Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tell Your Daddy - "Don't Give Up!"

15th June, 2014

Ministry Report by: Brother Khrystus Wallace, Dare 2 Be Different International Victory Centre, Senior Shepherd

Happy Father's Day to all dads around the world that read my email blasts and blog entries on the dozens of social media websites that they are posted to.


One of the songs that saw our youth congregation singing out to the top of their voices was - OUR  GOD  REIGNS

Our God reigns, our God reigns.
Our God rei--gns, our God reigns
Our God reigns, our God reigns.
Our God rei--gns, our God reigns

How lovely on the mountains,
Are the feet of Him.
Who brings good news, good news,
Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness

Our God reigns, our God reigns.
Our God rei--gns, our God reigns
Our God reigns, our God reigns.
Our God rei--gns, our God reigns

Sermon Title: Tell Your Daddy - Don't Give Up

Scripture: Philippians 3: 1 - 14


Fathers are very special and important figures in our worldwide societies. Quite recently, I've started to get a new thinking. A fresh thinking. I believe from the depth of my heart, that if we begin to adopt this new mindset towards fathers, we will begin to see a different result.

We all know that if we GIVE  HATE - WE'LL GET  HATE  BACK  IN  RETURN.  IF  WE  GIVE  LOVE, WE  WOULD  GET  LOVE  BACK  IN  RETURN. That is a fact! The problem with most of our global societies is that we have developed a MINDSET that ALL  MEN  ARE  ALIKE.  ALL  MEN  ARE  EVIL.  ALL  MEN  WANT  IS  SEX.  ALL  MEN  WANT IS  MORE  THAN  ONE  WOMAN.


It is because of this mindset, we also feel that men and boys DO  NOT  NEED  LOVE -  CARE  AND ATTENTION  TOO. Therefore, many women carrying their children and raising their children and then train these children to HATE  THEIR  FATHERS when they stay telling them things like -

"You father is a good for nothing!"

"You father don't support you!"

"You father like too much of women!"

What do men therefore give in return? HATE! Then they turn to drinking! Then to drugs! Then to gambling because of the pressure! Some even get mentally ill! Whose fault? SOMETIMES  - THE  WOMEN!

While I do not have any proven research, I believe though, that at times, many of this is caused by WOMEN - not giving their boyfriends or husbands enough LOVE - CARE and ATTENTION and some of them even enjoy playing them with other men and then just stressing them out for money to support their child! (You do not have to agree with me. That's fine! I have the right to my point of view and opinion)

Boys - Men - Fathers need a lot of LOVE - CARE AND ATTENTION too, just like girls and WOMEN! MEN  LIKE  GIFTS  AND  TIME  AND  SURPRISES  AND  I  LOVE  YOUs  TOO.

Therefore, we should from today, begin to also tell our fathers or the men in our lives (both as boys and as girls) that YOU  LOVE  THEM  A LOT!  YOUR  FATHERS  APPRECIATE  THIS!

Let's  listen now to this story of ENDURANCE - of FORTITUDE! Let's see what we can learn from this story so we can encourage our FATHERS - OUR DADS - NOT  TO  GIVE  UP

When the Spanish set out in 1588 with a fleet of ships determined to conquer England, The English were waiting. On the cliffs of England and Wales, MEN watched the seas day and night, waiting for the first sighting of the great Armada.

When at last the great ships appeared on the horizon, beacons were lit on the hillsides, which sent the message over the cliffs and throughout Britain, that the Spanish were coming. The beacons sent the message quicker than any horseman could ever ride, and by morning, LONDON and the Queen knew that the day of reckoning had come. As soon as the ships began to make their way up the channel, the FIGHTING began.

While English soldiers and sailors fought for England's liberty, Queen Elizabeth made her way to Tilbury. She was not going to sit trembling inside a guarded Palace while her people fought, but was going to go to the coast of the battle and "LIVE  OR  DIE" with them. Like a true warrior, Queen Elizabeth upon a WHITE  HORSE, Inspected her soldiers, and made what was possibly her most famous speech of all.

