Friday, May 23, 2014

Brother Clive Saunders - Can You Bring Home # 5 For The Blazing Star Movement?

23rd May, 2014

Brother Clive Saunders,
Servant of God,
Cleverly Hill,
Sandy Point,
St. Kitts

Dear Brother Clive,

Do you think that you can give The Hon. Shawn Richards a whipping of his lifetime and bring home Constituency Number 5 for The Blazing Star Movement?

Don't Answer! YES  YOU  CAN!

I definitely know that you a bursting with ideas and energy and you just need to be placed in the proper setting so that many of them can become reality. If you read the pages of history - ancient history, many historians would tell you that LEADERSHIP  WAS  ALWAYS  SPIRITUAL.

It is because many PAGANS were so afraid of the SPIRITUAL  AND  SUCH  POWERFUL LEADERSHIP that they started passing laws to separate church and state. Don't worry Sir, I'm properly advised by Lawyer Butler -  and yes you'll be able to be a candidate once you follow our strategy.

Thanks in advance for accepting and in faith, you will soon be Hon Clive Saunders, Representative for Number 5.

Brother Khrystus Veren Khrystopherson Wallace
The Next Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis
under a Blazing Star Movement Administration soon


SKYPE: kvkent

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