Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mr. Jefferson J. E. Wallace Finally Speaks Out About His Son Khrystus' Wrongful Arrests & 6 Month Jail

23rd May, 2015

By: Jefferson . J. E. Wallace,  Retired Class Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, T.V/Radio Broadcaster, Community Educator, National AIDS Coordinator, National Disabled Chairman, National Drug Advisory Council Chairman, CARICOM Drug Education Advisor, Health Educator and Director of Youth and Community Affairs

Brother Khrystus' Father - Mr. Jefferson Wallace

Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, Founder and Leader of The Blazing Star Movement -

Former Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas, Leader of The St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party

Reverend Khrystus Wallace's  Historic Mug Shot on alleged Sedition Charges similar to those brought on Jesus, Paul, Peter, Silas and other great Biblical Characters

On the week of May 27, 2013, The Former Federal Government System of St. Kitts and Nevis, one of the smallest Caribbean Islands in the world, arrested my son Khrystus Veren Khrystopherson Wallace at age 26, splashed his MUG  SHOT all across the media and THE  WORLD  WATCHED.

Many laughed and mocked just as they did to Jesus thousands of years before! Very few expressed any real care and concern.

Today, Khrystus is EXONERATED by THE  COURT – but his MUG  SHOT is still etched in the minds of those who saw it. My question is,  WHO  WILL  UN-MUG  THE  MUG  SHOT? WHO  WILL  RETRIEVE  SO  MUCH  THAT  WAS  STOLEN  FROM HIS  YOUNG  LIFE?

These questions warrant ready answers. Who will step up and begin to answer? There is a fierce URGENCY  OF  NOW. An injustice was meted out to Khrystus Veren Khrystopherson Wallace which bears some EXPLANATION.

Today – this May, close to 2 years, THERE  IS  A  DEATHLY  SILENCE from the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force, the military, the past Prime Minister Dr. Denzil L. Douglas Labour Government Administration as to the REAL  REASON  FOR  KHRYSTUS’ arrest.

If anyone knew Khrystus before May, 2013, he was, for all intents and purposes:

1.      A fierce anti drug advocate
2.      Always against guns and ammunitions
3.      NEVER seditious in his speeches and writings, but just very CREATIVE and HIGHLY  INTELLIGENT

Yet, police came to our home in the wee hours of May 27th 2013, with the LONGEST  AND  LARGEST  GUNS  THE  WORLD  HAS  EVER  MADE, dogs with their teeth BARRED  AND  READY  TO  RIP, and a contingent of unscrupulous personnel ready to TURN  UP  THE  PLACE – AND  TURN  UP  THEY  DID. They said they came for drugs, guns, ammunition and seditious material.

If the CANINE  OPERATION  REGULATIONS before me are right, I would like one police to tell me which law did they follow. If they followed their regulations, I  CANNOT  READ.

But two years after Khrystus was man-handled by the police, and cast into prison, we are still waiting to hear something – anything – something – some SORRY?

NOBODY knows how a mother or father feels when his or her child is targeted by an entire system and CRUSHED to smothering.

NOBODY knows how a mother or father feels when his or her child is locked up by police and taken at GUN  POINT to satisfy any person’s lust for power. ONLY  PARENTS  KNOW!

And so, after 2 years:

-      When total efforts have been made to cripple his KVK ENTERPRISES – business, His Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry –, his Caribbean Auction Site –, His Blazing Star Movement Political Party –

-     When police have taken all his computers and tools of trade and willfully destroyed them under orders just to hurt him and his family

-       When a system has been used to restrain his trade and suffer him and cause him to be UNABLE  TO  MEET  HIS  DEBT  OBLIGATIONS

-      When instructions were given to the DPP and others to ensure that they DENY  HIM  BAIL for 6 months or they lose their jobs

-    When the system had him handling through the stress and public embarrassment of parading him through the streets of Basseterre dozens upon dozens of times in HANDCUFFS like a hardened criminal just to defame him

-       When the police  could find NOTHING in his Computers and cause the COURT to make an order that they be returned.

-       When police panicked because they knew the awful state of the computers

-        When all the blackberries and smart phones taken were irreparable

-        When a system prevented Khrystus from closing INTERNATIONAL  BUSINESS  DEALS that he was right in the middle of closing that would have immediately caused a brilliant SOAR in his business and employ over 300 residents of St. Kitts and Nevis

-         When the system stripped his community of all his ongoing efforts of love and help and support for the YOUTH  THAT  HE  HAS  LOVED  OVER  THE  YEARS and

-          When the system infringed his CONSTITUTIONAL  RIGHTS

After two years, WHO  WILL  RESPOND?

The police said that their main case was SEDITION. They said that my son Khrystus Wallace was powerful enough, ALL  BY  HIMSELF  TO  ORCHESTRATE  AND  OVERTHROW  A  GOVERNMENT? Wow – he was one powerful 26 year old youth at that time. I am more than honored!

I understand that The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis brought forensic personal from TEXAS – USA to scrutinize all of Khrystus’ desktop computers, laptops, external hard drives, pen drives.  THEY  EMBARRASSINGLY  FOUND  NOTHING on which they could use to prosecute him. They went through ALL  HIS  PERSONAL  - PRIVATE  BUSINESS  FOR  NOTHING!

All of this was a total waste of STATE’S  ASSETS and THE  POLICE  LOST  IN  COURT!

My son Khrystus’ pain remains.  He smiles and serves and helps still, BUT  THE  PAIN  REMAINS.

The memories of all the nasty things written about him on social media and said about him by those he thought were his friends lingers on, but he SMILES  STILL.

Khrystus waits!

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice EVERYWHERE.

This is but HALF  THE  STORY. If this is only half told, imagine – what else is there?

Read About Khrystus' Arrests and Cases By Clicking Links Below:

Brother Khrystus Beats Crown In Court - D.P.P Files Nolle Prosequi - Confesses Police Don't Have Enough Evidence To Prosecute. Will He Be Paid Millions? -

EC$21,585,000: Brother Khrystus Makes Claims Against SKN Government For His Wrongful Arrest And Hurt -

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