Saturday, May 30, 2015

NEW Rambury Site - Nevis Community Group President Nicolla Fraser Is Ready To Serve

30th May, 2015

By: Brother Khrystus V. K. Wallace, President of Dare 2 Be Different International (St. Kitts - Nevis) since June, 2008

President Nicolla Fraser


In this international literary and marketing piece, I'm going to introduce you to one of my now very close Nevisian friends in the person of 23 year old Nicolla Fraser.

I met Nicolla while covering the Bronte Welsh Primary School Literary Day Activities 2015 with my Dare 2 Be Different International Ministry's Media Department. That event was held under the patronage of Deputy Prime Minister of The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, The Honourable Shawn K. Richards. I could remember it just like yesterday. IT   WAS  AWESOME!

It was at that event, while taking multiple pictures to promote the school, that I took a photo with Princess Nicolla and from that day, she never let me forget that I took that photo. That's the POWER OF  SOCIAL  MEDIA  AND  WHATSAPP - you can never hide. I now have to create a set of rules that govern who I take photos with when I'm on a MARKETING  MISSION. LOL.

Rambury Site - Nevis' Nicolla and Trinity - St. Kitts' Brother Khrystus

When Nicolla contacted me and we started talking, I had to conclude that here was one of the Federation's most intelligent YOUTH  ASSETS not being publicly recognized. I vowed that I would certainly make some time to talk with her further and chip in and help her in her doings in some little or big way AND  ALSO  LET  THE  WORLD  KNOW  THAT  THIS  NEVISIAN  GEM  EXISTS, - hence this global article.

From the moment Nicolla lost her mom, she gave birth to a FRESH  VIGOUR  AND DETERMINATION that she would NEVER  GIVE  UP  AND  CERTAINLY  MAKE  HERSELF AND  MOTHER in heaven extra proud by EXCELLING  IN  LIFE and then serving and giving back to the Nevis society that helped to raise her.

As we spoke, I could see that Princess Nicolla loved her mom  a lot. As she explained her upbringing and all of the hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard, hard work that her mom did to support the entire family - ALONE as most mothers do now-a-days, my heart instantly connected with her and I could understand just how she felt.

As a young teacher by profession, Princess Nicolla went a step further, joined with a group of St. Pauls - Nevis Community youth and formed S.P.A.C.E - St. Paul's Area Competitive Eagles which is a sports club aimed at promoting community camraderie and building a FRESH 21st Century Youth Energy.

On Monday, 11th May, 2015, the group officially held elections and the following persons were elected to serve.

Nicolla .F was elected President 

Clecia. W was elected Vice President

Kimoy.C was elected Secretary

Ressa .L was elected Ass Secretary

Saneldo. W was elected Treasurer

Garrick. H was elected Ass Treasurer

As president, Princess Nicolla is already leading the way in ensuring that a proper CONSTITUTION to govern the group will pre-amble its growth. The draft constitution was emailed to our Dare 2 Be Different International Media House for review and the aims of the group immediately jumped out.

The aims and objectives of SPACE - St. Paul's Area Competitive Eagles Club will be:

·         To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in Sports for constituents of St. Pauls

·         To promote the sporting development in the community

·         To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club

·         To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone

·         To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment

What else am I honestly left to say about marvelous Nicolla and her new Nevis Community Group? I am practically amazed and overwhelmed all at once. Here again is another energetic set of ambitious youths who have come together to make a POSITIVE  IMPACT in The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis and stare clear away from crime and violence. This always AMAZES me.

Then, in closing, I am extremely happy to see that this NEW St. Paul's - Nevis Community Group saw that my friend, the zealous, enthusiastic, startling, extraordinary, remarkable, magnificent Princess Nicolla Fraser was PRESIDENT  MATERIAL and honoured her by giving her the first historic opportunity to SERVE as PRESIDENT.

All my TRUE friends and supporters know that I always have their back just as they always have mine, so Princess Nicolla, never worry, you have the support of Trinity - St. Kitts' Brother Khrystus.

I'LL  BE  THERE  FOR  YOU! (sweeteye)

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