Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Pastor Ronald Taylor Deserves A Special Tribute - CHEERS

3rd June, 2014

By: Brother Khrystus Wallace, The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis

I have a very vivid long term memory. If you sit with me, I can tell  you in sequence, nearly everything that happened in my life since I was three years old. Yes, I am working on a series of autobiographies as I can't tell my life story in one book. After the autobiography, then you'll be able to watch my life story up to my current age 27 on the big screens all around the world. THE  WHOLE  TRUTH! I am currently talking with MOVIE  PRODUCERS and FILM  INVESTORS. (But it'll take some years - The Books first - then the movie)

Pastor Ronald Taylor etched a symbol of love in my mind that I would never ever forget. I doubt he even remembers. This shows to all, that sometimes the little things you do for others mean the world to them.

When my mother, Mrs. Yvette Wallace, M.Ed was experiencing severe marital problems, I was a little boy. Pastor Taylor, I doubt he was even ordained because I remember he was still in Destiny Ministries, passed by our home at Boyds to talk and encourage us. I remember well what he said because his words have forever stuck in my mind until now and I actually wrote them down. Be very careful what you say to me. I am a writer. I am a reporter. But I am still a counselor and psychologist so I actually know what I should and should not report.

Pastor Taylor said, "I just stopped by because I heard about what is going on in your family and I want you to know that God sees and and he will take care and comfort you." He asked us, my mother and younger brother, who were there at the time to HOLD  HANDS and he prayed. His prayer did make me feel on top of the world.It made me feel that I  WOULD  MAKE  IT. Look - I've made it. I believe it did make my mom  and younger brother too. When he left, my mom started crying, I started crying and so did my younger brother."

Tears tend to bring tears.  We asked mom why she was crying and she responded. Somebody actually cares.

I would like to let the world know here, that I am 27 years old and Pastor Ronald Taylor of The Faith Tabernacle Church in Basseterre - St. Kitts is the ONLY  PASTOR  IN  THE  FEDERATION  OF  ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS who I can remember ever stopped by our home to encourage us and pray and I am sure most of the island federation knew what was going on because my parents were public figures - civil servants and active in gospel ministry.

Pastor Taylor, as a young man, not even ordained, faced his fears - came and prayed and didn't join in the gossip. He approached us with what he was hearing, he ENCOURAGED  AND  PRAYED!


My Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry, publicly takes this opportunity to officially ADOPT  THE FAITH  TABERNACLE  CHURCH - BASSETERRE from today and offer any assistance that we may give as long as God provides and allows - Just because Pastor Taylor CARED when I was a little boy.

Do expect to be hearing much more about that ministry around the world through our GLOBAL  INTERNET  MEDIA  SERVICE.

In closing, with no water in my mouth, it does seem that Pastor Ronald Taylor is the ONLY  PASTOR  IN ST. KITTS  AND  NEVIS who seems to believe in  Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Upon my release from Her Majesty's Prison in Basseterre - St. Kitts after being held wrongfully and denied bail for 6 months for alleged Seditious Publication charges  (This month making 7 Months since my release), Pastor Ronald Taylor was the FIRST and ONLY FUNCTIONING  Pastor in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis to come QUICKLY and visit me at Boyds to ENCOURAGE  ME  IN  THE  LORD and give me a SEED so that my Ministry and Business can RISE  AGAIN!

KVK ENTERPRISES - www.kvklives.com is RUNNING AGAIN because Pastor Taylor HELPED in his little way! Now you see why I would NEVER be able to charge his ministry for printing on shirts once they provide the shirts? PASTOR  TAYLOR  HELPED  IN  MY  TIME OF  NEED

7 Months after, I am where I am because Pastor Ronald Taylor HELPED!

On behalf of KVK ENTERPRISES - www.kvklives.com, Dare 2 Be Different International - www.daretobedifferentskn.com and The Blazing Star Movement. I officially hand Pastor Ronald Taylor his FLOWERS while he is alive and tell him that I see him as a FATHER  FIGURE in my life and I have always held him extra close since he came and prayed with my mother when I was but 11 or 12 years old.

As I type, tears fall from my eyes. I am human. I do cry! Could it be that Pastor Ronald Taylor is the only PASTOR in St. Kitts and Nevis that really CARES?

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