Monday, May 18, 2015

Saddlers High Principal Adina Richards: We Do Not Throw Our Students Out Of Classes - We Give Them A Chance

18th May, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International - since June 2008

Saddlers Secondary High Principal Ms. Adina Richards

The giant of a lady that must be publicly and globally commended for doing a more than awesome job as Principal of The Saddlers Secondary School, the newest High School in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is Ms. Adina Richards.

I was more than honoured to meet Ms. Richards while covering Mr. Daryl Lloyd's Edgar T. Morris Grade 6 Motivational Symposium last week in Tabernacle. It was here, Ms. Richards who I consider a fearless giant of a lady, got the opportunity to market her High School as the receiving Principal of the soon to graduate Edgar T. Morris Class of 2015. She got the public opportunity to dialogue with grade 6 students and parents and the Tabernacle community and clear up any misconceptions about her institution.

I have a degree in Business Administration with a focus on Sales and Marketing and I wondered if Ms. Adina Richards does too. She was more than REMARKABLE. At the podium, she sounded like former APPLE  CEO Steve Jobs launching one of his new products when he was alive.

I wonder if Ms. Richards would like a part time job traveling the world and marketing my business KVK ENTERPRISES - or ministry - Dare 2 Be Different International - as we prepare to open franchises and ministry branches globally in the not too distant future.

SHE  WAS  THAT  GOOD! I have that much CONFIDENCE  IN  HER after just one presentation. After, I actually asked her when I could come to enroll to attend 1st Form and high school all over again at the Saddlers Secondary School. She just chuckled a bit at Crazy Khrystus.

Anyway, let's not get carried away. Let's RE-FOCUS!

What spurred me to write this global article you're probably asking? I heard Principal Adina Richards make two newsworthy comments that I think that the entire Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, the wider Caribbean and world should hear. Those statements touched me deep as I have always been a youth advocate and global children and youth activist.

It's such a pity that our renowned local, regional and international MEDIA  HOUSES enjoy giving so much publicity to the small batch of individuals causing HAVOC around the world and many times fail to head into the communities and cover and publicize the grass roots people like Ms. Richards and many others who are doing so much good to help make a better tomorrow. SMH. . . .now you see why people don't like me?

Principal Richards told her audience that NO  ONE  GETS  THROWN  OUT  OF  CLASSES. She boasted of the love and compassion at her High School and the fact that they believe in GIVING PEOPLE  A  CHANCE.

This Giant Princess heading the school also told her listening audience of a new and creative teaching strategy that has been working well at Saddlers Secondary. It is called The Mixed Ability Classes. There is actually no A1 and A2 and A3, but ALL classes are MIXED  ABILITY which allows EACH  ONE TO  TEACH  ONE  AND  HELP  ONE  ANOTHER.

I sat in awe. I am most grateful for the work that Principal Richards and Staff are doing at Saddlers High. You see, honestly, I do not support all of this COMPETITION among students in classes that many schools are promoting. I personally think that it is doing more harm than good and also demoralizing some students and scaring them away from learning and wanting to participate in anything. Many times it's not participation. As a trained and certified general psychologist, I think it is subtle organized BULLYING and it is demoralizing and that is something that needs to be addressed in the New Education Team Unity White Paper that is up for review - MOST  URGENTLY! That's just my personal opinion. 


Principal Adina Richards did not take her seat without boasting that last year, students from her school for the first time sat CXC Exams and did well. She proudly announced for those of us who didn't know, like me, that the 2nd Best Results in the Federation came from The Saddlers Secondary School indeed proving that the ANGELIC  TEACHERS at that school are indeed WORKING  STUDENT  MIRACLES thousands of years after Jesus resurrected!

Peace Out! Keep up the good work Principal Richards! You have dared to be different and my ministry and global youth organization Dare 2 Be Different International - stands in FULL  SUPPORT  OF  THE  WORK  THAT  YOU  AND YOUR  STAFF  ARE  DOING.  Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Saddlers Secondary High Principal Ms. Adina Richards

Saddlers Secondary High Principal Ms. Adina Richards

Edgar T. Morris Primary Grade 6 Divine Dancers

Edgar T. Morris Primary Grade 6 Divine Dancers

Edgar T. Morris Primary Grade 6 Divine Dancers

Edgar T. Morris Primary Grade 6 Divine Dancers

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