Monday, July 14, 2014

Some PARENTS are to BLAME for the WAY their Children Have Turned Out & Will Turn Out!

14th July, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Report By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

Some PARENTS are to BLAME for the WAY their Children Have Turned Out & Will Turn Out!

Growing up, I never quite understood some of my mother's ways. I certainly do now and she has lived to see ALL  OF  US   HIGHLY  COMMEND  HER  AND  THANK  HER  FOR  A  TRAINING  JOB  WELL  DONE. While raising her four children, my mother, Mrs. Yvette Wallace, M.Ed used the POWER  OF  NO  AND  A LOT OF  PSYCHOLOGY to bring us up in the right way plus the scripture - Train up a child. . . . .  (I think she overused that SCRIPTURE though. When ever we did something wrong, she would sit us down in her room and give us a LONG - LONG - LONG lecture about what our actions now could cause us to do in the future and make us feel OVERLY  GUILTY for the little "CHILD  CRIME" we committed.

Then to make matters worse, she would pull "JASON" which was the name of her STRAP/BELT - she named it after FRIDAY 13th JASON (Psychology to SCARE US?) - and then make us say - Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. SEVERAL  TIMES before we got our whipping. My younger brother and I never got too many lashes, we learned from Stascius' and Stanacius' mistakes. LOL) Not because you see my mother as a little cool lady eh, she's one TOUGH -  DON'T  MAKE  JOKE  GIANTS with a neat a little smile on the OUTSIDE!"

Anyway - let's get back to the ARTICLE!

Trust me, and I'm sure you know too, NO  ONE  LIKES  TO  BE  REJECTED  AND  TOLD  NO.

Do you like when the LOANS  OFFICER  SAYS  NO after calculating some ratios or doing a credit check? Do you like when a LADY turns you down when you LIKE  HER  OR  ADMIRE  HER  OR HAVE  A  CRUSH  ON  HER  OR  EVEN  LOVE  HER, LOVE  HER, LOVE  HER? And even carry a SURPRISE  GIFT  FOR  HER  AND  SHE  REJECTS  IT  OR  SAYS  SHE'S  NOT  INTERESTED? NO - no - no! None of us likes that! It hurts - BADLY!

Ladies, do you like when you do all in your power to get someone who you admire to NOTICE you and he just seems to be EYEING  AND  HANGING  WITH  THE  OTHER  LADY? NO  YOU  DON'T! - RIGHT? RIGHT!

If more parents use the POWER  OF  NO around the world, our children - our adolescents - our youth - our young adults would turn out to be much better. OUR  WORLD  WOULD  THEREFORE  BE  A  MUCH  BETTER  PLACE.

To tell you the honest, honest, honest TRUTH - parents. Children accept your gifts - your money - and everything else you GIVE, but all they really want is YOUR  LOVE -  CARE  AND  ATTENTION and you are not giving it to them, so SOMEONE  ELSE  IS.

You have to PRIORITIZE! What do you prefer? Working 12 hours or two jobs to buy the BEST for your children and then they end up smoking and pushing drugs or a TEENAGE  FEMALE  SEX  LUNATIC who will go WILD  THIS  SUMMER while you're out at work and come back home just in time to make you feel that she was home all the time?

My youths at my Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry really can't go with me. I know how to deal with them better than their parents because I just happen to be YOUNG  TOO - PASSED  THAT  WAY BEFORE, HEARD  A LOT, HANG  AROUND  THE  FELLOWS  WHO  TALK  ABOUT  THE YOUNG  LADIES  -  DAUGHTERS  OF  BIG SHOTS  WHO  DO  THAT  AND  THEN  LAUGH AFTER  THEM   WHEN  THEY  DRIVE  THEIR  BIG  VEHICLES  AND  MOVE  SO  HIGH  AND  MIGHTY AND  PLAY  LIKE  THEIR  CHILDREN  ARE  BETTER  THAN  EVERY  BODY  ELSES.

I  AM  STILL  YOUNG  AND  STILL  KNOW  ALL  THE  TRICKS  IN  THE  BOOKS   THAT YOUNG  PEOPLE  USE. So they can never ESCAPE me in a counseling session. They just submit and let me help them CHANGE and we usually become best friends after and they tell me more of their tricks and laugh after how they FOOLED their parents and I stay  UP  TO  DATE! (What is said in a counseling session says in a counseling session.)

