Monday, June 2, 2014


Sunday, 1st June, 2014

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

The Apostle Paul said in 1st Philippians 4:13, "I  CAN  DO  ALL  THINGS  THROUGH  CHRIST WHICH  STRENGTHENETH  ME!"

Albert Einstein said, "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got."
Please forgive me, I'm a scientist! During my spare time, I read, study, learn and practice biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics just for the fun of it. I am NEVER BORED.  I continue to train my brain that way until I either attend medical school or go and do a degree in a new field - BIO-CHEMISTRY. Trust me, I won't be a printer all my life, but I'll leave my printing business - KVK ENTERPRISES - open forever just to serve you. I don't just want to be an ordinary preacher or an ordinary businessman or an ordinary medical doctor or an ordinary PRIME  MINISTER.


I want when I get my two children which I dream of getting soon, unless my wife-to-be wants more, they can grow up  reading and learning about how hard their DADDY had to fight to get where he is today and for them to live the type of RICH  EXTRAVAGANT  life that I plan for them, my wife and I plan to live.

Note well! There is NOTHING - ABSOLUTELY  NOTHING wrong with being RICH or DREAMING OF  BEING  RICH! The issue comes when you start LOVING  MONEY more than you LOVE  GOD. Let's face it! You need money to survive! YOU  NEED  ALOT  OF  MONEY  IF  YOU  WANT  TO  SEE  ALL  YOUR  DREAMS  come through. That's how the RICH  or those who want to be RICH think - ASK  THEM!
Now those who know me well or who are getting to know me will find out that I  DO  NOT  TALK ABOUT  FAILURE  AND  LOSING  VERY  MUCH! I always stay POSITIVE and THINK SUCCESS!

Even when I was locked up by The Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis wrongfully for six months without any trial and denied bail all that time over an alleged Seditious Publication, I was never thinking anything NEGATIVE. Of course I am human, so I got real frustrated at times, but I spent a lot of my time reading success stories. Success stories of how FIDEL  CASTRO took hold of CUBA and many other successfully planned REVOLTS. So I do know a lot more about revolts now. I wonder if the Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis would lock me up for saying that too. OOOOooops!

I read autobiographies of people like Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey. Therefore I am fully aware of what people get for their mouth at times just for speaking out against WRONG. BUT  I  AM  NOT  AFRAID!

I read several of Donald Trump's Books and particularly liked the one THINK  BIG  AND  KICK  ASS! 
Forgive me, I  AM  A  READER  AND  I  CAN'T  STOP  READING! Dr. Garfield Alexander - Can that be a possible PSYCHOLOGICAL  PROBLEM? Is it an addiction? No Charge for the free advertising Sir - I  LONG  TO  SEE  YOU  RISE!

Albert Einstein said, "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got."

If you want to stay to the bottom, continue to act and behave and THINK  LOWLY like everyone else. If you want to RISE  TO THE  TOP, you have to BOLDLY  do things that others are NOT doing. BOLDLY THINK  BIG!

Excuse me please and it's quite OK if you're offended by my next statement. It doesn't bother me one bit! I LOVE  TO  HANG  WITH  EAGLES  AND  NOT  WORMS! Let me break it down and explain. In my books, EAGLES are people who have a dream or dreams and are trying all in their POWER to make those dreams come through. Even if they die and those dreams dont come through, they go down in history for AT  LEAST  TRYING!

Worms on the other hand are people who have NO  DREAM or have a dream and feel like things are so hard and they will never get through with their dream or dreams! Stay FAR from those people. They will suck out all the energy you have, and make you, who may be all excited about your dreams, feel that yours too will NEVER  COME   THROUGH!  RUN  FROM  THEM!

It's not that I don't talk to those people, but HI  AND BYE is good enough for me. If they want some help, they can come an see me on a private basis as a PASTOR or as a PSYCHOLOGIST and I can use the strategies that I learned in training to TRY  AND HELP  AND  EMPOWER THEM.

