Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Lemercius Vyntageous Von Wallace - My Brother



15th June, 2014

Lemercius Vyntageous Von Wallace,
My Brother,
Boyds Housing Development
Trinity Parish,
St. Kitts

Dear Lemerce,

Happy 25th Birthday! It is a MUST that I do something different this year and write you this letter. From the onset, I want you to know that you mean a whole lot to me and I  LOVE  YOU! Growing up, I always appreciated your company as a disgusting little brat! It was a whole lot of fun.

I do remember those days – EVERYDAY. Fighting to be close to mommy while on her bed. Fighting you to stay on your half of the bed and mommy shouting out, “LISTEN – NO LINE OF DEMARCATION  IN  THERE!” I remember the OUBISNITO language and how we had Stas and Stan always fooled and confused. Do you remember?

Caring for our animals together meant a lot to me. That helped to build our relationship even more. The sheep. The rabbits. The guinea pigs. The pigs. The dogs. Mommy’s instrumentality in helping us get these animals really helped us to stay disciplined and stay TOGETHER over the years! Those times meant the world to me.

Seeing you progress and be successful throughout school was the highlight for me! You are special and unique and very bright and distinguished too. Do not compare yourself to me! We are all special and DIFFERENT in God’s sight! You are a very FAST LEARNER and skills based oriented! You are blessed with A LOT OF TALENT and once you apply yourself and become SELF  MOTIVATED – you will turn your talents into MONEY  TOO - a lot of MONEY!

Have you ever stopped to assess yourself? If not, do so from TODAY!

You are a CHILD  OF  GOD! YOU  ARE  INDEPENDENT! You can cook, you can clean, you a SUPERBLY  GREAT at music. Thank you for recording and play the music for all of the songs that I wrote and have for sale online. Thanks for doing it at your studio. D J MERCI -!

You can play the guitar, the piano and other instruments. You can screen print, heat press, do banners and signs and embroider. You can build computers, repair computers, network hotels, build website and so much more. You can do sooooooooooooooo much too! If you never noticed, you have the ABILITY  AND  THE  POWER  TO  DO  WHAT  WE  CALL  IN  BUSINESS - A  RADICAL  TAKEOVER  OF  KVK  ENTERPRISES - That is why I keep you close and happy, because at ANYTIME - you can start an exact DUPLICATE  OF  MY  BUSINESS and cut me out. Even if you do, I would still LOVE  YOU! So please don't let me stop you if you were ever thinking that! GO  FOR  IT! (Well not the TAKE OVER  PART - you can start your own!)


Many people WISH they could HAVE but one of these talents that you have. You have those and so much more! GOD  HAS  BLESSED  YOU  INDEED! I need some electronics fixed today - can you help me out please - I know its your birthday. I like using you because YOU  NEVER  CHARGE  ME - LOL!!!!! LOL!!!

On this your 25th Birthday, I  WANT  YOU  TO  STOP  COMPLAINING  AND  LOOKING  AT  THE  PAST! Change your THINKING and start thinking and speaking MORE  POSITIVE. When ever you are tempted to complain, give God thanks and you will see the difference. That is what I do to stay POSITIVE and GOD  BLESSES  THOSE  EFFORTS  WITH  SUCCESS!

Job could have complained – he lost EVERYTHING! Daniel too! What about Moses? He had some very big tasks too. They all stayed TRUSTING  IN  GOD  AND  ROSE  TO  SUCCESS!

I want to see you on the MOUNTAIN  TOP  TOO! You have the power to get there. In closing, I go by this quote by EINSTEIN. “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” That means that if you keep making $200 every week doing the same thing, you will make $200 for the rest of your life. If you want to make more than $200 you have to do SOMETHING  EXTRA – SOMETHING  MORE – SOMETHING DIFFERENT and ASK  GOD  TO  BLESS   YOUR  EFFORTS.”

To me, you are my best and closest brother! (ooops - I hope STAS AND STAN still talk to me after I wrote this publicly!)

I appreciate that a lot! You mean the world to me and I do not want to ever lose you.

Stay special! Stay unique! Stay blessed! As you are 25, change your ways – start working HARDER and SAVING! SAVE  FOR  YOUR  RETIREMENT  NOW and have FUN  IN LIFE!  EVERYTHING  YOU PUT  YOUR  HANDS  TO – JUST  ASK  GOD  TO  BLESS IT  AND  HAVE  FUN! Nothing in life comes easy. My strategy is to WORK  HARD  AND  ALWAYS  HAVE  FUN  IN  THE  PROCESS  AND  LOVE  AND  TREAT  EVERYONE  WELL!  I believe that strategy would work for you too!

I look forward to seeing you on MOUNTAIN  SUCCESS  TOO! All the best with your D J MERCI Studio and Music Business - . I value your partnership and help at KVK ENTERPRISES - ALWAYS!


Khrystus V. K. Wallace
The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

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