Youths say that I'M  THEIR  DAWG!!!! I can hold SECRETS  WELL!  MAYBE  YOUR  CHILD  TALKS  TO  ME!!!!!

Anyway - back to the article!

Who doesn't like gifts? We all do! We smile and really are HAPPY for the moment, but when that moment dies away, we sometimes WISH that the person who gave the GIFT just spent some TIME with us.

Parents, buying your child the most expensive clothes and name brand shoes and big chain and earrings at age 3 or 7 or 14  DOESN'T  MAKE  ANY  SENSE!

You are training him or her wrong! Totally WRONG! You are causing them to develop a WRONG PERCEPTION  OF  THEMSELVES  AND  CREATING  A  WRONG  IDENTITY  FOR  THEM. From the moment you start doing this, it MUST continue or they would develop a LOW  SELF  ESTEEM and get angry when you CANNOT  KEEP  UP   WITH   THE  JONES' !

So, why are you "BAWLING" (to my international audience - I mean CRYING), now that you've started training your child that way and now that he or she is OLDER and they want a SAMSUNG GALAXY 5 and you can't give it to them, you are ANGRY  WITH  THEM  AND  WANT  TO  BEAT  THEM  BADLY  FOR  HARASSING  YOU  TO  GET  ONE! You shouldn't be angry with them - YOU  TRAINED  THEM  THAT  WAY! Now YOU did that, and you can't give it to them, they are turning ELSEWHERE.

Parents - DO  YOU  KNOW  HOW  MANY  OF  YOUR FEMALE  TEENAGERS  KEEP  BEGGING  ME  TO  BUY THEM  A  SAMSUNG  GALAXY 5 and other things? Brother Khrystus is down to earth and easy to talk to - so EVERYONE  -  OF  EVERY  AGE  TALKS  TO  ME.  Of course I  CAN do that! I can buy them what ever they want at any time. Ordering online is my business and I know where to get deals. 

Suppose I was a DIFFERENT  YOUNG  MAN - EH?  Do you honestly KNOW  who your teenage girls and boys are talking to and what they are saying ONLINE and ON  THEIR  PHONES? Whatsapp? Blackberry Chat? Viber? Facebook?

That's why many teenage boys are turning HOMOSEXUALS and teenage girls are getting lured into SEX. YOU  ARE  NOT  SPENDING  ENOUGH  TIME  WITH  THEM  AND  WHEN  YOU  DO, you just want them to AUTOMATICALLY  TALK  TO  YOU and complain that they are withdrawn. IT  IS  YOUR  FAULT!  NOT  THEIRS -  YOU  MUST  CHANGE  YOUR  WAYS  AND  STOP  BLAMING  THEM!  LOOK  IN  THE  MIRROR!  FIX  YOU!!!!!!!

I actually teach personal classes at The Dare 2 Be Different Academy for parents who really want to know and learn how to monitor their children and teens on the computer and keep up to date and stay AHEAD of the game. (Call me 1-869-661-0118 or 1-869-765-7270)


War is a Business! Politics is War! I am a Born Businessman!

And now back to the ARTICLE!!!!!

Some PARENTS are to BLAME for the WAY their Children Have Turned Out & Will Turn Out!

Parents, SOMETIMES  SAYING  NO - can save your CHILD or CHILDREN from heading down a path of destruction. A  PART  OF  -  "I  MUST  GET  ALL  THAT  I  WANT  NO  MATTER  THE  COST!"

Buy them SOME  THINGS - NOT  EVERYTHING! Mix the buying! Buy some name brands and some regulars. NOT  ALL  NAME BRANDS!  BE  SMART  -  NOT  STUPID!

That's what my mom did when she brought us up! I have several other points to tackle, but something in my spirit and instinct just told me to END  HERE as you get the point!



EMBROIDER  YOUR  CHILD'S  NAME  ON  HIS  OR  HER  SCHOOL  BAG - EC$20 - Call 1-869-661-0118 or 1-869-765-7270 - We're always ready to serve you!

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