Monday, May 25, 2015

Reverend Khrystus To Prime Minister Timothy Harris: SKN POLICE Should Let The World Know When People Are Exonerated

25th May, 2015

Dr. Timothy Harris,
Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis,
Government Headquarters,
Church Street,
St. Kitts

Dear Sir,

On behalf of The Blazing Star Movement -, the political party that I humbly founded on 1st March, 2013, I would like to extend sincerest congratulations to you for trying your utmost best to deliver on many of your Team Unity Campaign promises.

Our political party believes in giving your new government TIME before we come public with any harsh criticisms. Kindly note though, we are watching and taking note and WE  WILL  NOT  BE SILENT  AND  EASY when we begin to speak. WE  ARE  WATCHING  AND  TAKING  NOTE!

Thank you for removing Value Added Tax from food quite quickly after your election as promised. I am most grateful especially for my Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry's Feeding Program - A  BIG  THANK  YOU SIR. We feed DOZENS of children and youth after every one of our events and services for FREE and you have helped tremendously in that regard.

As you are fully aware, I was arrested on Monday, 27th May, 2013 under the Former Prime Minister Dr. Denzil L. Douglas St. Kitts - Nevis Labour Party Administration on Sedition Charges and radically thrown in Her Majesty's Prison at Basseterre, St. Kitts for some six (6) months while people laughed and rejoiced and talked and tarnished my name over and over and over again since many DIDN'T  KNOW  THE  TRUTH. I remained there all that time since my bail was ordered to be denied or folks lose their jobs.

When that happened, the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force was overly happy to publish my MUGSHOT all over the media and newspapers and BOAST  AND  REJOICE that they caught and handcuffed Reverend Khrystus V. K. Wallace and locked me up for doing something wrong.

They rejoiced and much of the St. Kitts and Nevis society laughed and rejoiced too and had MUCH TO  SAY!

Approximately two years after, the Learned Magistrate Mallelieu, while sitting at The Sir. Lee L. Moore Judicial Complex in the capital humbly said, "MR. WALLACE  YOU  ARE  FREE  TO  GO! The D.P.P said that they do not have enough evidence to prosecute you."

Prime Minister Harris, I had already spent SIX (6) whole months in JAIL. SIX  MONTHS! My mugshot was already global and impossible to retract for such a LETHAL  MISTAKE! As I walk the street daily, I'm still referred to as the boy or the preacher who went JAIL as many don't read my blogs or get my emails. PEOPLE  STILL  DO  NOT  KNOW  THAT  I  AM  EXONERATED  AND THE  ROYAL  ST. CHRISTOPHER  AND  NEVIS  POLICE  FORCE  WAS  TERRIBLY WRONG!


I certainly DO  NOT  WANT  ANYONE  TO  LOSE  THEIR  JOB  BECAUSE  I  STILL  CARE AND  I  HAVE   FORGIVEN! People have their families to feed and I never want to see anyone OUT  OF  BREAD!

Reverend Khrystus Wallace's  Historic Mug Shot on alleged Sedition Charges similar to those brought on Jesus, Paul, Peter, Silas and other great Biblical Characters

I would have thought that with the same speed that the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force rejoiced that they had LOCKED  ME  UP -  THEY  HAD  LOCKED  UP  REVEREND  KHRYSTUS  VEREN  KHRYSTOPHERSON  WALLACE, they should have also REJOICED  when  THEY  LOST IN  COURT and let their Public Relation Officer send it out to the media to clear my name.

They didn't, so every day, I will creatively continue to CLEAR  MY  NAME  GLOBALLY  MYSELF until I have etched it in the minds of the over 6 Billion People that live on planet earth that KHRYSTUS  WALLACE  HAS  BEEN  EXONERATED!

I speak as the voice of many other remands who have been wrongfully incarcerated and then just SET FREE  AFTER  A  COURT  HEARING  IN  ST. KITTS - NEVIS  because the POLICE  DID  NOT HAVE  ENOUGH  EVIDENCE. This arrest now and try to find evidence later MUST  STOP FORTHWITH. This will not encourage TOURISTS to come and visit St. Kitts and Nevis.

I want to inform all such REMANDS who had their cases dropped just like that to know that the Constitution of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis says THAT  YOU  CAN  BE COMPENSATED  FOR  THE  HURT AND  WRONGFUL  IMPRISONMENT and you must visit a good lawyer as soon as possible. This may be your GOD  SENT  BLESSING to get some money in your pocket. YES - The State can be sued when it is wrong. Do not be fooled!

I  SPENT  SIX  WHOLE  MONTHS  IN  JAIL Prime Minister Timothy Harris and it is sad that I have to use my MARKETING SKILLS  AND  LET  THE  WORLD  KNOW that I have been EXONERATED - FREED  FROM CHARGES  AGAINST  THE  STATE  MYSELF.

What if I I wasn't a freelance journalist and have marketing skills? Should I also print 1000 t-shirts with my picture and give away to let the country know that I was EXONERATED? Interestingly enough, I run KVK ENTERPRISES - which is a printing company, so I can print t-shirts, hats, banners, signs, brochures, flyers etc etc just to LET  THE  NATION  AND  THE  WORLD  KNOW  THAT  THE  POLICE  LOST  IN  COURT.

Should I? I'll sleep on it!

The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force has already damaged my reputation globally and REFUSE  TO  SAY  SORRY  AND  EVEN  ISSUE  A  PRESS  RELEASE  TO   SAY  THAT  I HAVE  BEEN  EXONERATED.



Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace
Founder and Leader
The Blazing Star Movement

Whatsapp: 1-869-661-0118 or 1-869-765-7270

Read About Khrystus' Arrests and Cases By Clicking Links Below:

Brother Khrystus Beats Crown In Court - D.P.P Files Nolle Prosequi - Confesses Police Don't Have Enough Evidence To Prosecute. Will He Be Paid Millions? -

EC$21,585,000: Brother Khrystus Makes Claims Against SKN Government For His Wrongful Arrest And Hurt -

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