Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tashine Henville-Stephens' Warm Yet Exciting Presentation Got The Trinity Community Thinking!

5:30 am

Wednesday, 11th June, 2014

By: Dare 2 Be Different International Media Department

Written by: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

Mrs. Tashine Henville-Stephens

Tashine Henville-Stephens', Warm Yet Exciting Presentation Got The Trinity Community Thinking! (Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary in August 2014 - Tashine!)

I know Tashine very well through my active involvement with Faith Tabernacle Ministries. She is the daughter of Bishop Dr. Joseph Henville and Pastor Carmen Heville, Senior Shepherd of Faith Tabernacle Ministries - Old Road - St. Kitts and its partner ministries.

Times are indeed changing! That is what was running through my mind last night after the session, as I took a walk from The Bronte Welsh Primary School in Boyds - St. Kitts to my home approximately some three minutes away. Mrs. Henville-Stephens' presentation through an OPEN-STYLE discussion on The Family and The Society definitely opened up my mind and I do believe the minds of the other attendees even more, as to OUR  FAST  CHANGING  WORLD.

The Capacity Strengthening Skills Training Sub-Project jointly sponsored/funded by The Caribbean Development Bank, CANADA, Basic Needs Trust Fund and The Department of Social Services and Community Development headed by Ms. Azilla Clarke, continued last evening with yet another astounding and involved presentation.

Mrs. Henville-Stephens introduced herself and got her session going with a very interesting ICE-BREAKER that forced participants to make a CHOICE. At the end, she reminded all that LIFE is usually filled with many choices and although we sometimes like both options, we usually have to end up CHOOSING ONLY ONE. She reminded us all that the CHOICES we make TODAY, can greatly affect our tomorrows!

Unlike the last two presenters, Mrs. Henville-Stephens didn't choose to walk with a bulky projector and flip charts and add ons. That is life! We ALL come in different sizes, colours, shapes and personalities. This is what makes our world so fun and creative.

Think for a moment. What if God waves a magic WAND  TODAY and CHANGES  EVERYTHING!

What if God decided to create all men to look alike and all women to look alike? What if all men and all women had the same shape, colour, size and personality? Wouldn't our world be BORING? No matter how we criticize others, (LIKE  YOU  PROBABLY CRITICIZE  ME  FOR  HAVING  NOTHING  TO  DO  AND  WRITING  SO  MUCH), the fact remains that, DEEP  DOWN  INSIDE, even if we DO  NOT  TALK  TO  SOME  PEOPLE, we appreciate some part of them and the contribution they are making or have made to our lives in the past.


So, without a Power point presentation, Mrs. Henville-Stephens presentation was SUPERB.

To create some type of talk / debate / discussion, Mrs. Stephens distributed a sheet with G.P. Murdock's definition of a family. Here is it below. Do you agree or disagree?

In the words of G. P. Murdock: "The family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It contains adults of both sexes, at least two of who maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults."

This definition immediately sparked much controversy. Some young people in attendance shocked me by their responses. CONTAINS  ADULTS  OF  BOTH  SEXES (that statement was CALLED  DOWN by some of our YOUTH - NEW  AND  INDEPENDENT  THINKERS  I  GUESS). - OUR  WORLD  IS CHANGING  - OR  HAS  CHANGED!

The key statement now was, "Mr. Murdock is being  PARTIAL as he made NO  ROOM  FOR  GAY FAMILIES."

I almost got the diarrhoea! I've been following the changes with regards to LAWS ACCEPTING GAY COUPLES in the USA and GAY PRIESTS  AND  GAY  WEDDINGS. Little did I know that that thinking was so imminent in St. Kitts - Nevis, more so IN  MY  LITTLE  TRINITY  COMMUNITY.

I am one to always RESPECT other people's thinking though, but I  DO  NOT  AGREE  WITH EVERYTHING  EVERYONE  THINKS  OR  SAYS.

Then, the other statement that opened up a whole new world for me, as I was right in the room when it was said. "I don't have a problem with TWO  MEN  RAISING  a child. They sometimes do a better job than a man and a woman. The only problem that I would have is for the child to see a MAN AND A MAN kissing. That child, even though it has two MALE parents should be taught the difference between GENDER - MALE  AND  FEMALE." WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - GLOBAL  PARENTS -  THIS  IS  WHAT  YOUR  CHILDREN  ARE  NOW  THINKING. Are you spending enough time with your child or children to get inside their minds? Or are you just after the BIG  DOLLAR while your child slides down the DRAIN?

