Friday, July 18, 2014

Caring & Loving Sister Nadine Natta Strengthened The Minds of The Trinity Community Last Night

17th July, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Report By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

Sister Nadine Natta

When I become Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis very soon, I will immediately begin talks for The Caring and Loving Sister Nadine Natta to head the Early Childhood Development Unit. If my Blazing Star Movement Administration - and Team of Advisers try to fight her down, I would definitely nominate her for a Higher Position because SHE  DESERVES  IT and after all - I'll be PRIME  MINISTER and I'll have the POWER  TO  PROMOTE  HER  IMMEDIATELY! Don't Worry Sister Nadine - You and your family are in SAFE  HANDS!

The minds of The United Nations of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point (The Trinity Community) in St. Kitts were overly strengthened and fortified during Sister Nadine Natta's session at the ongoing Capacity Strengthening Training Programme sponsored by The Basic Needs Trust Fund, The Ministry of Social and Community Development and other partners.

If you happen to hear that Brother Khrystus only attends these sessions to eat, that is a BIG  LIE. Do not let anyone fool you and tell you any more lies on me! I certainly look forward though to the well prepared snacks, sometimes meals by the Best Caterer in The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis who happens to hail from the Best Community in St. Kitts - The Trinity Community. She is also a Senior Chef at MARRIOTT  HOTEL - one of the biggest hotels in St. Kitts and Nevis. She is none other than Ms. Carmen Henry. (I don't know her number but she lives just 45 seconds away from me, so contact me to reach hire her soon)

Just imagine global audience, Sister Nadine had the audacity, to come into MY COMMUNITY tonight, just when I officially started FUN  COMMUNITY  WARS  in St. Kitts - Nevis a few days ago and BOLDLY SAY - "My name is Nadine Natta. I am a Resource Teacher at The Early Childhood Development Unit and I am from ONE  OF  THE  BEST  PARTS  OF  ST. KITTS - Irish Town - a.k.a  McKnight."

This fine young lady has to be going off. No other community is ever allowed to have the title BEST attached to their Community Name. Get that straight! It is only because Nadine and I played an active role during our younger days at The Antioch Baptist Church why I didn't command my Trinity Community POSSE to lift her up and cast her out. THIS  IS  ALL  SAID  IN  LOVE!

Sister Nadine's discussed THE  OVERVIEW  OF  GENDER  ANALYSIS and much talk about Gender Equality came out during the healthy presentation and discussion.

Let me touch a little about GENDER  EQUALITY before I continue talking about Sister Nadine and her presentation. Have you noticed from my writings since the start of this Programme back in MAY  2014,  that we only had TWO  MALE  PRESENTERS  AND  ALL  THE  OTHERS  WERE  FEMALE? Who ever set the schedule at the Ministry of Social and Community Development and BNTF, were they BIAS in EMPOWERING  THE  FEMALES  AND  GIVING  EXPOSURE  TO  THE  FEMALES  AND  JUST DROP  IN  TWO  MALES  SO  IT  WON'T  LOOK  OBVIOUS? Brother Khrystus picks up everything, but that's another article. FORGIVE  ME - I in no way mean to be SEXIST - but then we talk about GENDER  EQUALITY? Or is it that this is strong GLOBAL  PROOF  THAN  MALES  ARE  HEADING  DOWNHILL  EDUCATIONALLY? If that is so - that is VERY - VERY - DANGEROUS!

Sister Nadine is NO  FOOL! Don't watch her SEXY  POSE in the picture above and take her for granted. She is a graduate of Universidad de Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Universidad de Ciencia, Pedagocias Rafael Maria Mendive, Pinar del Rio and Pedagoical University Rafael Maria de Mindive.

I think The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis must be highly commended for its bilateral partnership with the Island of Cuba with regards to the ongoing training of many students from the twin island federation who probably would have never gotten an opportunity to gain accredited certification. A  BIG  THANK  YOU  CUBA -  TAKE  A  HUG  AND  A  KISS  TOO! MUAAAH!