Note well though. No matter what strategies I learned and use on those type of folks, UNLESS  THEY WANT  IT  FULLY  FROM  WITHIN, I don't think they can change AT  ALL. It's OK  Universities to cancel the white piece of paper that you handed at the end of courses. FORGIVE  ME  FOR  BEING  REAL  AND  FORGIVE ME  FOR  BEING  ME! I have my views about the piece of WHITE  PAPER  that you make us pay so much for. That's another article all by itself though. Guess I'll be hated in every corner of the world now for talking too much. That's Fine! JESUS  WAS  HATED  TOO - for speaking out!

If you are to be AN  INTERNATIONAL  SUCCESS - You have to change your thinking!

What do you call SUCCESS though? If you think that SUCCESS  IS  MONEY, then that is where you are  WRONG!  SUCCESS  ISN'T  MONEY! Do some research on that!


In closing!
I want to open KVK  ENTERPRISES - Printing Franchises in every Caribbean Country and also in Kenya, Ghana and The USA, current homes to rising Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry Branches.

I want to have Dare 2 Be Different International -  Branches in every country around the world with YOUTH  PRESIDENTS.

I want to study Emergency Medicine and major in Orthopedic Surgery.

I want to invent the cure for something.

I want to by my own Private Jet and have my own private pilot to take my wife-to-be and children where ever we want to go when ever we want to go somewhere.

I want to learn to also fly my own plane so I don't have to wait on the Pilot and disturb him or her and my air hostesses all the time.

I want to start my own bank or financial company so I don't have to beg any banker or investor to fund ANY of my future projects.

I want to build a Never Before Seen Mall in the Federation of St. Kitts - Nevis. The local architect that knows about that dream continues to assist me with ideas.

I  have a lot, a lot more plans.

Forgive me! I  ALSO  WANT  TO  BE  THE  PRIME  MINISTER OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS sometime in the FUTURE. I'm actually in NO  RUSH!

These are but a FEW  OF  MY  DREAMS! In reality, I am fully aware that ALL  may never come to pass, but if ONE  OF  TWO  DO - I'll be a BILLIONAIRE!

Note something about  ALL  MY  PLANS  though. I  DREAM  BIG!  NO  SMALL  DREAMS  and this is how I train the youths that I lead too. I  TRAIN  THEM  TO  THINK  BIG!  A few days ago, a little boy, around 6 or 7, walked out his mom's house and walked into my office at Boyds - Our Ministry Base too.  YES  THEY  CAN  DO  THAT - once they're by me, parents don't mind.

This is what he rushed into my office and told me. "Brother Khrystus, I  WANT  TO  BE  THE  PRIME MINISTER  TOO.  I  WANT  TO  GO  TO  JAIL  TOO  JUST  LIKE  YOU." I loved his dream, but I was sad that he thinks that he has to go to JAIL in order to be PRIME  MINISTER. YES - I  TEACH  MY YOUTHS  MY  STORIES. 

My Regular Life. My Past Love Life. My Business. My Politics. The Good and The Bad!

 They can tell you it inside out and tell you things that I never write about. WHY?  WE  SHOULD  PRACTICE  TELLING  children the truth and stop telling them that the SPARROW  BROUGHT  THEM!

If you are to RISE! You must change your thinking! Donald Trump in his book, put it plain and frank and said - "THINK  BIG  AND  KICK  ASS!"

Albert Einstein said, "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got."

The Apostle Paul said in 1st Philippians 4:13, "I  CAN  DO  ALL  THINGS  THROUGH  CHRIST WHICH  STRENGTHENETH  ME!"
I put it plain and simple like this so that you can understand! "CHANGE  YOUR STINKING  THINKING! YOUR  LOW MINDED  THINKING! YOUR  GRUDGING THINKING! THINK  BIG  AND  Then You'll Be A Success Too!'

For Global Motivational Speech Bookings
Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Whatsapp Tel: 1-869-661-0118
Tel: 1-869-765-7270
SKYPE: kvkent

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