The Queen and her MEN'S   CONFIDENCE  IN  GOD were rewarded. In the English channel, the Spanish were suffering a humiliating defeat. The weather was dreadful, with the wind and rain against them, and they were not able to compete with the superior English ships and WAR  TACTICS. They fled in terror when fire ships were aimed at them. The only way back to Spain was the perilous journey around the coast of Scotland, and many a Spaniards NEVER  saw his home country again.  THE  BATTLE  WAS  OVER!  THE  ENGLISH  HAD  WON!  THE  NATION  REJOICED  AND  REJOICED  AND REJOICED  IN  THE  MEN  THAT  DIDN'T  GIVE  UP!


.Philippians 3:2: Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision

Let us observe here: Paul cautions the church to beware of false teachers, who contaminate and corrupt the doctrine of CHRIST, by joining the works and observances of the LAW with the doctrine of the gospel. He says beware as they TWIST and TRY to justify WRONG  AND  CALL  IT  RIGHT.

Young people - too many of our FATHERS  ARE  CONFUSED! On the outside they have a strong body, with abs and muscle, but a VERY, VERY, VERY  WEAK  MIND!

Why? Many of them have turned away from FOLLOWING  THE  TRUTH  OF  GOD - JESUS CHRIST - THE BIBLE and have listened to too many false teachers who have corrupted their minds.

There is one thing about JESUS! He NEVER gives up on people though! There is HOPE for your daddy, but YOU  MUST  CARRY  OUR  MESSAGE  TODAY  TO  HIM, since he isn't here. When you go home today!


TELL  YOUR  DADDY to come back to GOD and come to CHURCH  WITH  YOU!

TELL  YOUR  DADDY that you understand his pain and he shouldn't GIVE  UP! THERE  IS  HOPE  FOR  HIM  TOO!

Deitrick Haddon said in his song:

God is able to do just what He said He would do,
He's gonna fulfill every promise to you.
Don't give up on GOD, cause he won't give up on you.


POINT  2:  TELL  YOUR  DADDIES  TO DROP  THE  EXTRA  WEIGHT - vs 7 (extra baggage and weight of people and things keeps one back from progressing and rising in life and spiritually)

Philippians 3: 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ

A. Everything that doesn't directly glorify GOD, along with every obstacle that is hindering you from growing your relationship with CHRIST, you have to lay them aside!

So too - IF  YOUR  DADDY  IS  TO  BE  THE  BEST  SOLDIER  OUT  THERE, he too MUST drop off the excess baggage! It keeps us and HIM back and it keeps us and HIM back from MOVING  ONWARD  FORWARD  IN  LIFE and being SUCCESSFUL!

Soldiers only carry people of NECESSITY and things of IMPORTANCE!



When we begin to FORCE  men to be accountable, we will begin to have A  MUCH  BETTER  WORLD!


Paul decided that he was not going to shipwreck of his HOLY  DUTIES and cast them off. He also decided that he wasn't going to let MINISTRY  SUCCESS  GET  TO HIS  HEAD. He preferred to stay HUMBLE  AND  cast off ALL  DEPENDENCE  ON  EARTHLY  THINGS  just to ensure that his relationship and connection with GOD  LASTS!

So too, ALL  OF  OUR  FATHERS - must do like The Apostle Paul. Drop off EVERYTHING  AND  EVERYBODY  who is keeping them back from GROWING  THEIR  RELATIONSHIP  WITH  GOD  AND  THEIR  FAMILY!

TELL  YOUR  DADDY if he is to succeed and rise and see results! There is Dare 2 Be Different International Formula that we have adopted for ALL  MEN  AT  ATTACHED  TO  OUR ORGANIZATION AROUND  THE  WORLD.






5. Humble to God and his girlfriend / wife will humble to him as RESPECT GIVEN ALSO RECEIVES  RESPECT

6. Live exemplary LIVES in front of your children so they can have YOU as you their MAIN  ROLE  MODEL  and want to grow up to be just like you or EVEN  BETTER. They CAN'T  THOUGH - if YOU  ARE  NOT  EXAMPLE  TO  THEM

7.  NOT  GIVE  UP! This spirit of endurance and fortitude will cause them to RISE and also cause their children and wife to CATCH  ON  AND  ALSO  ENDURE  AND  BE  WINNERS  TOGETHER

We held hands and prayed for all fathers of youths of our congregation and all other fathers around our nation and the world before our weekly breakfast.


If you are blessed by our ministry, kindly write to us or book us for preaching or speaking engagements worldwide

Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Dare 2 Be Different International
Boyds Housing Development
Trinity Parish
St. Kitts
West Indies

SKYPE: kvkent

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