During much of Sister Nadine's presentation, I honestly thought that I was attending one of the lectures of my online presenters at one of the Online Universities that I attended. Her Power point presentation was that detailed. She had a printed copy for each attendee to take for further review and study during our spare time.

If I tell you that I  DIDN"T  BECOME  MORE  INTELLIGENT  FROM  THE  WEALTH  OF INFORMATION  SHARED  during Sister Nadine's presentation, I would be lying and would deserve to be sent to HELL immediately. As I type, I went back into my folder to have a quick browse through again and I must lay on the table that the Caring and Loving Sister Nadine Natta is a WELL  READ young lady.

You know, honestly, to tell the truth, I believe Prime Minister The Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas is even intimidated by Sister Nadine. I believe he is going to shake when he reads this piece as I know it would go directly to his Smart Phone Email and he reads nearly all of my emails. I KNOW  THAT as TECHNOLOGY  KING of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Why would he be intimidated? Simply because he knows that nearly everyone that I write about or highlight can possibly be a candidate for The Blazing Star Movement - or a Senator or and Advisor and he is afraid of all these BRILLIANT  YOUNG  PEOPLE  TAKING  OVER ALL  AT  ONCE  under a Blazing Star Movement Administration and putting him to shame with their FRESH  THINKING  AND  OVERLY BRILLIANT  IDEAS.

I am positive that The Caring and Loving Sister Nadine has many fresh ideas ready to implement for Early Childhood Education when I'm sworn in as Prime Minister Shortly.

How does Honourable Nadine Natta sound? How does Senator Nadine Natta sound? How does Ambassador Nadine Natta sound?

Did I tell you that Sister Nadine speaks three languages? Yes three! English, French and Spanish! WAY TO GO  SISTER  NADINE! Can I join your language classes? If you didn't know, she does keep classes and you or your child need to register before her classes go up from EC$10.00 per hour.

Honestly global following, tonight was the most AGGRESSIVE  AND  VERBALLY  VIOLENT   SESSION  for the ladies. Of course you know when it comes to talks on GENDER  AND  GENDER  EQUALITY,  WOMEN ALWAYS  LIKE  TO  HAVE  THEIR  SAY - HAVE  THEIR  SAY - LOUD  SAY -  BOLD  SAY!  MOVE  OUT  OF  THEIR  WAY  SAY!

And if you know Brother Khrystus well, he isn't afraid of ANYONE and he isn't AFRAID of "banging his mouth ANYWHERE no matter who is there and stating his views whether they offend or not. Therefore the BACCHANAL STARTED and by now you gather that BROTHER  KHRYSTUS  IS  AN  INTERNATIONAL  DEBATER  AND  LOVES  WAR.

It was all healthy and fun debate though. Women are very much strong headed though, but that is another article all by itself.

Did you know that talks are on their way in The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis to possibly start getting views of introducing POLICY to decide how many children a female or family is allowed to get? I didn't get that from Sister Nadine - so please don't go and say SHE  SAID  THAT.

Do you think that such policy is needed in St. Kitts and Nevis?

One person suggested that too many WOMEN are getting children and can't look after them and they are becoming a burden and even menaces to society.

In closing, what do you think about those last two statements? They should create some talk in your global homes and offices this weekend.

Let me stop talking here about one of THE  SWEETEST  SESSIONS  WE'VE  HAD with The Caring and Loving Sister Nadine and give her her well deserving flowers too.

Sister Nadine, on behalf of The United Nations of West Farm, Boyds and Palmetto Point (The Trinity Community), we want to thank you for a superb session and the wealth of information that you shared. We wish God's richest blessing on you, your son and family. Kindly accept these official global and public flowers as a symbol of our love and appreciation compliments KVK ENTERPRISES -, Dare 2 Be Different International - and The Blazing Star Movement -

Cheers - WE  LOVE  YOU!

PS: If you need Sister Nadine to work for you ANYWHERE around the world, I  HIGHLY RECOMMEND  HER!

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