Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Pastor Tracy's Whatsapp Word: DON'T WORRY!!!

Good morning my Whatsapp Family! Philippians 4:7 KJV "And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Why worry when we can pray? Have you ever noticed that worrying changes nothing? Once you are connected to the true vine, you can't sink in worry. Worrying adds fire to our situations. People always say that WE  MUST  WORRY, WE  ARE  HUMANS."

Looking to God's word gives us faith. We have to start speaking life to dead situations. I have to testify. I used to always worry, "How am I going to make it?"

I became depressed just by being a single parent, but GOD. One day I was coming from work, I had nothing at home to cook. The question was, "What will my daughter and I eat?"

I sat on the bus and I started to WORRY and QUESTION GOD. He said, "My child, do not worry!"

I started to cry because even though I trusted God, I always wanted to have everything all figured out. As soon as I passed a village called Challengers in St. Kitts where I live, I got a message from my friend and my sister in Christ who resides in the United States of America but lived in Challengers most of her life.

She instructed me to go by her brother as she had just shipped a hamper of food for me and my daughter Ymani. I cried out JESSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

I said that to say, HOLD  ON  MY  BROTHERS  AND  SISTERS, trust God even when things are dark. Why worry when we can pray? God will give us peace in the storm. Have faith. Choose to have an awesome day and remember I love you but God loves you more.

Sister Tracy attends The Unique Touch Christian Centre in Sandy Point pastored by Brother Clive Saunders and is not an Ordained Minister of the gospel (at least not yet). Her daily encouragement to me is certainly more than that of most fellow pastors who don't say nothing much to me now, when we were once so very good in times past. 


Tracy Chapman and I attended the Verchilds High School together and graduated in July 2002 together. Up to today, we still remain in constant contact and are very good friends. Her daughter Ymani is like my daughter and it is trouble for the other children when she comes by me, as she JUST  TAKES  OVER and loves to be in the fore front posing close to me FOR  ALL  PICTURES.

Brother Khrystus

Pastor Tracy's Whatsapp Word Sponsored By:

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