Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Scholastic Janelle Lewis Taught Her Heart Out Last Night At The Trinity Community

16th July, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Report By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

Scholastic Janelle Lewis Taught Her Heart Out Last Night At The Trinity Community!

I can remember attending several youth sessions / discussions / National round table youth planning and mobilizing meetings with Janelle and other youths when I was much younger. I don't think we got that close though! GOSH - I now regret that!

When WE - AS  MEN take for granted brilliant and overly educated queens like Janelle Lewis, we usually end up hurt when we make another choice. I'm an investigative reporter, so I sometimes go to the ends of the earth to get information just to do a public piece or to educate myself and stay silent until the time to BURST  IS  RIPE.

Checking Janelle's Facebook page and finding out that she is a Graduate of Ohio University and The University of The West Indies wasn't that hard though. At no time before, during or after her presentation she made mention of this though. THIS  IS  HUMILITY! Her presentation and research proved though, that she is definitely SCHOLASTIC. By now you know that I am a fearless critic - I love HITTING  THE  PRIME  MINISTER  HARD. So hard that he sometimes gives orders to send me - YOU  KNOW  WHERE when he gets scared of me. LOLOLOLOL

Therefore, if I say that Janelle did an awesome JOB, I'm not lying!

The Capacity Strengthening Training Project sponsored by The Basic Needs Trust Fund, The Ministry of Social Development headed by my good friend, Youthful Ms. Azilla Clarke and other partners continued last night at The Bronte Welsh Primary School in Trinity Community - St. Kitts.

Janelle works at The Ministry of Social Development too. I think I remember her saying she works with projects. Her presentation last night focused on MONITORING  AND  EVALUATION.

As The Trinity Community continues to make preparations to launch a FRESH  ENERGETIC COMMUNITY  GROUP very soon, I think Ms. Lewis' presentation was timely, fitting and overly information based.

She drilled her audience with constant important reminders about MONITORING  AND  EVALUATING each project that we decide to implement in the future. In a variety of ways, she stressed how such monitoring and evaluating can lead to much success of an idea or project.

To be honest, Janelle's presentation would definitely PERSONALLY help my organizations - KVK ENTERPRISES -, Dare 2 Be Different International - and The Blazing Star Movement - to be better prepared and equipped to execute future projects even better and somewhat predict possible pitfalls even before they happen!

Janelle's MONITORING  AND  EVALUATING  LESSON may even definitely help The Blazing Star Movement - to win the NEXT  GENERAL  ELECTION once we put her advice and strategies into place. Please hurry and email me the power point presentation JANELLE so that I can train my B.S.M team too - LOL.

A  BIG  PERSONAL  THANK  YOU  AND   BIG  PUBLIC  GLOBAL  HUG  JANELLE. (I hope he's not offended - if he is, tell him I'm sorry! - OOOPS - that's if there is a HE)

If you haven't realized as yet - I  AM  VERY  NEWSY  AND  I  LOOK  AT  EVERYTHING - LISTEN TO  EVERYTHING -  I  READ  EVERYTHING even though I don't publicly commend or criticize EVERYTHING. I am always looking at something that arouses my interest so that I can do a story about on one of my 50+ global blogs or something I can highlight while writing an article.

I must make mention here that I  LOVED - LOVED - LOVED Janelle's icebreaker. I've been to sessions all around the world and would have seen scores of different icebreakers, but I never saw Janelle's own. CONGRATULATIONS!  I won't tell you what it was - YOU  SHOULD  HAVE  BEEN  THERE or I'll probably use it when you invite me to conduct another session somewhere around the world soon.

Global Following! If you want a gentleman or a lady to remember you for LIFE - YOU   HAVE  TO  DO SOMETHING  DIFFERENT! I would NEVER forget Janelle's presentation and remember many things I learnt during her session simply because her ICEBREAKER - ROCKED!

I must also make mention here too, of Janelle's POWER POINT  PRESENTATION. Of course I've been to dozens upon dozens of sessions around the world and have seen dozens upon dozens of power point presentations - both VERY  INTERESTING  and  VERY  BORING!

Janelle's use of CHARTS  AND  TABLES in many slides caused me to stay focused. It wasn't just notes and pictures and notes and pictures. CHARTS  AND  TABLES  are a very good option too. Cheers Queen Janelle! I'm proud of you!

What is a community presentation without a HEALTHY  DISCUSSION! Janelle kept her students overly engaged. It may also be something with THE  TRINITY  COMMUNITY  THOUGH - the BEST  COMMUNITY  IN  THE  FEDERATION  OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS -  WE  JUST  ROCK! You hear that SANDY  POINT? THE  TRINITY  COMMUNITY  ROCKS!!!!!


Of course I must big them up, they are my team, they are the ones who will be rallying to ensure that when I'm truly ready for my political campaign to start - THAT  THE  NEXT  PRIME  MINISTER  OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS does come from The United Nations of West Farm - Boyds and Palmetto Point - The villages that make up THE  TRINITY  COMMUNITY!


Queen Janelle Lewis, you definitely deserve your flowers NOW. You deserve them not just for being one of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis' brilliant queen beauties, but you deserve your flowers for doing a JOB  WELL  DONE at the Trinity Community Capacity Strengthening Workshop.

On behalf of The United Nations of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point (The Trinity Community), KVK ENTERPRISES -, Dare 2 Be Different International - and The Blazing Star Movement -, kindly accept our global virtual flowers with an extra BIG  HUG  AND  KISS  ON  THE  CHEEK for continuing to stand out as a LADY - A  GEM - A  SCHOLAR and probably a Senator under the soon to be sworn in BLAZING  STAR  MOVEMENT  ADMINISTRATION.


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