  AMBITIOUS THINGS. About two months ago, we started raising funds for OUR  BIKERS  FOR  JESUS  PROJECT.

Under this project, we want all youths apart of Dare 2 Be Different International Victory Centre to get a BMX Bicycle for Christmas 2014 so we can officially KICK  OFF our plans at the start of  JANUARY  2015. YES - WITHOUT  VISION  THE  PEOPLE  PERISH!

Once it's God's will, IT  WILL  HAPPEN! Each Youth including me and other ADULTS apart of our ministry  will get to constantly spread the MESSAGE  OF  JESUS  SAVES along with other positive messages around The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis on our BMX BICYCLES wearing T-shirts screen printed by my business KVK ENTERPRISES -

So, last night while I was writing down many of their FUND RAISING  IDEAS as quickly as they were talking and brain storming that they want to execute starting this summer, the idea was raised to start selling snacks. I try not to get too involved in what they are planning, except to help them carry out their plans and ideas. They feel a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT  when what we plan actually comes to pass with most of their ideas in place.

I was a bit too inquisitive when I interjected and said that we can START  SELLING  SODAS  TOO.

In a matter of seconds after my statement, one of my BOLD  BRILLIANT 11 YEAR  OLD  YOUTHS  rebuffed my statement by saying. "That's Not A Very Good Idea Brother Khrystus!"

She asked, "How much for a case of sodas and how much comes in the case and how much money would we be making?"

I answered, "It's about $53 or $54 dollars and 24 comes in the case."

As I was about to calculate how much money we can probably make off a case towards our Bicycle Project, she said. "We ain't selling NO  SODAS  Brother Khrystus. We going to open LEMONADE  STANDS. We ain't go no money to buy sodas."

I smiled and said very good idea! I am also very aware that in meetings, all sorts of brilliant ideas always come up, but when its time to carry them out, very few are there, but as YOUTH, I didn't say this loudly to bash their ENERGY AND  THINKING.

It does seem like the children love when THEY  WIN  THOUGH! So of course they cheered on the little girl who BOLDLY  OPPOSED  ME.

I've paused out of my Saturday and written all of this to tell you ONE  THING. "Let your children express themselves. Don't be too quick to rebuff them and shut them up and humiliate them especially in front of other people or other children and hurt their feelings. Your children also have brilliant ideas and you would develop a much BETTER  RELATIONSHIP  WITH  YOUR  CHILD / CHILDREN  when you let them HAVE  A  SAY  TOO - even in the household!"

This is one of the reasons why Children LOVE Brother Khrystus. At our ministry, they get to dance around, jump up and down and express themselves while we are singing and worshiping God. (YES  WE  ARE  ONE  CRAZY  CHURCH - JUST  LIKE  CRAZY  BROTHER  KHRYSTUS - That's why its sooooo much fun!)

They get a chance to play the tambourines and since we don't have our drum set as yet, then every chair and table becomes drums as they sing along loudly as I play either the guitar or keyboard. Most importantly, when I'm preaching or teaching, I always stop and let them HELP me, by letting them share their stories or ask questions pertaining to the sermon or Bible Study scripture or Children's Bible Story.

This is how we should be training our children around the world today. We should be giving them a lot of LOVE, CARE AND ATTENTION and letting them EXPRESS  THEMSELVES - YES  EXPRESS  THEMSELVES! Stop HITTING  THEM  AND  SHOUTING  AT  THEM  SO  MUCH -  JUST  SET  BOUNDARIES  AND  YOU'LL  SEE  THE  DIFFERENCE.

Try it and you'll see that they will begin to OPEN  UP  MORE!

Always use REWARDS too! Rewards doesn't have to be MONEY or SNACKS or GIFTS all the time. A LITTLE  certificate marked OUTSTANDING  or  BRILLIANT or HELPFUL or SUPERSTAR makes them feel on top of the world and give them something to SHOW  THEIR  FRIENDS  that their MOMMY  OR  DADDY  OR  GRANNY  OR  AUNT  OR  UNCLE  LOVES  THEM.


They won't tell you, but honestly sometimes all they need is YOUR  LOVE  AND  TIME - A LOT  OF  LOVE  AND  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  YOUR  TIME  IF  YOU  CAN"T  GIVE  THEM  A LOT  OF  YOUR  TIME.


I listen to their stories! I listen to them talk in their little groups over the years. One of the most common statements they make is this, "My mommy and my daddy always TOO  BUSY  FOR  ME!"

They'll NEVER tell you that in front your face because they don't know how to SAY  IT  AND  IF  YOU'LL  BEAT  THEM! But children also have  LIFE  and  have STORIES  TO  TELL and many times they tell their STORIES  TO  OTHERS - since you are JUST  WAY TO BUSY FOR THEM!

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