To the back of my head, I was in utter amazement. Then of course I started thinking that this would be an issue that would come up under a Blazing Star Movement Administration and may even have to be probably discussed nationally and debated in my parliament as I am just ONE  MAN and my views and BELIEFS ALONE certainly can't stop a LAW  FROM  PASSING if everyone else VOTES  FOR  IT.


I believe that most people saw that  I remained quiet during most of the presentation until, Ms. Jacqueline Christopher said, "Let's have the REVEREND's take on the discussion." I know for sure that Ms. Christopher already knew what my response would be, but  she probably just wanted to get me talking and she knew that I wouldn't be RUDE and decline to comment - so of course I spoke.

I gave a thorough - detailed response based firmly on my Biblical Beliefs. In my response, I also stated that our Caribbean doesn't seem to have God's Word as the ultimate AUTHORITATIVE  MODEL anymore, but we seemed to have MADE  THE  UNITED  STATES  OF  AMERICA -  GOD  AND  ALSO   THE  UNITED  STATES OF  AMERICA  OUR  SUPREMELY  ULTIMATE  ROLE  MODEL. (That is another ESSAY all by itself!)

I wonder if President Barrack Obama would take away my USA VISA and close down my USA Business for stating that? Ohhhhhhhhhh WELL! What ever will be will be!

This was just one part of the interesting talk and current issues that Mrs. Tashine Henville-Stephens used to get us thinking. The discussion was fruitful indeed.  THE  FAMILY  AND  THE  SOCIETY!

Another discussion that sparked much debate, which I won't get into here, was HOW  CELL  PHONES AND   COMPUTERIZED  EQUIPMENT  were taking over the minds of our children for the BETTER  OR FOR  THE  WORSE -  YOUR  THOUGHTS?

In closing, it is evident that we are living in a FAST  CHANGING  SOCIETY!

If we are to RISE  AND  SUCCEED  AND  STAY  SANE  IN  THIS  "INSANE"  WORLD, I personally believe that we MUST  CHOOSE what type of SOCIETY we are apart of.

DEFINITION  OF  SOCIETY: an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic or other purposes.


The following questions should get you thinking throughout the day and even create some talk in your homes, schools, offices and businesses.

1. Do you still eat around the dinner table with your family?

2. Look around in your community. For my St. Kitts - Nevis local audience. Look around in St. Kitts - Nevis. Which PASTOR (MALE or FEMALE) do you think would be the FIRST to get married to the SAME  SEX?  - Can you see any strange tendencies in YOUR  PASTOR?

3. How close do you think a PARLIAMENT debate is to discuss LEGALIZING  SAME  SEX  marriages, in St. Kitts - Nevis, the wider Caribbean and in YOUR  COUNTRY. Why are you surprised? SAME  SEX MARRIAGES are now legal in some parts of the world

4. Do you think that your PASTOR would compromise and marry SAME  SEX  COUPLES?

5. Would you RISE UP - even VIOLENTLY in your country to stop such laws from passing or are you fearful of being incarcerated? Or would you just continue to sit idly by and let GOVERNMENTS do what ever they choose to do with us because they think that we are IDIOTS?

6. Are YOU guilty of INCEST? Are you aware that the INCEST  RATE  is particularly HIGH in our little COUNTRY? Are you a VICTIM? Call the POLICE  TODAY!

7. Is your child constantly exposed to FAMILY  VIOLENCE? Are you always cursing or beating your wife? or husband? or boyfriend? or girl friend? Is your child or children SEEING  ALL  OF  THIS?

8. Are you working EXTRA  hard to keep up and support your children and make sure they have the LATEST  OF  EVERYTHING - Technology, phones, shoes, clothes etc, while all they WANT  IS  JUST YOUR  LOVE,  CARE  AND  ATTENTION  and not your FANCY  GIFTS to SHOW  THEM  OFF TO  THE  WORLD?

I  can go on and on and on and on.


On behalf of KVK ENTERPRISES -, Dare 2 Be Different International -, The Blazing Star Movement and The Trinity Community - St. Kitts, we publicly hand Mrs. Tashine Henville-Stephens her FLOWERS while she is alive and thank her for a JOB  WELL  DONE and for opening up our minds to a FAST  CHANGING  WORLD -  A  FAST  CHANGING  FAMILY  AND  SOCIETY!


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